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"Well, whatever you meant to happen, I did think about it… a lot." She took a deep breath and continued "Billy, I know we'd have to be careful about all the stuff you said about being with each other, and being with other people — just like I know that whatever happens between us isn't something that we can keep doing for the rest of our lives or anything. I love you, Billy, but like a brother that I know loves me, and that I can trust not to do anything to hurt me, and to be there when I need you, and to make me happy and help me feel good — not just about the sex stuff we do together, but everything else, too. If we start making love with each other, I know it'll just be more of what we've already done: something that makes both of us happy and lets us learn about this stuff with someone we love and trust. I think it's okay because we aren't grown and mature enough to be making big lifetime kinds of decisions yet; the only reason this is right for us now is because we are as young as we are and not ready to go out and be on our own yet. We're old enough to appreciate that we're learning things we need to know from each other, but still young enough that all this can be is just one small part of us becoming adults. When we were younger, it was the right time for us to learn how boys and girls are different; now it's the right time for us to learn how to make the best of those differences before we go on to find the people that we want to spend the rest of our lives with. I know that, Billy, just as much as you do. All I want is to be able to learn this part with someone I know I can trust: you."

I could only lay there in silence as she went on "Billy, you had some real good reasons why a brother and sister together might not be a good idea. But I thought of some things myself why it could be a good thing."

"Such as?", I wanted to know.

"Such as maybe if a sister and brother can make love with each other, then neither one of them would feel like they have to do stuff they might not want to with someone else. Maybe if they can make love with each other, then they can learn how to make love better — and make their husband or wife that much happier when they get married. Like maybe if a brother and sister are okay with making love, then they can take care of their needs and desires with each other, instead of getting a bad reputation by doing them with other people. A brother and sister can help each other, so that whichever one of them might have a problem, they can figure out how to take care of it, instead of just going around and feeling bad about it. Don't those sound like good things to you, Billy?"

I admitted that they did, and she just looked at me for several seconds before tenderly saying "Billy, I know you wouldn't have wanted us to start making love like this. It wasn't MY first choice, either. But it was as easy as I hoped it would be, and you were as patient as I could have asked; the thing that I was most worried about was that you'd just… push yourself into me before I was ready, once I was over you. I know you thought I was Charlene, but you still waited and let me only go as fast as I was comfortable with, and now I'm so happy to feel you inside me. I don't think you're happy about how it happened, and I can understand that — I just hope you can forget how we got here, and remember how much you love me so you can make me feel as good as I believe you can."

Knowing that I'd failed her and hearing what she had to say prodded me in ways that I wasn't used to

— not by a long shot. Yeah, I was a little pissed about how she'd contrived to get me to deflower her But there was no denying that she'd done what she had only because I'd stupidly left her feeling like there wasn't any other way for her to get it to happen. I also reminded myself that she'd told me the things she'd thought about, and the results she'd gotten… and how close those results were to what I'd settled on. Without making a big deal out of it (perhaps because of the presence of Charlene, who I couldn't blame any of the situation on), she'd also obliquely let me know how much responsibility I deserved for what had happened, and worse still, how much I'd hurt her in the process. I was left feeling like a complete jackass until I finally remembered the last things she'd told me: that she still loved me enough to want to share herself with me, and that she loved and trusted me enough to make the rest of the experience as good for her as I could. I silently resolved to do just that before I sincerely and apologetically told her "I'm sorry, Eve. Not just for letting you down, and making you think that this was the only way I'd be with you, but for making you think my mind was already made up and that I wasn't ready and willing to talk with you about it. I love you — more than I could ever even begin to tell you. Even though I was an idiot and a jerk, you still want us to be able to make love… and that's what I want, too. If you'll let me, I want to show you how very much you mean to me."

I could see the happiness and delight on Evas face as her eyes filled with tears; somehow, she managed to blink them back before saying "You don't have to apologize to me, Billy. I know you didn't do it on purpose. What's important now is that we got it straightened out. And yes, I want more than anything for you to make love with me, and show me your love."

I heard some sniffling next to me, and knew without looking that Charlene was starting to cry. Only a moment later, she softly told Eva and me "I'll go now, so you can have some privacy…"

Sis quickly spoke up then, telling her "No, you don't have to go, Charlene — not after you and I have talked the way we have, and you were so much help. I know you wouldn't do anything to, um, interrupt or get in the way, so I don't think either one of us would mind if you stayed."

I turned my head to look at Charlene (as expected, she had tears streaming down her face) and told her

"It's okay with me if you want to stay."

She nodded her head, then moved off the bed to take station in Evas chair.

When I looked at Sis again, all I could do was open my arms in invitation to her. Smiling, she moved to lay on top of me, while keeping my semi-erect penis in her intimate embrace.

With her laying on top of me like that, it was easy enough for me to get my mouth next to her ear and softly tell her "I really am sorry, Sis. If I could change it, I'd do it in a heartbeat — the LAST thing I ever want to do is hurt you, or make you think I don't care. I love you too much for that."

Just as quietly, Eva answered "I know all of that, Billy. I'm sorry, too, that I didn't think to just come out and ASK you to talk to me. Maybe yours was a little bit bigger, but both of us made mistakes about this. But we still love each other, and we're together now — and that's what's important."

After that, she raised up a little bit, and I happily lifted my head so I could give her a soft, loving kiss.

When our lips had parted afterwards, I looked into her eyes as I told her "I love you, Eva."

She graced me with a pleased smile before answering "And I love you, too, Billy."

After raising herself a little more, Sis looked down at me and said "Whenever you want to help me learn what it's like to be a woman, I'm ready."

"I'd be delighted to — except I'm not quite in, uh, shape to do much, right now."

Realizing that my cock had lost most of its size and hardness while we'd talked, Eva told me "I think I can help…"

She could, too. In the process of shifting her weight around slightly, her vagina began rubbing against my semi-erect penis enough to get it started growing again; in addition, her movements caused her sheath to twitch and clench around me, stimulating me even more. It didn't take long for Eva to realize that her efforts were having the desired effect, prompting her to redouble her efforts. In return, I started doing my part by moving my hands to her breasts so I could begin caressing and gently squeezing them between sessions of teasing her puckered areolas and protruding nipples.