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A full minute passed, and after several false starts, Charlene slowly moved her hands to the waistband of the plain white cotton panties she had on and eased her thumbs under the waistband. Many more seconds went by before she began to gradually ease them down ever so slowly. It was easy to see the conflicting emotions on her face as the tops of her panties slowly moved lower and lower on her body, eventually reaching the point where the top of her dark black pubic thatch began to be revealed. When tops had reached the point that they were just above the beginning of her added bulge, she must have found a reservoir of courage, because she suddenly bent over and pushed them all the way down to her ankles and stepped out of them. Once she stood up again, it was easy to see what had caused it: what could only be described as a male penis.

Seeing it sticking out that way while there were a pair of perfectly lovely breasts showing farther up was something of a shock to me, at first. But once I got past that, it didn't seem like all that much of a big deal. I was watching and listening for what Eva's reaction would be, and watched her check it out for a few seconds before looking into Charlenes face and saying "Yeah, it looks like a penis, all right.

But it's not even a couple of inches, and not very big around… no, it's not going to bother me."

Charlene's relief was as obvious as it could be as she said "I'm so glad to hear that! I was so afraid that once you saw it, you'd freak out or something."

Eva laughed briefly, and told her "No, I wouldn't freak out. Our folks have been real good about making sure that Billy and I learn and understand that there's more going on out in the world than just what happens around here, so we have open minds about stuff. Dad tells us that an open mind can hold things that a closed one can't make room for. So, yeah, you being a hermaphrodite is definitely something new that I've never thought about before, but as far as I — or even Billy, probably — are concerned, it's just something different, not bad or weird or anything. If you're okay with showing me, I guess it wouldn't bother you too much if I had some questions? Like I said, this is new and different for me…"

Charlene didn't hesitate in the slightest to answer "No, I don't mind. Actually, it would be kind of a relief for me to be able to explain it to someone. Um… I, uh, I won't have any problem if you want to look… you know, closer… if, um, it would be okay if I, um, looked at you. I… I've never had the chance to see what a regular girl looks like — you know, there…"

"Shucks, I don't mind. After all the gym classes I've had, having another girl looking at me between my legs isn't any big deal. You want to look first?", Eva asked, smiling.

"No, you first. I just want to see, which won't take long. You're going to see and have a bunch of questions and everything, so let's get that part out of the way."

To my and Sis' surprise (and my delight), Charlene calmly turned and sat down on the edge of Sis' bed before pulling her legs up and spreading them — giving Sis and me a clear and unobstructed view between her thighs. Just as Sis had said, Charlene also had a vagina; I didn't have any trouble not only making out where it was, but that the inner lips she had weren't all that different from Eva's (or any of her friends that I'd seen). It took only a few moments for Sis to take a seat on the floor (where she wasn't blocking my view, thankfully) and lean forward.

With both of them fairly low like that, they were in a good position for me to hear what they had to say and I got quite an education for nearly an hour. I learned that it wasn't all that rare for babies to have some degree of hermaphroditism, that Charlene's penis sometimes got harder but never fully erect, that she had periods like any other girl, and she most certainly experienced the same physical desires, among other things. As part of the Q amp;A, Charlene wasn't the least bit reluctant about reaching between her thighs and manipulating things to clarify or emphasize the things she was saying; she even went so far as to tell Eva that it was okay if she wanted to touch and move things. After a little initial trepidation, Sis did take advantage of the opportunity she was being given.

When they were done, Eva readily matched the position Charlene had been in — giving me the best view I'd ever gotten (at least, since she started puberty) of the area between her thighs. Eva had opted to sit on the "near" side of Charlene, so I didn't have any trouble making out the cleft of her sex amid the dark blond curls of her pubic area. At the top, the hood over her clitoris was barely visible; her labia were thin and the area between them appeared to already be glistening faintly. It took only a few moments for Charlene to get herself seated on the floor between Sis' feet. Again, their positions ensured that I had a good view of what was happening as Charlene initially contented herself with simply leaning forward and just looking at Sis. After just a couple of minutes, I heard Eva tell Charlene "Go ahead and touch me, if you want to — it's only fair."

With that, Charlene slowly moved her hand between Sis' legs… and after a brief hesitation, made contact with Eva's mons. The sight as Charlene's slender fingers tenderly probed and manipulated Eva's womanhood soon had me sporting what I was sure was the biggest and hardest erection I'd ever had; it was only a couple of seconds effort to free it from my pants and underwear and begin stroking myself as I kept my eyes locked on the sight before me. Charlene whispered something I couldn't hear to Sis and got a nod in reply; it was when I saw the ends of her fingers gently ease toward Evas opening that I couldn't hold back any longer, and sprayed the wall of my closet with what felt like quarts of my cum.

Even as that was happening, however, I had my eye glued to my viewport into Evas room, and was able to see that even though Charlene barely had the first digit of a single finger through the portal to Evas sex, it was enough to have Sis' breasts visibly hard and tight, and her nipples erect — as well as thoroughly anointing the invading digit with her female essence.

It wasn't just Eva that was feeling the effects of Charlene's manipulations: it was plain as could be (even from where I sat) that Charlenes breasts were tight and sporting hard and erect nipples, too. With her sitting at an angle to me, I couldn't see what was going on with her extra appendage, but the fact that Sis made several lengthy looks that direction suggested pretty strongly to me that something was happening with it.

Still, as Charlene had said, it didn't take her anywhere near as long to learn what she wanted to know about normal female genitalia as it had for Eva to learn about hers; it couldn't have taken as long as fifteen minutes before Charlene slowly withdrew her hand from between Evas thighs and sat back again. When she did, the two of them simply sat there looking into each others eyes and faces…

Charlene sitting on her feet on the floor while Sis remained on her bed, legs spread wide and revealing the glistening opening between her thighs. It was when Charlene finally stood up a minute later that I saw that the small penis protruding from the dark wedge of her pubic hair had changed. Though it hadn't gotten noticeably longer or thicker, there was no denying that it had gotten stiffer and was protruding nearly horizontally from her pelvis instead of pointing at the floor as it had been before.