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When it was clear that I was finished, the lips clenched me a little tighter and milked my shrinking penis of the last few drops of my juices as it pulled off of me.

After I'd gotten my breath and senses back, I raised my head to look down to where Charlene and Eva were sitting; even after looking at both of them closely, I couldn't tell which one of them had taken the first shot, and which had finished me — both were sitting there with cat-that-ate-the-canary grins on their faces as they looked at each other. Only when I moved to sit up did their attention shift from each other to me.

Both were looking rather pleased with themselves when I told them "Thank you — both of you. That was even better than what you did the first time."

I got a self-satisfied smile (and small blush) from each before Eva told me "I'm glad you liked it. It wasn't like what I thought it'd be at all. It was actually kinda fun, and it made me so excited, knowing that I was able to make you feel that good just using my mouth. And I really like the taste of your juice!"

After a moment, Charlene told me "I really liked doing that, too" — I knew she was telling the truth, since her penis was again standing at attention — "I wasn't real wild about tasting your stuff before, but somehow it's different when I get it straight from you… I actually kinda like it, even."

After that, the next several minutes were spent with the two of them comparing what they thought about what they'd done. A few questions were directed toward me, but my opinion of things was simply that I'd enjoyed the hell out of the experience, so there wasn't much for me to add to what they were telling each other. Listening to them talk, however, did leave me feeling both surprised (that they both concluded that it was a perfectly reasonable thing to do with a guy) and pleased (that they'd enjoyed it and were quite willing to do it again "sometime").

Their conversation had mostly tapered off when Eva turned toward me and asked "Billy, do you… do you want to learn about girls now?"

"Yeah, I'd like that — a lot. Especially with you two!", I assured her, and earning myself a pair of very pleased smiles.

"Which one of us do you want to start with?", Charlene asked.

I looked at her, and apologetically answered "I think Eve, if it's okay."

Charlene didn't bat an eye as she told me "Sure, that's fine. I mean, she is your sister…"

I looked into Charlene's eyes and sincerely told her "Yeah — and that's the only reason", so she'd know it wasn't because of anything else.

When I returned my attention to Eva, I saw that she was watching me closely and that she seemed to be sitting differently. It took a few moments for me to realize that she wasn't just tolerating having me looking at her and touching her body, but actually looking forward to it. The very first thing I just had to do, of course, was raise my hands and put them over her breasts. I think both of us released a soft gasp at that first contact, and as I began gently and carefully examining those most obvious signs of her femininity, Eva closed her eyes and pressed herself against my hands.

I was delighted with the feel of her mounds; they were somehow both firm and soft when I cautiously squeezed them, as well as smooth and warm under my touch. The peaks of her mammaries were already tight and crinkled, but when I started examining them with my fingertips, I was surprised and delighted to learn that they could get even tighter, and that her nipples could stick out more than I'd ever seen them before. I happily spent several minutes acting pretty much as you'd expect any adolescent boy would with his first pair of real, live breasts in his hands. But as nice as Sis' tits were to touch and hold, their dark pink summits were something I just had to get my mouth on.

As soon as I had Evas nipple between my lips, she released a gasp that was followed by a soft moan as I began to nurse at the pink peak of her breast. It was only a matter of a few seconds before I could feel her nipple getting longer and the areola grow harder as I laved them with my tongue. When I shifted my attentions to the other half of her bust, she raised her hands so she could put her fingers in my hair and hold my head in place — as if there was any danger I was going to stop any time soon!

I'd taken the few minutes necessary to bring both of Sis' nipples to full extension and was thinking of easing her onto her back so I could move my investigations even lower on her body when I got an idea.

I was still reluctant to release the hard rubbery nipple of her left breast from between my lips, but did it anyway so that I could raise up and move my attention to Charlene; it had occurred to me that I could alternate between them, rather than do all of my exploring with just one of them at a time.

Charlene initially looked a bit uncertain, and something told me to lean forward and give her a gentle kiss on the lips. Nothing overtly sexual or too affectionate, just a brief touch of my lips to hers to let her know that I cared and wasn't going to hurt her. She accepted the kiss, and when I pulled my head back, I could easily see that it had done just what I meant it to: let her know that I liked her, and that everything would be okay.

When I raised my hands again, I paused for a moment and looked into Charlene's face; she gave me a smile and brief nod, letting me know that she was willing for me to continue. Just as I'd done with Eva, my first contact with Charlene's bust was to simply hold her mounds in my hands. To my surprise, they somehow felt different than Eva's breasts — still both soft and firm at the same time, warm in my hands and smooth under my fingertips, but different none the less. I was more than happy to try and both qualify and quantify the difference as Charlene pressed herself into my hands with her eyes closed. Her longer nipples and darker areolas still fascinated me, though, and I soon gave in to the desire to really investigate them the way I wanted to. Even more so than the larger mass of her breasts, the peaks of Charlenes breasts differed from Evas and I spent several minutes fascinated as I toyed with them before finally giving in to the desire to see if they tasted different, too.

They didn't, really, but I was still glad to discover that they had a completely different texture and density than Evas, and cheerfully devoted myself to sucking and licking her areolas and nipples as she, too, softly moaned her pleasure at (and appreciation of) my efforts.

When I finally released the hard cylinder of Charlene's right nipple from my mouth and raised my head again, a slight motion at the corner of my eye caught my attention. When I turned to see what it was, I learned that Sis had already moved to lay on her back; the movement had apparently been a result of her moving one of her legs so that they were even more separated.

After surprising Charlene with another brief kiss, I started to move to where Eva was stretched out. As I did, she unhesitatingly lifted her knees and spread them before shifting her feet apart, too — leaving her fully exposed to my gaze.

As I moved to position myself in front of Sis, I saw that her nipples weren't much (if any) less erect than they'd been when I left them. When I lowered myself to the bed so that my head was close to her pelvis, I was greeting with the part of the aroma I'd noticed before: the unique scent of aroused female.

As I was getting my first close and intimate (!) look at the particulars of a grown woman, I was also comparing the scent that I found so alluring to what I'd detected earlier. It wasn't difficult to recognize Evas contribution, and that left me with some idea of what awaited me with Charlene; but until then, I had the opportunity to familiarize myself with my first-ever real, live female pussy.