Collected Stories, Auchincloss, 302 Collected Stories, Cheever, 305 Collected Stories, 0'Hara, 314 Collected Stories, Trevor, 320 Collected Stories, Welty, 322 Come and Go, Beckett, 282 Coming of Age in Samoa, Mead, 312
The Communist Manifesto, Marx
and Engels, 188-89 Complete Collected Stories,
Pritchett, 316 Complete Short Stories of Ernest
Hemingway, 270 Complete Stories, 0'Connor, 314 The Confessions, Saint Augustine, 49-50
Confessions, Rousseau, 132, 133 Confessions of a Mask, Mishima,
294, 295 Confucius, 8-10, 327 Conrad, Joseph, 214, 229-32, 246, 351
view of Henry James, 218 Cortizar, Jъlio, 296 Cousin Bette, Balzac, 157 Cowley, Malcolm, introduction to
The Portable Faulkner, 269 The Critique of the Schoolfor
Wives, Dorante, 111 Crito, Plato, 25 "Crossing Brooklyn Ferry,"
Whitman, 198 The Crucible, Miller, 313 Crusade in Europe, Eisenhower, 6
The Custom of the Country, Wharton, 235
A Dance to the Music of Time,
Powell, 315 Dante Alighieri, 69-71, 115, 214,
332-33 The Divine Comedy, 69-71 Daodejing, 30-31 Darwin, Charles, 166-69, 342~43 David Copperfield, Dickens, 176 Davies, Robertson, 306 Dead Souls, Gogol, 170-71 Death and the Kings Horsemen,
Soyinka, 319 Death Comes for the Archbishop,
Cather, 305 Death of a Salesman, Miller, 313 Death in Venice, Mann, 247 Declaration of Independence, 31 The Defense, Nabokov, 271, 275 Defoe, Daniel, 120-22, 337 Democracy in America,
Tocqueville, 162-64 Democratic Vistas, Whitman, 195 De Rerum Natura, Lucretius, 41-42 Descartes, Renй, 105-6, 336 The DeviVs Disciple, Shaw, 229 Devotions, Donne, 95, 97 Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief
World Systems, Galileo, 102 Diamond Sutra, 58 "Diary of a Madman," Lu Hsьn, 250
Dickens, Charles, 175-77, x94> 344 Dickinson, Emily, 206-8, 347 Diop, 298
Discourse on the Arts and
Sciences, Rousseau, 132-33 Discourse on Method, Descartes,
Discourses on Livy, Machiavelli, 78-79
The Divine Comedy, Dante, 69-71, 88, 144
Doctorow, E.L., 306
Doctor Zhivago, Pasternak, 314
Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge. See
Carroll, Lewis Dodsworth, Lewis, 311 A DolVs House, Ibsen, 205 Don Juan, Moliиre, 111 Donne, John, 94-97, 193, 284, 335 Don Quixote, 87-90, 190 Dorante, The Critique of the
School for Wives, 111 Dostoyevsky, Feodor
Mikhailovich, 191, 200-202,
346-47 view of Gogol, 170 The Double Helix, Watson, 321 The Dream of the Red Chamber,
Ts'ao Hsьeh-ch'in, 99, 129-31 Dreamtigers, Borges, 274 Dreiser, Theodore, 306 Duino Elegies, Rilke, 316 Dust and Ashes, Rybakov, 317 The Dynasts, Hardy, 214
Ecce Homo, Nietzsche, 222 Edgerton, Clement, tr., Chin P'ing Mei, 99
The Education of Henry Adams,
Adams, 212-14 The Ego and the Id, Freud, 227 Einstein, Albert, 306 Eisenhower, Dwight D., Crusade
in Europe, 6 Elegies, Donne, 97 Eliot, George, 155, 192-95, 215, 346
Eliot, T.S., 264-66, 283, 284, 355-56 essay on Dante, 70 view of William Blake, 146 Ellison, Ralph, 306 Elmer Gantry, Lewis, 311 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 158-59, 165, 191, 196, 207, 341-42 view of Poe, 172
Emily Dickinson, Wolff, 207 Eminent Victorians, Strachey, 320 Emma, Austen, 154 Endgame, Beckett, 281 The End of the Tether, Conrad, 232
Enemy of the People, Ibsen, 206 Engels, Friedrich, 188, 345 The English Teacher, Narayan, 280 English Traits, Emerson, 159 An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, Hume, 126-27 Epic of Gilgamesh, 3-5 Essay Concerning Human
Understanding, Locke, 116, 135
Essays, Hume, 126 Essays, Montaigne, 85-87 Ethan Frome, Wharton, 235 Ethics, Aristotle, 28 Eugйnie Grandet, Balzac, 156 Eumenides (Furies), Aeschylus, 12
Euripedes, 15-16, 327-28 77ie Eustace Diamonds, 179 Evans, Mary Ann. See Eliot, George
Everlasting Gospel, Blake, 147 Excellent Women, Pym, 316 77ie Executioners Song, Mailer, 312
Fathers and Sons, Turgenev, 187 Faulkner, William, 201, 268-69,
296, 356 Faust, Goethe, 143-44 Fear, Rybakov, 317 Ferry, David, tr., Epic 0/
Gilgamesh, 5 Fielding, Henry, 135, 194, 338 "Fifty Grand," Hemingway, 270 Firdausi, 59-61, 332 77ie Fire Nexf Time, Baldwin, 302 77ie Firsf Circle, Solzhenitsyn, 291