King Lear, Shakespeare, 94 Kokoro, Soseki, 239-40 The Koran, 53-55, 331-32 Kubla Khan, Coleridge, 151 Kuhn, Thomas, 292-94, 359
Labyrinths, Borges, 274 Lady Chatterleys Lover,
Lawrence, 258 "Lament for Ignacio Sanchez
Mejias," Garcia Lorca, 307 Lanier, Sidney, view of Whitman, 197
Larkin, Philip, 310-11 The Last Chronicle of Barset,
Trollope, 179 Last Poems and Plays, Yeats, 236 Lau Shaw, 310
Lawrence, D.H., 146, 221, 246, 257-60, 354-55 view of George Eliot, 194 The Learned Ladies, Moliиre, 111
Leaves of Grass, Whitman, 196 LeCarrй, John, 311 Letters, Lawrence, 257 Letters Concerning the English
Nation, Voltaire, 125 Letters ofYorick to Eliza, Sterne, 134
Leviathan, Hobbes, 103-4 Lйvi-Strauss, Claude, 311 Lewis, Sinclair, 155, 311 Life, a Users Manual, Perec, 314 The Life of Samuel Johnson,
Boswell, 136-38 Light in August, Faulkner, 269 Little Dorrit, Dickens, 177 Locke, John, 115-17, 135, 337 Lodge, David, 311 Logic, Mill, 165 Lolita, Nabokov, 275 Long Day's Journey Into Night,
0'Neill, 263 Longinus, on Herodotus, 18 Lord of the Flies, Golding, 307 The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien, 320 Lotus Sutra, 58 The Loved One, Waugh, 321 Lowell, James Russell, view of
Poe, 172 Lucky Jim, Amis, 302 Lucretius, 40-42, 330 Lu Hsьn, 249-50, 353-54 Luo Kuan-chung, 71-74, 333 The Lyre of Orpheus, Davies, 306 Lyrical Ballads, Coleridge and
Wordsworth, 148, 151 Lysistrata, Aristophanes, 23
Macbeth, Shakespeare, 94 MacCarthy, Desmond, view of
Hardy, 215-16 McCarthy, Mary, 312 McCullers, Carson, 312 Macaulay, Thomas Babington view of Don Quixote, 90 view of Thucydides, 18
Machiavelli, Niccolo, 78-80, 104, 334
Madame Bovary, Flaubert,
198-200 Madison, James, 139 The Magician ofLublin, Singer, 319
The Magic Mountain, Mann, 125,
245-47, 291 Mahabharata, Vyasa, 32, 33, 34-36, 51, 72 Narayan abridged version of, 280
Mailer, Norman, 311-12 Main Street, Lewis, 155 Major Barbara, Shaw, 229 77ie Makioka Sisters, Tanizaki, 261 Malay Archipelago, Wallace, 168 Malone Dies, Beckett, 282 Malraux, Andrй, 312 Mann, Thomas, 135, 144 ,201,
245-47, 353 Mans Fate, Malraux, 312 Mansfield Park, Austen, 154 Tfoe Mansion, Faulkner, 269 Man and Superman, Shaw, 229 Mandelbaum, Allen, tr., Divine
Comedy, 71 Tfoe Mfln Without Qualities, Musil, 313
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
44-45, 331 Mario and the Magician, Mann, 247
Marriage of Heaven and Hell,
Blake, 147 Marx, Karl, 163, 187-89, 221, 345 77ie Master Builder, Ibsen, 205, 206
77ie Master of Go, Kawabata, 271 Tfoe Master and the Margarita,
Bulgakov, 304 77ie Mayor of Casterbridge,
Hardy, 215 Mead, Margaret, 312-13
77нЈ Meaning of Relativity,
Einstein, 306 Measure for Measure, Shakespeare, 94 Medea, Euripides, 16 Meditations, Marcus Aurelius, 44-45
T/ie Mediterranean and the
Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II, Braudel, 303 Meghadьta, Kгlidгsa, 51 Melchior, Claus, Joyce edition, 253
Melville, Herman, 189-92, 214, 345-46
Memoirsfrom the House of the
Dead, Dostoyevsky, 201 Mencius, 28-31, 329 Mencken, H.L., view of Ibsen, 204 "Mending Wall," Frost, 245 Meno, Plato, 25 Men of Mathematics, Bell, 111, 112
77нЈ Merchant ofVenice,
Shakespeare, 94 77нЈ Metamorphosis, Kafka, 257 "Michael," Wordsworth, 149 Micromegas, Voltaire, 125 Middlemarch, George Eliot, 195 Mill, John Stuart, 126, 164-65,
217, 222, 342 Miller, Arthur, 313 Miller, Barbara Stoler, tr.,
Bhagavad Gita, 37 77нЈ Mill on the Floss, George
Eliot, 194 Milton, John, 95, 107-9, 33^ "The Ministers BlackVeil,"
Hawthorne, 161 77нЈ Ministry of Fear, Greene, 308 77ie Misanthrope, 110, 111 77ie Miser, Moliиre, 111 Mishima Yukio, 294-95, 359 Moby Dick, Melville, 121, 190-91 Moliиre, 109-11, 336
Moll Flanders, Defoe, 121 Molloy, Beckett, 282 Montage of a Dream Deferred,
Hughes, 309 Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de,
85-87, 105, 112, 334 Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres,
Adams, 213 More, Paul Elmer, view of Henry
Adams, 213 Morley, Christopher, 221 Morris, Richard B., ed., Basic Documents in American History, 139 Morrison, Toni, 313 Mother Courage, Brecht, 303 Mourning Becomes Electra,
0'Neill, 263 "Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown,"
Woolf, 253 Mr. Scarborough's Family,
Trollope, 178 Mrs. Dalloway, Woolf, 254 Muhammad, 52-55 Muniford, Lewis, on Gullivefs
Traveis, 123 Murasaki, Shikibu (Lady
Murasaki), 64-66, 332 "The Murders in the Rue
Morgue," Poe, 172 Murdoch, нris, 313 Musil, Robert, 313 My Antonia, Cather, 305 My Life and Hard Times, Thurber, 320
"My Old Man," Hemingway, 270 Myra Breckenridge, Vidal, 321 The Mystery of Edwin Drood,