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Dickens, 177 The Myth of Sisyphus, Camus, 286

Nabokov, Vladimir, 98, 274-76,

273, 357 view of Dead Souls, 170-71 The Naked and the Dead, 312

Naomi, Tanizaki, 261 Narayan, R.K., 278-80, 358 The Narrou) Road to the Deep

North, Basho, 119-20 Native Son, Wright, 323 Natsume Soseki, 238-40, 260, 352 Nature, Emerson, 159 77ie Negro Speaks ofRivers,

Hughes, 309 Neu; Introductory Lectures on

Psychoanalysis, 227 Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 146, 201, 220-22, 246, 350 view of Mill, 222 The Nigger of the Narcissus,

Conrad, 231 Nineteen Eighty-Four, Orwell,

277-78 No Exif, Sartre, 318 "A Noiseless Patient Spider,"

Whitman, 198 Nostromo, Conrad, 231

0'Connor, Flannery, 313-14 "Ode: Intimations of Immortality,"

Wordsworth, 149 "Ode to Duty," Wordsworth, 149 Odyssey, Homer, 5, 6, 7-8, 32, 33, 44> 252

Oedipus at Colonus, Sophocles, 13, 14

Oedipus Rex, Sophocles, 13-14 OfMice and Men, Steinbeck, 319 O/ f/ie Nature of Things,

Lucretius, 41-42 0'Hara, John, 314 77ie Old Man and the Sea,

Hemingway, 270 77ie Old Regime and the French

Revolution, Tocqueville, 162 Omar Khayyam, 66-69, 332 Omeros, Walcott, 321 One Daн/ in н/ie Lz/e 0/ Ivan Denisovich, Solzhenitsyn, 290

One Hundred Years of Solitude,

Garcia Marquez, 296-97 0'Neill, Eugene, 192-93, 262-64, 355

"On the Beach at Calais,"

Wordsworth, 149 On Liberty, Mill, 165 On the Road, Kerouac, 310 Oresteia, Aeschylus, 12 Origin of the Species, Darwin, 169 Orlando, Woolf, 254 Ortega y Gasset, Josй, 314 Orwell, George, 276, 357-58 Othello, Shakespeare, 94 Other Voices, Other Rooms,

Capote, 305 "Our Mutual Friend," Dickens, 176

Our Town, Wilder, 322 "Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking," Whitman, 198 "The Overcoat," Gogol, 170

Fale Fire, Nabokov, 275, 276 Paradise Lost, Milton, 88, 107, 109 Pascal, Blaise, 111-13, 33^-37 A Passage to нndia, Forster, 247-49

"Passage to нndia," Whitman, 198 Pasternak, Boris, 314 Peer Gynt, Ibsen, 205 Pensйes, Pascal, 112-13 Perec, Georges, 314 Pиre Goriot, Balzac, 156-57 Personae, Pound, 315 Persuasion, Austen, 154 Phaedo, Plato, 26 Philosophical Dictionary, Voltaire,


Pickwick Papers, Dickens, 177 Pilgrim's Progress, Bunyan, 70, 114-15

The Pillow Book, Sei Shхnagon,

61-63 Pinter, Harold, 314-15

Pirsig, Robert, 315 The Plague, Camus, 286, 287, 291 The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch, Hui-neng, 57-58 Plato, 24-26, 159, 205, 329 The Plum in the Garden Vase,

97-99 Pnin, Nabokov, 275 Poe, Edgar Allan, 152, 171-73, 343

Poetical Sketches, Blake, 147 Poetics, Aristotle, 27 Politics, Aristotle, 28 Poquelin, Jean-Baptiste. See Moliиre

The Portable Faulkner, Cowley,

ed., 269 The Portable Nietzsche, 222 Portnoy's Complaint, Roth, 317 A Portrait of the Artist as a Young

Man, Joyce, 252 The Portrait of a Lady, Henry

James, 220 Pound, Ezra, 315 Powell, Anthony, 315 Pragmatism, William James, 207 Pramoedya, Ananta Toer, 315-16 "Prayer of Columbus," Whitman, 198

Preface to Milton, Blake, 147 Prelude, Wordsworth, 149 Pride and Prejudice, Austen, 154 The Prince, Machiavelli, 78-80 Principia Mathematica, Newton, 102

The Principies of Psychology,

William James, 216-17 Pritchett, V.S., 316 Prophetic Books, Blake, 146 Protagoras, Plato, 25 "Proud Music of the Storm,"

Whitman, 198 Proust, Mareei, 135, 240-43, 352-53

Provincial Letters, Pascal, 112-13

The Psychopathology of Everyday

Life, Freud, 227 "The Purloined Letter," Poe, 172 Pushkin, Aleksander Sergeyevich, 171

Pygmalion, Shaw, 229 Pym, Barbara, 316 Pynchon, Thomas, 316

Queen Victoria, Strachey, 320 A Question of Upbringing, Powell, 315

The Quiet American, 308

Rabbit at Rest, Updike, 321 Rabbit Redux, Updike, 321 Rabbit Run, Updike, 321 Rabelais, Franзois, 80-82, 134, 334 Ragtime, Doctorow, 306 77ie Rainbow, Lawrence, 258 fнflise High the Roof Beam,

Carpenter, Salinger, 318 Ramayana, Valmiki, 31-34, 35,


Narayan abridged version of, 280

"Rappaccini's Daughter,"

Hawthorne, 161 77ie fнflu; «nб ffoe Cooked:

Introduction to the Science of Mythology, Levi-Strauss, 311 77ie fнййeZ, Camus, 286, 287 Tĥe KeĥeZ Angels, Davies, 306 77ie Recognitions, Gaddis, 307 Records of the Grand Historian,

Luo Kuan-chung, 72 77ie Rector of Justin, Auchincloss, 302