Further reading: One of the finest criticai works (but it requires close attention) on the major American writers of the mid-nine- teenth century is F.O. Matthiessens American Renaissance. The major emphasis is on Hawthorne, Thoreau (80), Melville (83), and Whitman (85), with good material also on Poe (75); it may be con- sulted in connection with ali of these writers. Two excellent short treatments: Mark Van Doren's Nathaniel Hawthorne: A Criticai Biography; Randall Stewart's Nathaniel Hawthorne: A Biography. See also: Henry James's pioneering study, Hawthorne (1879); Hyatt H. Waggoner, Hawthorne: A Criticai Study; J.R. Mellow, Nathaniel Hawthorne and His Times; Arlin Turner, Nathaniel Hawthorne: A Biography.
Alexis de Tocqueville—The best edition of Democracy in America is that edited by Phillips Bradley. Vintage has it in two volumes, Anchor in one. Mentor offers an abridged edition.
Further reading: A good standard biography is J.P. Mayers Alexis de Tocqueville: A Biographical Essay in Political Science. Recommended: a careful reading of Phillips Bradley's long and thoughtful introduction to his monumental two-volume edition of Democracy in America. See also: G. W. Pierson, Tocqueville in America, abridged by Dudley C. Lunt; J.P. Mayer, Alexis de Tocqueville: Journey to America.
71. John Stuart Mill—On Liberty: Bobbs-Merrill, Norton. Oxford has Three Essays (On Liberty, Representative Government, Subjection of Women). Columbia U. Press and Riverside publish the Autobiography.
Further reading: Maurice Cranston,/.S. Mill; Michael St. John Packe, The Life of John Stuart Mill, the fullest account; E.R. August,John Stuart Mill; J. Plamenatz, The English Utilitarians.
73. Charles Darwin—On the Origin of Species (Harvard U. Press, Penguin); The Descent of Man (Princeton U. Press, Penguin); Charles Darwin's Beagle Diary, ed. R.D. Keynes (Cambridge U. Press); Journal of Researches. . . during the Voyage of H.M.S.
Beagle. . . [more commonly known by its short title, The Voyage of the Beagle] (John Murray); The Autobiography of Charles Darwin, ed. Nora Barlow (Collins). Cambridge University Press publishes the Complete Correspondence and the Scientific Journals in multi- ple volumes, edited by Frederick Burkhardt.
Further reading: Gertrude Himmelfarb, Darwin and the Darwinian Revolution; Janet Browne, Charles Darwin: A Biography (2 vols); Adrian Desmond and James Moore, Darwin: The Life of a Tormented Evolutionist; John Bowlby, Charles Darwin: A New Life; Peter J. Bowler, Charles Darwin: The Man and His Influence. On Darwinian evolution, see Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker.
Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol—Dead Souls, tr. B. G. Guerney (Holt, Rinehart), may be hard to find. Other good versions are issued by Norton, Airmont, Signet, and Penguin. Signet has Diary of a Madman and Other Stories; Norton offers The Overcoat and Other Tales of Good and Evil; University of Chicago Press issues The Complete Tales of Nikolai Gogol in two volumes.
Further reading: As you read Gogol, Turgenev (81), Tolstoy (88), Dostoyevsky (87), and Chekhov (101), you may find useful Mark Slonim's Outline of Russian Literature. Fuller treatments of Gogoclass="underline" Vladimir Nabokov's somewhat eccentric but interesting Nikolai Gogol; J. Lavrin, Gogol; V. Erlich, Gogol; Jesse Zeldin, Nicolai Gogol's Quest for Beauty: An Exploration into His Works; V. Setchkarev, Gogoclass="underline" His Life and Works; D. Magarshack, Gogoclass="underline" A Life.
Edgar Allen Poe—Vintage (Giant) has Complete Tales and Poems. Other convenient editions: Meridian, Signet, Everyman. Viking issues a good Portable Poe. The Library of America has a volume of Poetry and Tales, and one of Essays and Reviews.
Further reading: The standard authority is Arthur H. Quinn's Edgar Allan Poe: A Criticai Biography. See also Joseph Wood Krutch's excellent Edgar Allan Poe: A Study in Genius; Edward Wagenknecht, Edgar Allan Poe: The Man Behind the Legend; Constance Pope-Hennessy, Edgar Allan Poe, 180Q-184Q: A Criticai Biography; Perry Miller, The Raven and the Whale; William L. Howarth, ed., Twentieth Century Interpretations of Poes Tales; Roger Asselineau, Edgar Allan Poe.
William Makepeace Thackeray—Vanity Fair is available generally. Good editions: Modern Library, Oxford U. Press, Penguin, Riverside. Penguin has a good Henry Esmond. His English Humourists of the Eighteenth Century (Dutton) contains interesting assessments of some of his predecessors.
Further reading: The standard life is Gordon N. Ray's Thackeray: The Uses of Adversity (1811-1846) and Thackeray: The Age of
Wisdom (1847-1863). A good one-volume biography: Ann Monsarrat, An Uneasy Victorian. A fine criticai study is Geoffrey Tillotson, Thackeray the Novelist. See also John Careys Thackeray: Prodigal Genius.
Charles Dickens—Ali of the major novйis are available in mul- tiple paperback editions. Oxford offers a handsome complete set of Dickens's novйis in hardcover.
Further reading: The comprehensive biography is Edgar Johnson, Charles Dickens: His Tragedy and Triumph. The Dickens literature is formidable. Here are some interesting treatments: F.R. and Q.D. Leavis, Dickens the Novelist; Humphry House, The Dickens World; Angus Wilson, The World of Charles Dickens; Edmund Wilson's pathbreaking essay "Dickens: The Two Scrooges" in The Wound and the Bow; J. Hillis Miller, Charles Dickens: The World of His Novйis; G.K Chesterton, Charles Dickens: A Criticai Study, a brilliant study; George Orwell, "Dickens" in Dickens, Dali т■ Others.
Anthony Trollope—Virtually ali of the novйis are available in Penguin; also most from Oxford U. Press, Everyman, and Ayer.
Further reading: Victoria Glendenning, Anthony Trollope; Robert H. Soper, The Chronicler of Barsetshire: A Life of Anthony Trollope; N. John Hall, Trollope: A Biography. Old but still interesting is Elizabeth Bowen's Anthony Trollope: A New Judgement. See also James R. Kincaid, The Novйis of Anthony Trollope.
The Brontк Sisters—Among the many available editions of Emily's Wuthering Heights note especially: Riverside, ed. V.S. Pritchett; Penguin, ed. David Daiches. Penguin publishes a large paperback that also contains Charlotte's Jane Eyre and Anne's The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Separate editions of Jane Eyre are widely available.