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Virgнnia Woolf—Ali four recommended titles as well as The Common Reader, First Series are in Harvest. Several volumes of the Essays and the Letters are published by Harcourt.

Further reading: Quentin Bell, Virgнnia Woolf (2 vols.) is the fullest biography. See also P. Rose, Woman of Letters: A Life of Virgнnia Woolf and Hermione Lee, Virgнnia Woolf. There is a large and increasing corpus of literature about Virgнnia Woolf and the Bloomsbury group of which she was the center. In connection with the latter, see Michael Holroyd's life of Lytton Strachey (2 vols.); Leon Edel, Bloomsbury: A House ofLions.

Franz Kafka—Modern Library and Vintage offer The Castle; Schocken has a "definitive edition" with commentary by Thomas Mann. Vintage has The Trial; Schocken publishes a "definitive edi­tion" with Kafka s own drawings. Schocken also has the Complete Stories.

Further reading: The Kafka literature is approaching industrial proportions. For biographies, see Max Brod, Franz Kafka: A Biography; Ronald Hayman, Kafka: A Biography; Ernst Pawel, The Nightmare of Reason, a remarkable book. Criticai studies: Erich Heller, Franz Kafka; Heinz Politzer, Franz Kafka: Parable and Paradox; Ronald D. Gray, ed., Kafka: A Collection of Criticai Essays; Angel Flores, ed., The Kafka Problem.

D.H. Lawrence—Sons and Lovers and Women in Love are in Penguin, as are The Rainbowy Complete Poems, and Complete Short Stories (3 vols.). The once shocking Lady Chatterly's Lover: Grove, Signet, Bantam. Viking publishes the Portable D.H. Lawrence, ed. Diana Trilling.

Further reading: D.H. Lawrence: A Composite Biography, ed. Edward Nehis; H.T. Moore, The Intelligent Heart; Keith Sagar, The

Life ofD. H. Lawrence; George J. Becker, D.H. Lawrence; Richard Aidington, Portrait of a Genius, But. . . ; John Worthen, D.H. Lawrence. Vol. I: The Early Years; and an illuminating study of Lawrence's wife: Janet Byrne, A Genius for Living: The Life of Frieda Lawrence. Criticai studies: F.R. Leavis, D.H. Lawrence, Novelist; Aldous Huxley, Collected Essays; Graham Hough, The Dark Sun: D.H. Lawrence: A Centenary Celebration, ed. Peter Balbert and P.L. Marcus. Lawrence's Letters have been edited by both Aldous Huxley and (in two volumes) by H.T. Moore. See also Frieda Lawrence, Not I But the Wind and Other Autobiographical Writings, ed. Rosemary Jackson.

Tanizaki Junichiro—Edward Seidensticker has had a virtual monopoly on Tanizaki translations; The Makioka Sisters, Some Prefer Nettles, and several others (ali Knopf).

Further reading: Donald Keene, Dawn to the West: Japanese Literature of the Modern Era (2 vols.); Ken K. Ito, Visions of Desire: Tanizaki's Fictional Worlds; Van C. Gessel, Three Modern Novelists: Soseki, Tanizaki, Kawabata; Gwenn Boardman Peterson, The Moon in the Water: Understanding Tanizaki, Kawabata, and Mishima; also two autobiographical/critical works by Tanizaki him­self, Childhood Years and In Praise of Shadows.

Eugene 0'NeillVintage has Three Plays (Mourning Becomes Electra, Desire Under the Elms, Strange Interlude); Vintage has The Iceman Cometh; and Yale University Press has Long Day's Journey into Night. For other 0'Neill plays, see Six Short Plays of Eugene 0'Neill (Vintage); Seven Plays of the Sea (Vintage); Anna Christie (bound with The Emperor Jones and The Hairy Ape [Vintage]); Touch of the Poet (Yale U. Press); More Stately Mansions (Yale U. Press). The Library of America has the Complete Plays (3 vols.).

Further reading: The standard biography is Arthur and Barbara Gelb, 0'Neill. See also Barrett H. Clark, Eugene 0'Neilclass="underline" The Man and His Plays rev. ed.; Doris Alexander, The Tempering of Eugene 0'Neill; F.I. Carpenter, Eugene 0'Neill.

T.S. Eliot—Harcourt issues hardbound volumes of the Collected Poems and Collected Plays. Some useful paperbacks: The Waste Land and Other Poems (Harcourt); Four Quartets (Harvest); The Sacred Wood (Methuen). Harvest also has Eliot's plays in separate volumes.

Further reading: A good biography is Peter Ackroyd's T.S. Eliot: A Life. See also: F.O. Matthiessen, The Achievement ofT.S. Eliot; George Williamson, A Readers Guide to T.S. Eliot; Hugh Kenner, The Invisible Poet: T. S. Eliot; Helen Gardner, The Art of T.S. Eliot; essay on Eliot in Edmund Wilson's Axel's Castle; Elizabeth Drew, T.S. Eliot: The Design of His Poetry; E. Martin

Browne, The Making of T.S. Eliot's Plays. A good essay collection is Allen Tate, ed., T.S. Eliot: The Man and His Work. A sympa- thetic interpretation of Eliot as conservative is Russell Kirk's excel- lent Eliot and His Age.

Aldous Huxley—Perennial Library (HarperCollins) issues Brave New World separately and also bound with Brave New World Revisited. The same imprint also at one time published many of Huxley's other novйis, such as After Many a Summer Dies the Swan, Antic Hay, Crome Yellow, Point Counter Point, Eyeless in Gaza, as well as Great Short Works. Consult your bookseller or library for collections of his essays.

Further reading: For the formidable Huxley family, see Ronald W. Clark, The Huxleys. Biographies: Sybille Bedford, Aldous Huxley: A Biography, (2 vols.); Jocelyn Brooke, Aldous Huxley. A good academic study: Robert S. Baker, The Dark Historie Pages: Social Satire and Historicism in the Novйis of Aldous Huxley, 1921-1939.