Albert Camus—The Plague is in Modern Library and Vintage; The Stranger in Vintage. Other Camus titles of interest: The Fali, The Rebel, Exile and the Kingdom (ali Vintage); and The First Man, the manuscript of which was in Camus's car when he died, now newly published by Random House.
Further reading: Herbert Lottman, Albert Camus: A Biography, Germaine Brйe, Camus; Philip Thody, Albert Camus 1913-1960; Adele King, Camus; P.H. Rhein, Albert Camus; R. Quilliot, The Sea and Prisons; Patrick McCarthy, Camus: A Criticai Study of His Life and Work; Oliver Todd, Albert Camus: A Life.
Saul Bellow—Adventures of Augie March: Avon. Herzog: Avon, Penguin. Humboldfs Gift: Avon. Portable Saul Bellow: Penguin. More Die of Heartbreak: Morrow (hardbound).
Further reading: J.J. Clayton, Saul Bellow: In Defense of Man; Malcolm Bradbury, Saul Bellow; Earl Rovit, Saul Bellow; Earl Rovit, ed., Saul Bellow: A Collection of Criticai Essays.
Aleksander Isayevich Solzhenitsyn—The First Circle (Bantam); Cвncer Ward (Bantam, Dell); GulagArchipelago (3 vols., Harper & Row); One Day in the Life oflvan Denisovich (Signet).
Further reading: Hans Bjхrkgren, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: A Biography, tr. Kaa Eneberg; John B. Dunlop et al., Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: Criticai Essays and Documentary Materials; Gyхrgi Lukбcs, Solzhenitsyn, tr. William D. Graf; Abraham Rothberg, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: The Major Novйis; Michael Scammell, Solzhenitsyn; Solzhenitsyn: A Pictorial Autobiography; D. Burg and G. Feifer, Solzhenitsyn.
Thomas Kuhn—The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (U. Chicago Press).
Further reading: Howard Margolis, Paradigms and Barriers: How Habits of Mind Govern Scientific Belief; Barry Barnes, Thomas Kuhn and Social Science; Paul Harwich, ed., World Changes: Thomas Kuhn and the Nature of Science; Paul Hoyningan-Huene, Reconstructing Scientific Revolutions: Thomas S. Kuhn's Philosophy of Science.
Mishima Yukio—The Temple of the Golden Pavilion, tr. Ivan Morris; The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea and The Sea of Fertility, tr. John Nathan; Confessions of a Mask, tr. Meredith Weatherby; ali published by Knopf, with various paperback reprints.
Further reading: Henry Scott-Stokes, The Life and Death of Yukio Mishima; John Nathan, Mishima: A Biography; Henry Miller, Reflections on the Death of Mishima; Marguerite Yourcenar, Mishima: A Vision of the Void; Gwenn Boardman Peterson, The Moon in the Water: Understanding Tanizaki, Kawabata, and Mishima.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez—One Hundred Years of Solitude is in Avon. HarperCollins offers three volumes of his short stories: Innocent Indira and Other Stories; Leaf Storm and Other Stories; No One Writes to the Colonel and Other Stories. An interesting recent novel is Love in the Time of Cholera (Knopf).
Further reading: G.H. McMurray, Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Chinua Achebe—Things Fali Apart from Doubleday and Heinemann; A Man of the People, No Longer at Ease, and Hopes and Impediments: Selected Essays ali from Doubleday.
Further reading: Catherine L. Innes, Chinua Achebe ; Robert M. Wren, Achebe s World: The Historical and Cultural Context of the Novйis of Chinua Achebe; R.O. Muoneke, Art, Rebellion, and Redemption: A Reading of the Novйis of Chinua Achebe.
Some Important General Works
Fiction: Though hardly new, perhaps the most penetrating studies of the novel still remain: E.M. Forsters Aspects of the Novel; Henry James's The Art of Fiction and Other Essays and The Art of the Novel; Percy Lubbock's The Craft of Fiction.
For a good general survey of English fiction see Walter Allen, The English Novel; also I.P. Watt, The Rise of the Novel. F.R. Leavis's influ- ential The Great Tradition has long chapters on George Eliot, Henry James, and Joseph Conrad, as well as a general discussion of English fiction. For Dickens, Thackeray, the Brontкs, and George Eliot, see David CeciPs Victorian Novelists.
Poetry: There are dozens of good general anthologies of English and American verse. The anthology edited by W.H. Auden and Norman Holmes Pearson, Poets of the English Language (5 vols., paperback) seems as good as any, but you may also wish to consult Richard Aldington, ed., The Viking Book of Poetry of the English Speaking World (2 vols.); The Oxford Book of English Verse; J.F. Nims, The Harper Anthology of Poetry and the Library of America's American Poetry: The Nineteenth Century (2 vols.). Louis Untermeyers Lives of the Poets is a good, readable compendium of biography plus criticai summary. It deals with English and American poets from Beowulf to Dylan Thomas.
Obviously the bulk of the world's great poetry is in languages other than English. See D. Weissbort and Ted Hughes, eds., Modern Poetry in Translation. If you can search out a copy of Mark Van Doren's out-of- print An Anthology of World Poetry, you will find it worthwhile. Hubert Creekmore's A Little Treasury of World Poetry, though built on a smaller scale, is also good. Both of these are now rendered obsolete by our own World Poetry: An Anthology of Verse from Antiquity to Our Time, edited by Katharine Washburn and John S. Major under the general editorship of Clifton Fadiman.
For modern poetry in English: Richard Ellmann and Robert 0'Clair, eds., The Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry is an entirely ser- viceable collection of modern verse. But others may do as well. A first- rate collection is Modern Verse in English, 1900-1950, ed. David Cecil and Allen Tate. It contains splendid introductions by the distinguished editors. A few inexpensive small anthologies of modern verse: New Poets of England and America, ed. Hall, Pack, and Simpson; The Pocket Book of Modern Verse, ed. Oscar Williams; 100 Modern Poets, ed. Selden Rodman; Faber Book of 2oth Century Verse, ed. Heath-Stubbs and Wright. For a comprehensive history of British and American poetry, see A History of Modern Poetry, ed. David Perkins.