For translations from the Greek: Dudley Fitts, Poems from the Greek Anthology; Higham and Bowra, The Oxford Book of Greek Verse in Translation; Greek Lyrics, tr. Richmond Lattimore; Poems from the
Greek Anthology, tr. Kenneth Rexroth; Constantine A. Trypanis, ed., The Penguin Book of Greek Verse.
From the Latin: L.R. Lind, Latin Poetry in Verse Translation. A delightful book on the Latin poets, containing some superb translations, is Gilbert Highefs Poets in a Landscape.
From the Middle Ages (fourteen languages): Hubert Creekmore s Lyrics of the Middle Ages.
From the French: Broome and Chesters, eds., Anthology of Modern French Poetry; B. Woledge et al., eds., The Penguin Book of French Verse; C.F. Maclntyre, French Symbolist Poetry; Wallace Fowlie, Mid- Century French Poets; Angel Flores, An Anthology of French Poetry from Nerval to Valйry in English Translation.
From the Spanish: J.A. Crow, ed., Anthology of Spanish Poetry from the Beginnings to the Present Day, Including Both Spain and Spanish America; J.M. Cohen, ed., The Penguin Book of Spanish Verse.
From the Italian: George Kay, ed., The Penguin Book ofltalian Verse.
From the German: Angel Flores, ed., An Anthology of German Poetry from Hхlderlin to Rilke; The Penguin Book of German Verse, ed. Leonard Forster; Anthology of German Poetry through the нQth Century, ed. Gode and Ungar.
From the lrish: Penguin Book oflrish Verse, ed. Brendan Kennelly; Kings, Lords, and Commoners, ed. and tr. by Frank 0'Connor.
From the Russian: New Russian Poets, ed. and tr. by George Reavey.
From the Arahic: Modern Poetry of the Arab World, ed. and tr. by Abdullah al-Udhari.
From the Chinese: Burton Watson, The Columbia Book of Chinese Poetry, and Jonathan Chaves, The Columbia Book of Later Chinese Poetry; Victor Mair, ed., The Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature; Stephen Owen, An Anthology of Chinese Literature; Wu-chi Liu and Irving Lo, eds., Sunflower Splendor: Three Thousand Years of Chinese Poetry.
From the Japanese: Stephen D. Carter, Traditional Japanese Poetry; Hiroaki Sato and Burton Watson, From the Country of Eight Islands; Donald Keene, An Anthology of Japanese Literature.
From Indian languages: A.K. Ramanujan et al., eds., The Oxford Book of Modern Indian Poetry.
From African languages: Gerald Moore and Ulli Beier, eds., The Penguin Book of Modern African Poetry; Stella and Frank Chipasula, eds., The Heinemann Book of African Women's Poetry.
Carihhean Poetry: Paula Burnett, ed., The Penguin Book of Caribbean Verse in English; Ian McDonald and Stewart Brown, eds., The Heinemann Book of Caribbean Poetry.
African-American Poetry: The new Norton Anthology of African- American Literature, ed. Henry Lewis Gates et al., includes both poetry and prose.
Native American Poetry: Margot Astrov, ed., The Winged Serpent; Paula G. Allen, ed., Voice of the Turtle: American Indian Literature 1900-1970.
Poetry from Oral Traditiom: Jerome Rothenberg, ed., Technicians of the Sacred.
Books about poetry are not generally very helpful. There are excep- tions. One is Mark Van Doren's Introduction to Poetry. This precedes a good general anthology with 135 pages of sharp, intelligible, no-nonsense commentaries on thirty varied examples of first-rate verse. See also the excellent How Does a Poem Mean by Ciardi and Williams.
Philosophy: Bertrand RusselPs History of Western Philosophy cov- ers the entire period from the Greeks to our own day, not always to the satisfaction of academic minds. Will Durant's Story of Philosophy remains a highly readable account, particularly strong on the biographi- cal side. Mentor publishes five useful little books: Giorgio De Santillana's The Age of Adventure (Renaissance philosophers); Stuart Hampshire's The Age of Reason (seventeenth century); Isaiah Berlin's The Age of Enlightenment (eighteenth century); Henry D. Aiken's The Age of Ideology (nineteenth century); Morton White's The Age of Analysis (twentieth century).
Бbsalom, Absalom/, Faulkner, 269 Achebe, Chinua, 298-99, 359 Ada, Nabokov, 275 Adams, Henry, 211, 212-14,
348-49 Adams, Richard, 302 The Adventures of Augie March,
Bellow, 288-89 Aeneid, Virgil, 42-44 Aeschylus, 10-12, 327 "After Apple Picking," 245 Agamemnon, Aeschylus, 12 T/ie Age of Innocence, Wharton, 235-36
77нЈ Age of Louis XIV, Voltaire, 125
Alcestis, Euripides, 15
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland,
Carroll, 190 Ali Quiet on the Western Front,
Remarque, 316 Ali Religions Are One, Blake, 147 Almayers Folly, Conrad, 230 T/ie Ambassadors, Henry James, 219
Tfoe American Scholar, Emerson, 159
An American Tragedy, Dreiser, 306
Amiel, 133 Amis, Kingsley, 302 Analects, Confucius, 10 Ancient Marinery Coleridge, 151 Anderson, Sherwood, 302 Androcles and the Lion, Shaw, 229 Andromache, Euripides, 16 Angfe ofRepose, Stegner, 319 Animal Farm, Orwell, 276 Anno Karenina, Tolstoy, 204 Annotations to Sir Joshua
Reynolds's Discourses, Blake, 147
77ie Antichrist, Nietzsche, 222 Antigone, Sophocles, 13, 14 Antony and Cleopatra,