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"I haven't been balled like that in ages," he said. "I'd almost forgotten how much fun it is. I have to see you again, Gloria. I don't care about the risks. Just let me see you again – soon."

Gloria headed for the door, then turned and smiled. "I'll make a deal with you, doctor," she said. "You can see me again as soon as you want, IF you'll invite me to your New Year's Eve party."

"That's a pretty tall order," Taylor sighed, "but it's a deal. I'll phone you soon."

"Oh, and by the way, doctor," Gloria said with a wicked grin, "how did my examination turn out?"

"What examination?" Taylor sighed.


That week Gloria didn't mind the frosty stares of her neighbors. They could glare and whisper about her all they wanted. They didn't know that she was going to be at the biggest party of the year. She could hardly wait to see their faces on New Year's Eve.

Late that week Dr. John Taylor phoned her as he'd promised. "It's all set for the party," he said. "My wife wasn't too thrilled, but I convinced her we ought to be more neighborly. So now, Gloria, I'd like to collect my payment, so to speak."

Gloria knew well enough what that meant. He'd gotten her an invitation to his party, and he wanted her body in return. She didn't mind in the least. She found the doctor very attractive, and she couldn't help thinking quite often about his thick seven-inch cock. She smiled as she spoke into the phone.

"Of course, John," she said. "Just come over to my house any time."

"I'd rather not do that, Gloria," he said. "The women in the neighborhood know who goes in and out of your house, and I can't risk being seen. Could you meet me at a motel instead? I'd like you to be there around nine o'clock tonight, if that isn't inconvenient."

"Of course not, John," Gloria replied. "Whatever you say."

She was a little miffed that the neighborhood bitches were still spying on her, but in the long run it really didn't matter. She was still going to get it on with the doctor, and she'd still be at the New Year's Eve party. She took the name of the motel from Dr. Taylor and started to get ready for their "date".

Figuring she wouldn't be wearing her clothes very long, she didn't dress fancily. She just put on a pair of jeans and a tight pink jersey, and at eight-thirty she grabbed a jacket, got in her car, and headed for the motel. She allowed herself to get just as horny as she wanted during the drive. She certainly didn't have any doubts about getting laid that night.

Gloria found the unit Dr. Taylor had mentioned and knocked at the door. John Taylor quickly answered, a big smile on his face. It was unusual for him to smile. In fact he looked like a cat who'd just eaten a canary. Gloria stepped into the room – and saw, that they were not alone.

"Gloria," John said, "I'd like you to meet my friend and colleague, Dr. Tom Anderson."

Gloria was too surprised to answer. She just gawked at the other man, a burly blond fellow in his mid-thirties who sat on the edge of the king-size bed grinning at her. What in hell had made John bring a buddy along? How were they going to get it on with another guy present? Gloria felt confused and impatient.

"How do you do, Ms. Benson?" Dr. Anderson said. "Or may I call you Gloria?"

"What ever," Gloria said dazedly. "Uh, how do you do, doctor?"

She turned to John with a puzzled look. He was busying himself making a round of drinks from a silver hip flask. He gave Gloria a drink, then Tom and himself.

"Here's to a very interesting evening," he said with a grin.

Tom Anderson just laughed.

Now Gloria was feeling definitely uneasy. There was something strange going on here, something not right at all. At his office Taylor had barely been able to keep his hands off her, but now he was acting nonchalant, as if there were no big hurry. And WHY was Anderson there? Surely they didn't intend to just sit around and chat.

"John," Gloria said nervously, "I'm afraid I have to ask you – what in God's name is going on? I thought it was just going to be the two of us. I mean, I thought you and I – well, you know."

"Of course I know, honey," John said, giving her a playful pat on the ass. "You and I are going to get it on, like we agreed. Only I thought it would be even more fun if Tom joined us. The more the merrier, you know."

Gloria slowly turned lobster red. "I don't think I heard you right," she said. "Surely you can't mean that he's going to be here while we make love?"

"Not only is he going to be here," John chuckled, "but he's going to make love to you, too."

Gloria backed toward the door. "Oh, now, wait a minute," she said angrily. "I don't do things like that. It wasn't part of our agreement. You can just count me out, doctor."

Suddenly John Taylor was his old stern self. "Look, baby," he snapped, "you don't understand how hard it was to get you invited to that New Year's Eve party. My wife isn't even talking to me this week. I went to a lot of trouble, and I took a big risk. So I expect a big reward in return."

"But, John, TWO of you?" Gloria said.

"Either that or forget the party," Taylor said grimly.

Gloria burst into tears of frustration. She could tell he really meant what he said. Either fuck him and his buddy or forget about the best party of the year. She couldn't bear the thought of sitting home alone on New Year's Eve, but all her principles were against the kinky notion of taking on two men at once.

"Make up your mind, baby," John said impatiently. "We don't have all night."

Gloria gave a big sigh and said, "All right, dammit, you win. I don't like this, John, but I'll do it."

John and Tom exchanged grins. "Well, all right," Tom said, speaking up at last. "Let's start having some fun."

"I'll go along with that," John said, his grin returning. "Take off your clothes, Gloria. Show my friend that fantastic body of yours."

Gloria felt hideously embarrassed. She really didn't want to go through with this little orgy, but even that was better than missing the party of the year. Miserably she pulled off her tight pink jersey. The men gawked at her huge pale tits which strained at her flimsy little white lace bra.

"Nice," Tom commented, "damned nice."

"You ain't seen nothing yet," John chuckled. "Go ahead, honey, take off the rest of your clothes."

Gloria wanted to sink right through the floor. She unzipped her jeans and stepped out of them, wearing just the bra and a matching pair of white lace bikini panties. The men sipped their drinks and watched her hungrily. She shuddered at the thought that she was going to be their plaything all night.

"Hurry up, Gloria," John said. "Quit stalling."

"Yeah, show us your tits and pussy, baby," Tom laughed. He'd clearly had a few drinks before Gloria arrived, and she suspected John had, too.

But there was no way out, not unless she wanted to miss the party, so she reached around and unhooked her tightly packed little bra. She drew the little garment off and dropped it on the floor, and her big ripe tits wobbled out to stand firm and pointed. The men ogled the creamy-pale globes and dainty pink nipples.

"Fantastic pair of knockers," torn said with a leer. "You lucky devil, John, you get to play with tits all the time."

"Tom's in surgery," John explained. "He doesn't get the chances I do. But honestly, Tom, it isn't very often that I get a patient as attractive as Gloria. Usually it's wrinkled old bags."

Gloria couldn't join in their laughter. It was all she could do not to burst into tears of mortification as she began inching down her panties. She wished she could have been alone with the doctor, not put on display far his buddy as well. She eased her panties down as slowly as she could, wanting to postpone the final embarrassment of standing before them naked.

But she could only delay so long. Soon they could see the adorable little globes of her ass, then the dainty auburn curls of her bush. At last the white lace panties slithered down her legs and she stepped out of them, blushing hotly. Both men leered at her.