Nancy's face was a mixture of regret and relief, but Gloria knew the relief would win out. Nancy was simply nicer than the others, but she'd be gad to see the problem of Gloria disappear. And at this point Gloria was glad to go. She finally saw the group for what it really was – a bunch of selfish, cruel, boring snobs. No way did she want to be part of it, not any more.
But what DID she want out of life? Gloria pondered that question as she went home, changed into a comfortable old terry-cloth bathrobe, and made herself a double whiskey on the rocks. She thought of all the possible things she could do, all the ways she could live and always she kept coming back to the same answer – Eddie.
She remembered how peaceful and pleasant it had been when she and Eddie were married. He wasn't rich or well-educated, he wasn't anybody important, but he was gentle and honest and caring. She knew now she'd been a fool not to stay with him. Her silly snobbishness had driven her away from the marriage, but now she saw how hollow her ambitions had been.
Of course it wasn't just her striving for social importance that had led to the divorce. An even bigger factor was the dull and routine sex life she had with Eddie. But perhaps that could be changed. The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to see her ex-husband again. But it was New Year's Eve, and no doubt he was out celebrating. Maybe he even had another girl by now. Gloria didn't know. She hadn't seen him in six months.
"Oh, hell, why not take a chance?" she asked herself.
She picked up the phone and dialed Eddie's number. He answered on the second ring.
"Gloria, honey," he said, sounding surprised and happy, "great to hear from you. What's up?"
"Nothing much, Eddie," she said. "I just wondered how you were doing. I'm surprised I found you home. I thought you'd be at some party."
"Naw, I didn't feel like it," he said. "But what about you? How come you're not out?"
"I was, for awhile," Gloria said, "but I didn't feel like it, either."
"I imagine you've got a steady boyfriend by now," Eddie said wistfully.
"No," Gloria answered, "nobody serious. And you?"
"I've dated a few girls since you left," Eddie said, "but nobody serious."
Gloria took a deep breath and said, "Well, look, Eddie, if you're really not doing anything tonight, it's still early. You could come over here and keep me company. I know that doesn't sound too exciting, but…"
"I'm on my way," Eddie said, cutting her off.
Gloria hung up with a big smile. She was very relieved to know that Eddie hadn't found anyone else. The only question was, could their relationship be patched up? That would involve a lot of heavy changes for Eddie. Gloria still loved him, but she couldn't go back to him unless he learned to be a decent lover.
He arrived soon after, carrying a chilled bottle of champagne. Gloria had already laid out snacks, and they sat on the couch and ate and drank the champagne and chatted. Gloria's heart pounded. Eddie looked just as good as ever. In fact to her lonely eyes he seemed sexier than when they'd first met. He didn't seem to mind her looks, either, even though she was still in her old bathrobe.
Eddie Benson was just six feet tall, heavily muscled from years of mill work, his face tan and ruggedly handsome. He had thick brown hair with just a trace of silver around the sideburns. He was wearing jeans and a blue denim work shirt and heavy boots, the same clothes he always wore. He'd never owned a suit.
That outfit used to bug Gloria, but now she didn't mind it at all. She realized that she'd been the phony one in their marriage. She just hoped Eddie could forgive her and take her back, but she felt too shy to approach the subject. She kept on chatting about unimportant things – until at last Eddie interrupted her.
"Honey," he sighed, "what happened to us? Why did we ever split up?"
"It was my stupid ambitions," Gloria said. "That and another thing. But it's so hard to talk about, Eddie."
"I know what it was," he said grimly. "I've done a lot of thinking since you left. It was the way I made love. I was a Goddam bore in bed, and I know it."
He took a deep breath and went on, "I always came too fast. I always did it the same old way. I didn't pay any attention to how you felt. I don't blame you for leaving me, Gloria."
"Well, darling," Gloria said eagerly, "things don't have to be that way any more. You can change."
"You can't teach an old dog new tricks," Eddie sighed. "I don't know any other way to make love, Gloria. I wouldn't know where to start."
"Well, I would," Gloria purred.
She took Eddie's hand and slipped it inside her robe. She wasn't wearing a bra, and his palm came to rest on one of her big round warm tits. They both blushed. Eddie had rarely touched her boobs during their marriage. But now, taking his cue from Gloria, he let his hand rest on her silky-smooth tit. She became instantly excited.
"This is a start, Eddie," she said huskily. "It's important to take your time when you make love, get the woman warmed up. There are lots of little things you can do to get a woman excited."
"I know I was always too quick," Eddie said, still blushing slightly. "But I didn't know what else to do besides just ball. Go on showing me, honey. Show me all that stuff you were talking about – the ways to turn a woman on."
Gloria's heart knocked. This was just the opportunity she'd hoped for – that Eddie would be ready and willing to learn about foreplay. It had taken seven years of marriage and a divorce to shock him into a change, but perhaps the lost time was worth it. Gloria was certainly willing to try changing him.
"Just play with my tits, Eddie," she said softly. "Just do whatever feels good."
"I always wanted to," he confessed, "but I thought you wouldn't like it. I thought you'd think I was being kinky or something."
"Wrong," Gloria sighed. "Oh, Eddie, I wanted you to touch me so badly."
Eddie couldn't doubt the sincerity in her voice. He slipped her robe down off, her shoulders and left her naked to the waist. He admired her big swollen tits with their pretty little strawberry-pink nipples. He began to squeeze and caress the satiny pale flesh, and Gloria slumped back against the couch, sighing and submissive.
"Yeah," Eddie said hoarsely, "I always wanted to do this."
Gloria couldn't talk for the moment. She was too excited. It was like a dream come true to have her own handsome husband playing with her naked tits. Eddie might not have much experience, but his touch was just right, hungry and possessive without being rough. Her big creamy-white jugs were so sensitive, too, responding even to his lightest touch.
"I'll show you what else I wanted to do, too," Eddie said shyly, "but you let me know if you don't like it."
"Eddie," Gloria chuckled, "I have a hunch I'm going to like everything you do tonight."
He grinned and lowered his head till his hot moist breath was tickling her big sensitive boobs. Gloria saw his wet red tongue dart out, and then he was licking her soft pink nipples, his hot tongue tip darting from one pink bud to the other. The light teasing touch drove her wild. She felt her pussy starting to get hot and moist and swollen.
"Ohhhhh, Eddie, I like that," she sighed.
"Good," he muttered, "I was afraid you'd be turned off. But let's see how you like this."
He captured one soft pink nipple between his lips and slowly sucked the tender little bud fully into his mouth. Gloria held her breath as she felt her supersensitive nipple entering the searing heat and wetness of his mouth. Then she sighed deeply and reached out to run her fingers through his hair. He started sucking on her nipple, gently but steadily.