strategic arsenals of Russia and
Yeltsin going to
see also Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty; Baker; Bipartisan Commission; Brzezinski; Bush; Cheney; Emory; Harvard; International Herald Tribune; Kennan; Kennedy; King; Kissinger; Lukin; Matlock; New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty; New York; Nixon; Nunn; Obama; Occupy Wall Street; Perot; Perry; Powell; Reagan; Rice; Roosevelt; Scowcroft; Shultz; Stanford; START; Strauss; US National Security Strategy; Vance; Wall Street Journal; Washington; Weinberger
US Embassy (Moscow)
US National Security Strategy
USSR State Bank
Vagina, Irina
Valdai Club
Valikova, A. P.
Vance, Cyrus
Vanden Heuvel, Katrina
Vandysheva, Olga
Veber, Alexander
Velikhov, Yevgeny
Venediktov, A. A.
Veshnyakov, Alexander
Victoria, Queen of Great Britain & Ireland
Virganskaya, Anastasiya (granddaughter of MG/RG)
Virganskaya, Irina see Gorbacheva-Virganskaya
Virganskaya, Sasha (great-granddaughter of MG/RG)
Vladimir (city)
Cathedrals of the Assumption and St Dmitry
Vladimirskaya, Yelena Borisovna
Vlasov, Yury
Vodolazov, Grigoriy
Voice of Russia (radio network)
Volga region
environmental impact of hydroelectric power stations
not granting autonomous status to Germans
laying of wreaths at Mamai Kurgan
MG meeting the voters
Volta River Basin
Voronezh Province
Voznesensky, Andrey
Vysotsky, Vladimir
Wadongo, Evans
backlog of
millions of people not paid for months
minimum level of
non-payment of
not received for six months or more
paid on time
Wałęsa, Lech
Wall Street Journal
War Communism
Washington, DC
Jamestown Foundation Conference (1999)
North Atlantic Council (1999)
Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate- and Shorter-Range Missiles
see also American University
Washington Consensus
Washington Post
Water for the World conference (2002)
weapons of mass destruction
fuelling the urge to acquire
reduction and elimination of
ridding the world of
see also chemical weapons
Weinberger, Caspar
Weizsäcker, Richard von
West Germany
diplomatic relations between USSR and
post-war development of
Willy Brandt’s New Eastern Policy
see also German reunification
White House (Moscow)
assault on
hundreds of people killed in
mass beatings of citizens in approaches to
sealed off by troops and armoured vehicles
Yeltsin standing on tank outside
Williams, Betty
Williams, Jody
Wilmes, Maria
Workers’ Russia
World Commission on Environment and Development (1987) see Brundtland Commission
World Economic Forum (Davos 2010)
World Political Forum
inaugural conference (Turin 2003)
World Trade Organization
see also Moore; Rocard
Xinhua News Agency
Yabloko Party
Yablonka, Ivan
Yagodkin, Alexander
Yakovlev, Alexander Nikolaevich
Yakovlev, Yegor Vladimirovich
Yanaev, Gennadiy
Yanukovych, Viktor
Yasin, Yevgeny
Yavlinsky, Grigoriy
Years of Difficult Decisions (MG)
Yedinaya Rossiya see United Russia Party
Yefremov, Oleg
Yegides, Petr
Yeltsin, Boris Nikolayevich
actions seen as attempted coup d’état
appointment of Putin announced by
Belovezha collusion
booze-up in MG’s office to celebrate victory
Chechnya and
comments on the economy
dismissals of government
economic legacy of
grounds for removing from office
instigation of coup d’état
intentions towards MG
MG’s criticism of weaknesses and mistakes of
opinion polls’ approval rating
petition to examine the legality of his decrees
Politburo documents about shooting of Polish prisoners of war
power struggle with Soviet central administration
preparing to remove parliament by force
president for life intention
presidential immunity on retirement
pursuit of primarily political ends
re-election campaign
role in thwarting the 1991 coup
shelling of his own parliament
standing on tank outside White House
START-2 Treaty signing
state of emergency declared by
Supreme Soviet’s unconditional support of
undemocratic nature of his actions
unheard-of privatization stunt
Volga region travels
Western leaders’ unconditional support for
Yeltsin Constitution
Yevtushenko, Yevgeny
youth groups see Komsomol; Molodaya Gvardiya; Nashi
Yugoslavia (former)
see also Bosnia-Herzegovina; Croatia; Kosovo; Serbia
Yunus, Muhammad
Yurgens, Igor
Zagladin, Vadim
Zaslavskaya, Tatiana
Zasursky, Yasen
Zavarzina, Yekaterina
Zavgaev, Doku
Zbrojovka Brno
Zdravomyslova, Olga
Zhao Ziyang
Zhirinovsky, Vladimir
Zhukov, Georgiy Konstantinovich
ZIL automotive factory
Zorkin, Valeriy
Zuma, Jacob
Zurabov, Mikhail
Zyuganov, Gennadiy
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First published in Russian as После Кремля/Posle Kremlya, © Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, 2015
This English edition © Polity Press, 2016
All images © The Gorbachev Foundation, 2016
Polity Press
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ISBN-13: 978-1-5095-0391-9
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeevich, 1931- author.
Title: The new Russia / Mikhail Gorbachev.
Other titles: Posle Kremlya. English
Description: English edition. | Cambridge, UK : Polity, 2016. | First published in Russian as Posle Kremlya, Moskva : Ves Mir, 2014. | Includes index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2015042490 (print) | LCCN 2015049601 (ebook) | ISBN 9781509503872