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11.4 "prophesies." This is not here introduced as if it were an ac­tivity requiring extraordinary gifts, and presumably may mean nothing more than reading, quoting, or interpreting scripture. See also 14.1£f. and note.

11.10 "Therefore a woman should take care of her head, because of the angels." Translation and exact bearing are uncertain.

12.7 "to his advantage." Or "for the common good."

14.1 In what follows, "prophesying" is contrasted with "speaking with tongues." The latter describes an attested phenomenon, "the broken speech of persons in religious ecstasy." By contrast, prophecy is reasoned, comprehensible utterance. See 11.4 and note.

15.19 "If by this life in Christ we are no more than hopeful." Or "If our hopes in Christ are for this life only."


2.5 "supposing someone really has caused trouble." A particular

case is obviously being referred to. 5.3 "Still in our bodies covered and not naked." The reference may possibly be to those who are found still alive on the Day of Judgment.

12.7 "a thorn." The Greek is skolops, a stake or spike.


1.18 "Peter." Here, as always except for Galatians 2. 7, Paul uses the

Hebrew form, "Cephas." See John 1.42 and note. 2.4 "but only might have been" is not in the text. I have supplied it, provisionally, for the sake of sense and syntax. An occa-

sional unconstructed sentence is characteristic of Saint Paul.

4.13 "You know that I was sick in body when I brought you the gospel before." Or "You know that it was because of bodily sickness that I brought you the gospel before." This is better (Greek| grammar but poorer sense.

5.20 "envy" (Greek phthonoi). But the Latin has homicidia (Greek phonoil, that is, murder.


3.1 "say this to you." Conjecturally supplied; there is no main verb,

or any independent clause at all. 4.11 "pastors." Literally, "shepherds."

4.26 "Are you angry! Even so, do no wrong." The simplest literal translation would be: "Be angry and do not sin."


3.5 "a Hebrew of Hebrews." Or "a Hebrew with Hebrew parents." 4.12 "do without." The word here usually means "be humble," but we seem to need something that will contrast with having plenty.


4.13 "those who are asleep." These sleepers are, of course, the Chris­tian dead or "those who are dead in Christ" (16). 5.5 "catch you like thieves." Or "come upon you like a thief" (alternate readings).


1.10 "because our testimony to you was believed." If the text is sound, as it probably is not, "because" must refer back to the just reward of the Thessalonians, because they believed. 1.12 "our God and the Lord Jesus Christ." Or "our God and Lord Jesus Christ."


5.5 "lives alone." Or "has been left desolate." 5.16 Text and sense uncertain.


3.3 "troublemakers." The word is diaboloi.


1.10 "from among the circumcised." From Jews, that is, rather than Gentiles.

"their own prophet." The allusion is not to any contemporary but to the almost mythical Epimenides of Crete (sixth century B.c.).

2.10 "among people in general." Or "in every way."

"the great God and our savior." Or "our great God and savior." 3.10 "heretic." Or perhaps merely a factious man, a causer of



2.7 "a little lower than the angels." Or "for a little while lower

than the angels." 3.11 "rest." Or "resting place."


1.9 "Let the humble . .. humiliation." A variation on the familiar theme that God can easily bring down the rich and powerful and exalt the poor and weak.

1.12-13 "trial," "tempted." We pass from one to the other sense of the Greek peirazo, peirasmos.

3.6 "wheel of creation." Or "round of existence."

5.6 "Is he not against you!" Or, without the question mark: "He does not resist you."


3.1 "even without the word." The hope is that they may be influ­enced to act like Christians without being actually convened. But the sense may be "without a word being spoken." 5.13 "Babylon." That is, Rome.


"of the flesh" is not in the text. Supplied for the sake of clarity.

"full of adultery." The Greek moichalis properly means, how­ever, an adulterous woman, but this is hard to construe with "full of." The phrase might be wrested into meaning "on the lookout for an adulterous woman."


"the Lord." Greek: "he." So also in 3.16.

4.2 "The Spirit of God is known." Or "'. ou know the Spirit of God."

"the three are at one." Or "the three agree."


1 "lady." She is surely not a person; this is a letter from the elder (leader) of one church to another church.


22.21 Or "with his saints."