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"Excellent, my dear." Ricardo was beaming with glee. Despite having purchased a beautiful and busty girl several days earlier, it was this enchanting mistress who intrigued him and stirred the lust within him.

"Might I suggest that we retire to my suite?" he continued. "This calls for a celebration."

Angela giggled. She knew that the celebration would involve sex but she was fine with that. She was more than fine with it. She found Ricardo to be a very attractive man.

"That sounds delightful."

He arose from his chair and held out his hand, helping Angela from hers. Then they walked together toward his suite. Once they arrived, he poured them each a glass of champagne and then offered a toast.

"To my future pet and prized possession."

Angela laughed and took a sip of the wine before offering a toast of her own. "To the future huntress who will claim girls at will."

They both took another sip and then Ricardo spoke again. "We shall see. In the meantime, might I have an opportunity to inspect my future slavegirl?"

Angela blinked. She looked down at her bikini-clad body and then looked back up at Ricardo. "I think I'm pretty well on display already. And I was completely on display the other night."

Ricardo smiled and set down his glass before stepping closer to her. "Yes, you look divine." He reached up and untied the string behind her back, lifting the top off of her and revealing her glorious breasts. "Now you look even more divine."

She watched in amazement as his fingers busied themselves on the little bows at her hips. In any other setting, she would have slapped him already. But this was not any other setting. This was a magical place where erotic dreams were made. This was a place where men undressed women freely and sometimes publicly. She felt her bottoms float down her legs to puddle at her ankles.

"Now you look most divine," he said. "A vision of beauty." He slowly walked around the naked woman, letting his eyes feast on her body. She stood motionless as he conducted his tour. She felt like she should say something but was at a loss for words.

He finished his circuit and kept moving until he stood behind her. He gathered her long auburn mane in his hand and lifted it off her neck, trailing his fingers down the back of her neck. He ran his fingers along one shoulder and then the other before letting the hair fall back into place.

Ricardo ran his palms down her arms and then grasped her wrists, pulling her hands up behind her neck. "Hold them there for me."

Angela was speechless. She didn't trust herself with words at the moment. She could feel strange thrills rushing through her body as this virtual stranger inspected her body almost as if he were inspecting a racehorse. No, that wasn't it. It was as if he was inspecting a slavegirl. A little shudder shook her at that realization.

"Are you cold?" he asked as he saw the shudder.

"No, I am warm enough."

Ricardo placed his palms up to her armpits and slowly drew them down the sides of her body. He would stop occasionally and squeeze the flesh, finding it amazingly soft and firm each time. This woman was tremendously fit. That was good. He always liked to have his slaves be toned and fit.

The hands glided over the hips and then down the outside of her legs. He crouched down and slid them up the insides of her legs, feeling the taut muscles of her calves and thighs. He stopped his upward climb right before he got to her sex and shifted his hands to her bottom, grasping one tight cheek in each hand. He squeezed them and reveled in their texture. Then he pried them apart and looked at her little pucker. Soon, he would own this. He looked forward to playing with it. But that would wait for another day. He was a patient man.

He was still crouching and was able to see Angela's hairless labia. They were still bright pink from being dyed earlier in the week. They were already parted, indicating that his future slave was aroused by her treatment. And he could see the little honey pot glistening and brimming with her lubricating juices.

He finally released her cheeks and then stood up again. It was time to enjoy the front. His frontal inspection went much the same way, although he avoided her breasts and sex at first. When he had checked out her muscle tone to his satisfaction, he finally lifted her breasts. He loved the weight of the generous orbs and loved the way they jiggled when he bounced them. He ran his fingertips over the swells, amazed at how soft and firm they were. He flicked the pinkened nipples with his finger tips. She sucked in her breath audibly at the flicks and the nipples quickly stiffened visibly. This was good. He wanted his slaves to always be responsive. These breasts would provide him with years of pleasure.

"Did you nurse your children?" he asked as he held the breasts up again.

"Yes," she squeaked. She was so nervous for some reason. She knew that she shouldn't be but the more that he inspected and fondled her, the more submissive she felt. It made no sense. She was a slave owner just like him. But the mere handling of her breasts made her feel small and vulnerable.

"How long did you breast feed?"

"Two years for the first child," she responded as she looked down at her chest. It was odd to see her breasts being claimed like this. "One year for the second child."

"Remarkable," he commented. "Most women lose their form and are subjected to gravity after childbirth and breastfeeding. You have the body of a teenager."

"Thank you," she replied, hearing her voice crack.

Finally, he crouched again. The fingertips from one hand danced over her tight belly. He circled her belly button with one finger and then drew his fingers lower over her recently denuded mound. She had continued to shave herself there so her mound was smooth and satiny.

He extended one finger and moved it downward until he got to her glistening petals. He traced them with his finger, feeling the oily secretions lubricating his finger. He went down one petal and then back up the other. He saw her clit peeking out at him and he touched it lightly. She sucked in her breath and held it, trembling slightly.

"You have a beautiful pussy," he told her. He almost added that he was looking forward to owning it but he thought better of it. It was true that he was looking forward to making it his, but he did not want to scare her off.

"Thank you," she repeated.

He tapped on the clit and saw the little tremors rocking her body. He tapped again with the same result. He kept tapping, using a slow tempo, and each tap resulted in the same reaction.

"Oh god," she groaned.

He never penetrated her. He would occasionally caress the petals and then return to tapping. He focused on her belly and enjoyed the way that it quivered. Occasionally, he would look up to her beautiful face and smile. This angel would be his soon. Sometimes his eyes would stop at her breasts as they traveled up and down her body and he loved the way that they rose and fell rhythmically but with a tempo that seemed to quicken with each tap.

Her eyes were focused on a spot on the wall. She couldn't explain the sensations that were swirling around inside of her. She didn't understand what was happening to her. She did not know why her fingers remained entwined behind her neck as this male took liberties with her body.

She had heard of sub space; a place in the mind that submissives find when they have totally surrendered themselves to the scene. She never could comprehend it before. But now she knew it was real. She had escaped into her own personal sub space.

Ricardo finally stopped tapping and he stood again. He started to orbit her again, this time letting his fingers trail along her naked flesh as he circled her. He went around her once and then started again. He stopped behind her and cupped her bottom cheeks in his hands again before releasing them.