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Angela was a limp rag doll by the time she boarded the plane. Alaine was packaged and stowed for the trip in a special concealed compartment. Angela slept the entire flight.

Chapter 9

"I present to you your new pet," announced Angela as she untied the cape and slid it off of Alaine's shoulders. Angela had draped the cape over her new girl at the airport so that she would not be seen naked by other motorists on the way home and to protect her from the evening chill. Now they were home and it was time to display the girl.

The entire family was there as was their other pet, Kim. It was Kim who spoke first.

"Leprechaun!!! Oh my gosh, it's so good to see you! I have been so worried about you. Oooops!" She glanced around the room, blushing at her outburst. Then she looked at John. "Master, may I have permission to speak?"

John laughed and nodded. "Yes, little one, you may speak. I was hoping you would like our surprise. You may stand up and hug your new sister too if you would like."

"Thank you, Master," she replied. She quickly arose from where she was kneeling at John's feet and crossed the room to Alaine, wrapping her arms around her and hugging her. Naked breasts squashed together and naked bellies touched. Kim had to do all of the hugging since Alaine's wrists were bound behind her, but she did not mind. Her good friend was here.

"I'm so happy to see you too," said Alaine with a smile. She leaned forward and kissed Kim on the lips, which was a new thing for them. They had always been great friends before but never intimate with each other. But a year of slavery affected people and the kiss quickly turned passionate. Kim was breathless at the end of the long steamy kiss but quickly found her voice again.

"Thank you for buying her, Mistress," said Kim. "Isn't she beautiful?"

"Yes she is, pet," replied Angela. "You are both beautiful."

"They sure are, Mom," agreed Jenna who had been sitting and admiring the two naked lovelies pressing together.

"They're both hot!" piped in Jack.

It was Alaine's turn to blush. She was naked in front of three strangers, all of whom owned her now. John was seated on the couch but she could tell that he was fit. He was a very handsome man of about forty. Jenna, the daughter, was seated beside him on the couch. She looked to be about seventeen or eighteen and was beautiful. She looked too young and innocent to be a mistress though. Alaine wondered what it would be like to be owned by someone so young. Jack, the son, was seated by himself in a chair and was maybe fifteen or sixteen. He too was handsome and very well muscled; probably a high school football player.

"You can play with the girls in a little bit," said Angela. "Right now, I want Kim to bathe Alaine. She's had a long trip." That was true. But Angela also wanted to give the two girls a chance to be alone and catch up with one another.

"Thank you, Mistress," both slaves said in unison as Kim led her new slave sister from the room. Angela plopped down in an empty chair to spend a little time with her family.

"Thank you for buying her, Mom," said Jenna. "She's just gorgeous."

"Yeah, thanks Mom," chimed in Jack. "She'll be lots of fun."

"That seems like quite a successful shopping trip," smiled John. "And it seems like you had some interesting experiences while you were there. What's with this newfound submissive side of you, though?"

"John!!" gasped Angela. "The children are here!!!"

"Oh, we already know," said Jack.

"Yes, we were watching you being sold the other night," added Jenna. "You were simply beautiful. I'm glad we were the ones who ended up buying you."

Angela blushed. She knew that John was watching her through the online connection but she never would have expected him to invite their children to watch also. This was so embarrassing.

"Well, that was all staged," said Angela. "And you shouldn't have been watching."

"It might have been staged," said Jack as he grinned, "but we have a deed now that says we bought you."

"And why shouldn't we watch?" added Jenna. "We're old enough to watch auctions now."

Angela's blush deepened. They had a deed? What did that mean? What kind of game was Cedric playing now?

"The kids are right," said John. "So tell us how it felt to be on the other side. We've never tried it."

Angela groaned. She was losing control of this conversation and she knew she would keep getting pressured.

"It was different," she replied, trying to answer with as little information as possible.

"Tell us more," urged John.

"It was just different," repeated Angela, hoping the questioning would die off.

"How so?" asked John. "Were you aroused by it?"

"Of course she was, Dad," interjected Jenna. "Don't you remember how her sex was glistening that night? Even her thighs were shiny."

"Oh god," Angela muttered. It was not going to die off. "Yes, it was arousing. But it was different from owning someone. It was more scary and yet tingly at the same time."

"Well, you kids can have the girls tonight," announced John as he stood up from the couch. "I'm going to get to know this little slavegirl." He reached out and offered his hand to Angela. Angela stood up, thankful to be away from the children but suspicious of what her husband had in mind.

"Awwww," complained Jack. "I was hoping to be able to explore this newest slave."

"Yeah," pouted Jenna. "Me too."

"One of you may have her tomorrow night," replied John. Angela gasped. "She's mine tonight, though." The kids accepted that arrangement but Angela did not. She would wait until later when they were alone, however, to voice her objection. Right now, though, she just needed to be fucked.

He let her shower and freshen up from her trip. Then he surprised her by locking her in thumb cuffs with her hands behind her back. He laid her on the bed and ran his fingers over her recently denuded sex. "I like the new look."

"Thanks," she replied. "But I don't think it's for me."

"So tell me about your little adventure," he said as he slid his cock into Angela. "I want to know all the details."

She started at the beginning, telling him about the assortment of slaves that were being offered and how they were available for inspection. She told him about the auction itself and how she had met some other nice buyers. Then she told him about her first meeting with Cedric and how he had made her fuck him in payment for the answers to her questions. All the while, John pumped in and out of her, feeling her sex clamping down on him.

"Is it true what they say about black men?" he asked.

"Oooooo yes, it's true!" she giggled.

"That will make me feel inadequate."

She grinned and lifted her head, kissing him. "You are far from inadequate. You are perfect."

He almost climaxed as she told him about her time at the spa. He imagined his beautiful wife being prepared to be sold as pretty slavegirls pampered her. He would have loved to watch them shave her and then oil her. That's when he almost erupted. He would have to concentrate to be able to last to the end of her tale.

"What did you think about being sold?" he asked her as she recounted the events of that evening.

"It was the most terrifying moment of my life," she replied.

"Tell me what you were thinking. You looked beautiful and you looked very aroused. I loved the way they pinkened your nipples and pussy."

"I'm not sure. I was in shock, I think. I remember feeling afraid. I remember feeling humiliated. Adrenalin was rushing through me. I remember feeling aroused but not understanding why."

"How do you feel about it now?" he asked as he plunged particularly deep. She gasped at the thrust.