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"I think I've blocked out the bad memories," she said. "I mostly remember it as a big erotic blur."

Then she went on to describe how Cedric had used her after the auction. And she described her session with Ricardo earlier in the day. He finally did erupt inside of her as she described all of the orgasms she had as the Latin master fucked her.

Chapter 10

"Are you sure it's a good idea?" John asked. They were both sitting in robes at the kitchen table, eating their breakfast. Kim was on her knees with her face buried between Angela's thighs. Alaine was also on her knees with her head bobbing up and down on John's cock.

"Cuchilla is a pretty brutal place," he continued. "I'm not sure that it's safe."

"Ricardo said that things have calmed down now. There was a lot of bloodshed during the uprising but that's all behind them now." She reached down and stroked Kim's hair, enjoying the feel of the talented tongue on her pussy.

"It still has to be pretty lawless," he said.

"He said it's as safe as any place in South America," she went on. "And I know that Brazil and Argentina are supposed to be pretty safe. I think you just like to worry."

John tensed and closed his eyes. The new girl had a very talented mouth. He was very close to release. Angela smiled as she saw her husband trying to delay the orgasm. Kim was very good too. She was almost there. Finally, John climaxed and let out a groan. Alaine kept bobbing her head but more slowly, using her tongue to bathe the slick pole and tease the sensitive head. She had to swallow three times to get it all down because of the copious amount of sperm that had been deposited. Thirty seconds later, Angela was groaning.

"Give me a kiss, girls," said Angela after she had recovered from the orgasm. "Then go find the kids and play with them."

"Yes, Mistress," they sang out together. They each bent over to kiss Angela. She gave them kisses and squeezed their breasts before sending them on their way, enjoying the sway of their shapely, naked bottoms.

"So tell me how this is supposed to work," said John. "You show up in Cuchilla. Then what?"

"Then I go to the ranch," replied Angela. "The hunt will be the next day. If Ricardo shoots me before six o'clock, I belong to him until Saturday. He will only be using paintballs so don't worry. If he doesn't bag me, then I get to join the hunt for the rest of the week and I get to keep whatever I shoot."

"You really are serious about exploring this submissive side, aren't you?"

"Yes," she said softly. "It's a part of me that I never knew about and don't yet understand. I want to learn more."

"Then you shall," he said. "I think that you think I was kidding last night about being sub here. But I wasn't. For the rest of the week, until you leave for Cuchilla, you will become another one of the Dawson slavegirls and you will serve all of the Dawsons."

Angela gasped. "John! You can't be serious! I can't do that! That would be incest!"

"You are assuming that Jack and Jenna will want to have sex with you. I'm not so sure about that. But if that's what they choose to do with their newest slave, that's up to them. And you don't have to worry about breaking any moral codes. You will simply be a slavegirl doing what she is told. No decisions. No worries. No guilt."

He stood up and moved behind her chair. Her robe was still open and she tried to close it. He moved too swiftly for her, though. He caught the lapels of the robe and pulled the garment off her shoulders, trapping her arms in the sleeves of the robe.

"John! Stop this right now! It's not funny!"

"It isn't meant to be funny," he replied. "You may be a mistress again when you return from Cuchilla or when you cancel the trip. Otherwise, you are a Dawson slave."

"It's not fair," she groaned. "It's not fair to me. It's not fair to the children. They will be put in an awkward position. And it's not fair to the girls. They will be confused."

He leaned down and kissed the top of her head as he reached around her, lifting a heavy breast in his hand. Truth be told, while he was trying to dissuade her from her trip, he was also looking forward to this week in an odd sort of way. He had always fantasized about her being his slave. But she had always been so headstrong and dominant that it was never a possibility before. This would give him a chance to explore his fantasy as she explored hers.

"It will not be an awkward position for Jack and Jenna," he replied. "They have been around slaves for a year now. They know that there are many uses for slaves, only one of which is sex. If they choose to use you sexually, then that's something that they choose to do. It will not be because they think they have to."

"And the girls will not be confused. They will answer to whoever they are told to answer to. Right now, they will answer to Jenna, Jack and me. When you become a mistress again, they will answer to you."

Despite looking forward to treating his wife as a slave, John was upset and he was afraid that it would come to this. He was angry with his wife's decision to go to Cuchilla to act out submissive fantasies. He did not mind the fantasies or even acting them out. But Cuchilla was not a safe place despite what she had said to try to reassure him. So he would act out his fantasies of enslaving her in hopes that it would humiliate her into canceling her trip. He pulled the cuffs out of the pocket of his robe and grasped her wrists, pulling them behind her and locking them together.

"Stand up, dear," he said. "Or should I say stand up girl?"

"John, don't," she pleaded.

He grabbed her long auburn hair and pulled upward, forcing her to stand with the robe falling down her arms to her cuffs, leaving her naked.

"Ouch! You're hurting me, John!"

"Then perhaps you'll obey more quickly next time."

"John, I won't let you do this! Let me go!"

He was angry but he was not going to rage. He had told himself to contain his anger and to act coolly and calmly. His next act was to pick up a knife and slice the robe off of her arms, leaving her completely naked now.

"New slaves are always so difficult. I am going to do this, girl. The only question you need to answer for yourself is how much pain you want inflicted upon you. You can be a good girl like Kim and Alaine or you can be whipped and paddled."

Angela shuddered. She remembered how John had paddled Kim early on when she had been recalcitrant and rebellious. He was brutal with the weapon. She could not allow herself to be beaten like that.

"I will be a good girl," she sighed in resignation. "But it's still not fair."

"That's I will be a good girl, Master," he corrected her.

"I will be a good girl, Master," she said with a sarcastic tone in her voice.

"Good," he smiled, ignoring her tone of voice. He reached out and gave her right nipple a playful tweak. Then he produced two more items. The first one was a hobble. He locked the two cuffs around her ankles. They were connected by a one foot chain that would limit her steps to little mincing ones. The second was a collar. It not ornate like the one they bought for Kim. It was just a black leather dog collar with a plain dog leash attached. He circled her neck with the leather and buckled it. Then he picked up the end of the leash and tugged.

"Come girl." Angela groaned but reluctantly followed him.

"Oh wow, Dad!" exclaimed Jack as John led his wife into the den where the two children and two slaves were. "You weren't kidding last night!"

"No, son, I wasn't kidding. Your mother will be our slave for the next week. Now there is a slave for each of us."

Angela stood there, blushing. She had never been naked in front of either of her kids before. Now, they both saw her that way. She saw their eyes hungrily roaming over her nudity. She cast her eyes down. She did not mean it as an act of submission. She just couldn't look them in the eyes. But they saw it as a beautiful symbol of her newfound submissiveness.