“I withdraw the question,” he said.
It was clear Haller knew the objection would come. He had just wanted to get the phrase DNA transfer into the record and the jury thinking about it. Haller’s next witness would close the deal on that.
“Then do you have another question, Mr. Haller?” the judge asked.
“No, Your Honor,” Haller said. “I have nothing further.”
Haller returned to the defense table, glancing back at Bosch and giving a nod as he went. Bosch checked the row of reporters. They seemed frozen. There was a stillness to the courtroom that underlined what Haller had just done with his questioning of Morales.
“Ms. Saldano, do you wish to cross-examine the witness or take some prep time?” the judge asked.
Bosch expected the prosecutor to ask for a 402 hearing — to tell the judge without the jury present how much time she would need to prepare for her cross-examination of Morales. The judge had already said he would give her wide latitude.
But the prosecutor surprised Bosch and probably everybody in the courtroom by rising and going to the lectern.
“Briefly, Your Honor,” she said.
She put a legal pad on the lectern, checked a note on it, and then looked up at the witness.
“Mr. Morales, do you carry only one oximeter in your EMT kit?” she asked.
“No,” Morales said. “I carry a backup. You know, in case the battery dies on one of them.”
“No further questions,” the prosecutor said.
Now in the silence, it felt like the momentum had switched. With a single question, Saldano had been able to undo much of what Haller had accomplished.
“Mr. Haller, anything further?” the judge asked.
Haller hesitated and asked the judge for a moment. Bosch tried to think of a question he could text him. It seemed as though any question asked might offer another opening to the prosecutor. He typed quickly and didn’t bother to correct typos:
Tel him open the kit.
He watched Haller check his watch. The judge noticed as well.
“I’ll stop you before you ask, Mr. Haller,” he said. “We are not taking the morning break until we are finished with this witness.”
“Thank you, Your Honor,” Haller said before turning his attention back to the witness. “Mr. Morales, can you open your kit again for us and show us where you keep both oximeters?”
Morales did as requested. The oximeter he had displayed to the jury was in the top tray of his kit. He then lifted the tray up, moved his hands over the contents of the deeper box until he found the other oximeter, and held it up.
“Thank you, you can close that up now,” Haller said.
He waited while Morales closed up his kit. He glanced back at Bosch and gave a slight nod. The momentum was about to switch again.
“So, Mr. Morales, when you said you had a backup oximeter, you are talking about having an extra one stored in the bottom of your kit, to use if the device you currently have in the top tray of your kit happens to have a malfunction or the battery dies on you, is that correct?”
Morales clearly knew that he was providing pivotal information to the jury, and his loyalties were to the state. He hesitated and then tried to fashion an answer that would not give Haller what he wanted.
“You never know,” he said. “We can use either one, depending on the situation.”
“Then why is one on the top of your box and the other beneath the tray and in the bottom?” Haller responded.
“That just happens to be how I packed the kit.”
“Really. So let me ask you a hypothetical question, Mr. Morales: Rescue Three gets a call. A man has been hit by a car on First Street. You respond. He is on the street, bleeding, unconscious. He’s ‘circling the drain,’ if you will. You open your kit. Do you grab the oximeter on the top tray, or do you lift that tray out and dig the other oximeter out of the bottom?”
As if on cue, Saldano objected, saying that Haller was again badgering his own witness. Haller withdrew the question because he knew the jury didn’t need to hear the answer. Common sense dictated that Morales would grab the oximeter in the top tray, and that he had done the same when he treated the fatally wounded Judge Montgomery.
“I have no further questions,” Haller said.
Saldano demurred, not wanting to dwell on the oximeter any longer. The judge asked Haller if he had any more witnesses.
“Yes, Your Honor, one final witness,” Haller said. “The defense would like to call Dr. Christine Schmidt to the stand.”
“Very well,” Falcone said. “We will take the morning break now and come back to hear from your last witness. Jurors, now is the time to use the restroom, get a cup of coffee. But be back in the assembly room and ready to go in fifteen minutes. Thank you.”
The judge made no move to leave the bench as the jurors got up and filed through the door at the end of the jury box. This meant court was not adjourned and Falcone would have more to say to the lawyers once the jurors were gone.
He waited until the last one went through the assembly room door before speaking.
“Okay, the jury is no longer present and we’re still on the record,” he began. “I don’t want to tell the lawyers here what to do, but it does seem to me that it would be a prudent use of the break if Ms. Saldano and Mr. Haller joined me in chambers to discuss the viability of this case going forward. Any objection to that?”
“No, Your Honor,” Haller said immediately.
“No, Your Honor,” Saldano echoed hesitantly.
After the lawyers filed back into the judge’s chambers, Bosch went out into the hallway. Christine Schmidt was sitting on a bench there, waiting to be called to testify. Witnesses were not allowed to hear other testimony in a trial, and therefore she was unaware of the testimony Morales had just given or the seismic change it had brought to the case. Bosch crossed the hallway to speak to her and simply explained that the lawyers were meeting with the judge and she could expect to testify afterward.
He then walked back across the wide hallway to another bench where Ballard was waiting. He sat down and she put her backpack between them.
“So, what just happened in there?” she asked.
“I think Haller just got a directed verdict of acquittal,” Bosch said. “At least that’s what I bet they’re talking about in chambers.”
“That testimony. He knocked down the DNA?”
“More like he set up a way to explain how the defendant’s DNA got under the judge’s fingernail. It was transferred.”
He nodded across the hall to the bench where Dr. Schmidt sat.
“That’s his DNA expert,” Bosch said. “She comes in next to talk about touch DNA, DNA transfer. Herstadt’s DNA was found under Judge Montgomery’s fingernail. One fingernail. The oximeter could have transferred it. It’s reasonable doubt right there. It will hang up the jury if not get the outright acquittal.”
“But wait,” Ballard said. “What about the guy’s confession? He admitted to the crime.”
“Haller blew that up yesterday. Herstadt’s schizophrenic. His doctor was on the stand saying he’s got the kind of psychosis that would lead him to agree to anything while under stress, say yes to anything, including murdering a judge in the park. I think Haller’s got this won. I think the judge thinks so too. That’s gotta be what they’re in chambers talking about.”
“And you gave him all of this?”
She said it in a tone that Bosch heard as distrustful, as if what he had done was part of a contrived scheme by the defense. It offended him.
“I gave him facts,” he said. “No tricks. I think what he laid out in there is what happened. Herstadt didn’t do it.”