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Wynn might always be closer to his estranged daughter than he could ever hope to be. And now that cost her as well.

I am sorry

“No ... no,” she whispered. “I’m sorry. It’s just hard.”

He kept still until she sat up and looked at him.

And what about Chuillyon?

Wynn glanced once toward those nearer the fire, and at the tall elf.

“I believe he somehow uses Chârmun to move between it and its ... children. Leesil was holding his branch from Roise Chârmune some nights ago, and Chuillyon just appeared.”

Chap’s ears stiffened upright at even the possibility.

Has he confirmed this?—

“Some—not all—perhaps only enough to make us trust him. I’m half guessing the rest. The last time I was in the Lhoin’na lands and first saw Chârmun ... he was suddenly there. There was no way he could’ve gotten into that clearing without being spotted.”

—Can he be trusted?—

Wynn snorted. “No! But I think he’d do anything to stop the Enemy from returning. That puts him on our side for now.”

And they turned to more details from Wynn’s past. Chap learned of how Chuillyon had more than once foiled an undead wraith’s conjury, though most of what he had done was only defensive. That left one other piece to puzzle for another notion developing in Chap’s thoughts.

—Where is Leesil’s branch?—

“In his pack.”

Chap fell silent while turning over everything that Wynn had related. Some of the others near the fire occasionally glanced their way, for he and Wynn had been off on their own for a while. And when Magiere stared too long ...

Wynn smiled. “Sorry. We’re just catching up.”

Chane then rose and faced her, though he looked right at Chap. “Now that the orbs are gathered and the likely place of the Enemy has been found, what is next?”

Ghassan’s irises appeared nearly black in the dark as he answered, “We head east again.”

Chapter Thirteen

Leesil felt anxious and trapped. All along the journey west to rejoin Chap and Chane, the farther they’d gone, Magiere’s dreams had continued to lessen in frequency, until they stopped altogether. This should’ve come as a relief.

It hadn’t.

Back when Magiere had first led him, Chap, and Wynn into the Pock Peaks after the first orb, she’d often awoken in the nights and cried out. That was how everything had started, and here in this foreign land, when they’d turned back along the range, she hadn’t made a sound. Not after that night on the stone slab spent waiting out the ghul.

After that, on the trek toward Bäalâle, Leesil wouldn’t even have noticed the change if he hadn’t awoken one night for no reason. He’d found Magiere sitting up in the night and silently staring back the way they had come. She hadn’t even known he’d awoken until he touched her arm. She’d jumped slightly and stiffened as if he’d awoken her.

The farther westward they traveled, the more withdrawn she’d grown.

And then, they’d finally met up with Chap, Chane, and Ore-Locks and turned back eastward once again. All along the way, Magiere had remained quiet and withdrawn. He couldn’t bring himself to ask her what was wrong, partly because he feared the answer.

Now, far to the east again, Leesil crouched on a stone knoll, their camp hidden off behind him in the foothills. Out in the dark stood one peak in the crook of the range’s turn along the eastern coast. The only way they even knew it was the peak was because of the fires.

Bright spots below his vantage point were scattered at the mountain’s base, into its lowest foothills, and out into the open, parched plain. Even the undead valued fire, but so many flicking spots of light told him that a horde had gathered.

—How ... many?—

Leesil didn’t start at Chap’s broken memory-words in his head. He rose to his feet as the dog came up beside him.

“At least a hundred, maybe more,” he whispered. “Not a full army but enough.”

They both knew there were too many below to sneak past while carrying five orbs into the mountain, however and wherever they might find an entrance.

Chap peered down over the high knoll, and Leesil wasn’t sure what to say.

How many times had the two of them stood like this, trying to find a strategy to succeed and get out? This time they didn’t see a way in, let alone an escape.

—Magiere ... cannot go ... near ... the Enemy ... her maker—

That wouldn’t make things any easier, and telling her would be even worse.

“So, what next?”

—The only possibility ... is to split into ... two groups— ... —One ... to infiltrate ... the peak ... the other ... to draw ... the horde— ... —Magiere must ... lead ... the second ... not ... the first—

Leesil wasn’t quite ready to agree, but he hadn’t thought of any other options that might work. Anyone who drew the horde’s attention stood little chance of survival, even with Magiere. Then again, the first group would be walking into ... what?

“We don’t even know how to use the orbs, except to blindly open them all at once. You saw what the orb of Water did in the cavern beneath that six-towered castle.”

Chap didn’t reply.

They’d both been there when Magiere used her thôrhk—her orb key—to open the orb of Water where it waited for a thousand years. Instantly, it began swallowing all freestanding moisture. If they’d let it finish with that, would it have done the same to anything living?

—The orbs ... are a ... last ... resort ... if you find ... the Enemy ... fully awake—

Leesil scoffed. “I heard you ... every other time you said it.”

They had no idea what they would find, what the Enemy really was, or if they could kill it. They only hoped they’d never have to use the orbs. Chap didn’t counter his spiteful reply, and this worried Leesil all the more.

“If we have to, do you have any notions about using the orbs?”

Chap turned away.


* * *

Chap returned to camp, taking note of who was in plain sight. They had no fire and used dimly lit cold-lamp crystals only as needed. One tent flap was flipped fully open, and he saw Chuillyon sitting cross-legged within, his eyes closed. Chane sat talking with Ore-Locks on the camp’s other side. Ghassan stood silent, head bowed, near the desert side of camp, apparently lost in thought. Magiere sat beside Brot’an. Both were tending and sharpening their weapons in silence. Wynn was nowhere to be seen, so she had to be in the second of now three tents.

Magiere glanced up and spotted him. “Where’s Leesil?”

—He is coming ... soon—

Chap went to the tent he shared with Leesil, Magiere, and Wynn. Shoving through the entrance flap, he found the young sage kneeling between two familiar chests—those for the orbs of Spirit and Air.

Was she sitting vigil? At least she was alone, and she would not question what he asked of her. Wynn trusted him, at least in all greater matters. Upon hearing him, she turned on her knees, and he steeled himself.

—I need you to open the chest for the orb of Spirit—

She blinked. “Why?”

—I need to know more, as much as I can, about the orbs, should they have to be used—

Wynn still studied him, as if measuring his words. Then she opened the left chest, reached in, and pulled back the cloth as he approached.