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‘A magician’s apprentice. I work in the office of the Night Watch. Someone has to.’

‘And what can you do? Show me, I want to see.’

There it was, straight out of the textbook. He’d been in the Twilight, but that hadn’t convinced him. Petty fairground tricks are far more impressive.


I held my arm out towards him. Egor froze, trying to understand what was going on. Then he looked at his cup.

The steam had stopped rising from his tea. The tea was crackling as it turned into a cylinder of muddy brown ice with tea leaves frozen into it.

‘Oh,’ said the boy.

Thermodynamics is the simple part of manipulating matter. I allowed the Brownian motion to start up again, and the ice boiled. Egor shrieked and dropped his cup.

‘Sorry!’ I jumped up and grabbed the cloth from the sink, then squatted down to wipe up the puddle on the lino.

‘Magic’s nothing but trouble,’ said the boy. ‘That was a good cup.’

‘Just a moment.’

My shadow raced towards me, I entered the Twilight and looked at the broken pieces. They still remembered the whole, and it hadn’t been the cup’s destiny to get broken so soon. I raked the shards together with my hand. A few of the smallest pieces that had fallen under the cooker eagerly moved a bit closer.

I emerged from the Twilight and put the white cup on the table.

‘Now you only need to pour more tea into it.’

‘Fantastic.’ Apparently this little trick had made a big impression on Egor. ‘And can you do that with any kind of thing?’

‘Almost any kind.’

‘Anton … what if something was broken a week ago?’

I couldn’t help smiling.

‘No, sorry, then it’s too late. The Twilight gives you a chance, but you have to take it quickly, very quickly.’

Egor’s face darkened. I wondered what it was he’d broken a week ago.

‘Now do you believe me?’

‘Is that magic?’

‘Yes. The most primitive kind. It takes almost no effort to learn.’

I probably shouldn’t have said that. The boy’s eyes lit up. He was already figuring out his prospects. His profit.

Light and Dark …

‘But an experienced magician, he can do other stuff too?’

‘Even I can.’

‘And control people?’

‘Yes,’ I said. ‘Yes, we can do that.’

‘And do you? How come terrorists take hostages? You could creep up in the Twilight without being seen and shoot them. Or make them shoot themselves! How come people die of diseases? Magicians can cure them, you said so yourself.’

‘That would be Good,’ I said.

‘Of course! But you’re the magicians of the Light!’

‘If we do any deed that is unconditionally good, it gives the Dark Magicians the right to do an evil deed.’

Egor looked at me in amazement. Too much had happened over the last twenty-four hours for him to take it all in. But he was handling it pretty well.

‘Unfortunately Egor, Evil is stronger by its very nature. Evil is destructive. It’s much easier for Evil to destroy than it is for Good to create.’

‘Then what do you do? This Night Watch of yours … Do you fight against the Dark Magicians?’

I mustn’t answer. I knew that with a devastating clarity, just as I knew I should never have confided in the boy. I should have put him to sleep and withdrawn deeper into the Twilight. But not tried to explain anything to him, not a single thing.

I wouldn’t be able to prove anything to him.

‘Do you fight against them?’

‘Not exactly,’ I said. The truth was worse than a lie, but I had no right to tell a lie. ‘We keep an eye on each other.’

‘Getting ready to fight?’

I looked at Egor, thinking what a bright kid he was. But still a kid. And if I told him now that the great battle between Good and Evil was approaching, that he could be one of the new Jedi of the Twilight world, then he’d be ours.

Only not for long.

‘No, Egor. There aren’t very many of us.’

‘The Light Others? You mean there are more Dark Ones?’

Now he was all set to leave home, abandon Mum and Dad, put on his shining armour and set out to die for the cause of Good …

‘There aren’t many Others in general. Egor, the battle between Good and Evil has been going on for thousands of years, with the balance shifting all the time. Sometimes Good has won, but if you only knew how many people, who had no idea the Twilight world even existed, were killed in the process. There aren’t many Others, but every one of them can get thousands of ordinary people to follow him. Egor, if the battle between Good and Evil breaks out, half the people in the world will be killed. That’s why almost fifty years ago a treaty was signed. The Great Treaty between Good and Evil, Dark and Light.’

His eyes now opened really wide.

I sighed and went on:

‘It’s a short treaty. I’ll read it out to you – in the official Russian translation. You already have a right to know.’

I closed my eyes and peered into the darkness. The Twilight swirled into life behind my eyelids. A grey banner unfurled, covered with blazing red letters. The Treaty must not be recited from memory, it may only be read:

We are the Others,

We serve different forces,

But in the Twilight there is no difference between

the absence of Dark and the absence of Light.

Our struggle is capable of destroying the world.

We have concluded a Great Treaty, a truce.

Each side shall live according to its own laws,

Each side shall have its own rights.

We delimit our own rights and our own laws.

We are the Others.

We establish the Night Watch,

So that the forces of Light may monitor the forces of Dark.

We are the Others.

We establish the Day Watch,

So that the forces of Dark may monitor the forces of Light.

Time will decide for us.

The boy’s eyes grew even bigger and rounder.

‘Light and Dark live in peace?’


‘Those … the vampires …’ He kept coming back over and over again to the same subject. ‘They’re Dark Ones?’

‘Yes. They’re people who have been totally transformed by the Twilight world. They acquire immense powers, but they lose the gift of life itself. And they can only carry on existing by using the energy of other beings. Blood’s the most convenient form for transferring it.’

‘And they kill people!’

‘They can exist on donor’s blood. It’s like processed foods, it doesn’t taste so good, but it’s still nutritious. If the vampires just went out hunting—’

‘But they attacked me!’

He was only thinking about himself right now. That wasn’t good.

‘Some vampires break the law. That’s why we need the Night Watch, to police the observance of the Treaty.’

‘Then … vampires don’t just go around hunting people, right?’

I felt a breath of wind against my cheek from invisible wings. The claws dug into my shoulder.

‘Now what are you going to tell him, Night Watch agent?’ Olga whispered from out of the depths of the Twilight. ‘Will you risk telling him the truth?’

‘Yes, they go hunting,’ I said. Then I added the thing that had struck me as most terrible of all five years earlier. ‘If they have a licence. Sometimes … sometimes they need living blood.’

He didn’t ask straight off. I could read everything the boy was thinking in his eyes, everything he wanted to ask. And I knew I’d have to answer all the questions.