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Iasion (ya´-see-on): son of Zeus and Electra; loved by Demeter. 5.127.

Icarius (i-kar´-ee-us): father of Penelope and brother of Tyndareus. 2.52.

Icmalius (ik-may´-lee-us): Ithacan craftsman; he made Penelope’s footstool. 19.55.

Idomeneus (i-dom-i-nay´-us): Cretan king who fought on the side of the Greeks in the Trojan War. 3.191.

Ilus (ail´-us): king of Ephyra. 1.263.

Ino (ai´-no) : daughter of Cadmus; a sea goddess also called the White Goddess. 5.333.

Iolcus (yol´-kus): a city in Thessaly; the home of Nestor’s uncle Pelias, who sent Jason in quest of the Golden Fleece. 11.257.

Iphicles (if´-ik-lees): king of Phylace. 11.292.

Iphimedeia (if-i-me-day´-a): wife of Aloeus; mother, by Poseidon, of Otus and Ephialtes. 11.306.

Iphitus (if´-i-tus): son of Eurytus; he gives Odysseus his father’s bow. 21.13.

Iphthime (if-thee´-mee): daughter of Icarius; sister of Penelope; wife of Eumelus. 4.797.

Irus (ai´-rus): Ithacan beggar; also known as Arnaeus (q.v.). 18.7.

Ismarus (is´-mar-us): a city in Thrace; home of the Cicones. 9.41.

Ithaca (ith´-a-ka): an Ionian island in western Greece; home to the Ithacans, including Odysseus. 1.18.

Ithacus (ith´-a-kus): one of the builders of an ornate fountain in Ithaca. 17.206.

Itylus (i´-til-us): son of Zethus, the king of Thebes, and Aedon. He was accidentally killed by his mother. 19.525.

Jardan, River (jar´-dan): a river in Crete. 3.290.

Jason: Thessalian hero; he led the Argonauts in their quest for the Golden Fleece. 12.73.

Knossos (kuh-nos´-os): a city in Crete where King Minos ruled. 19.178.

Laerces (lay-ur´-seez): Pylian goldsmith. 3.424.

Laertes (lay-air´-teez): father of Odysseus; son of Arcesius. 1.188.

Laestrygonia (lai-stri-go´-nee-a): a mythical place visited by Odysseus, inhabited by a race of giant cannibals, the Laestrygonians. 10.81.

Lamos (lai´-mos): apparently, the founder of Laestrygonia. 10.82.

Lampetia (lam-pet´-ee-a): daughter of Helius and Neaira; one of the caretakers of Helius’ cattle on Thrinacia. Her name means “Shining.” 12.133.

Laodamas (lay-o´-da-mas): Phaeacian prince, son of Alcinous and Arete. 7.170.

Leda (lee´-da): wife of Tyndareus; mother by Zeus of Castor and Polydeuces. 11.300.

Lemnos (lem´-nos): an island in the northeast Aegean; inhabited by the Sintians. 8.283.

Leocritus (lee-ok´-ri-tus): one of Penelope’s suitors, and son of Euenor. He is killed by Telemachus. 2.241.

Leodes (lee-oh´-deez): the prophet of the suitors. 21.144.

Lesbos (les´-bos): a large island in the northeastern Aegean Sea, off the coast of Asia Minor. 3.169.

Leto (lee´-to): goddess; mother by Zeus of Apollo and Artemis. 6.106.

Libya (lib´-ee-ya): a land on the northern coast of Africa; vaguely imagined and not necessarily co-extensive with the modern country. 4.84.

Maera (mai´-ra): one of the heroines whose shades Odysseus encounters in the underworld. 11.328.

Malea (ma´-lee-a): a cape at the southeastern tip of the Peloponnese, famous for its treacherous sailing conditions. 3.286.

Mantius (man´-tee-yus): son of Melampus; father of Clitus and Polypheides; grandfather of Theoclymenus. 15.243.

Marathon (ma´-ra-thon): a town northeast of Athens, near the northeast coast of Attica. 7.80.

Maron (mah´-ron): priest of Apollo; son of Euanthes. He gave Odysseus the wine that Odysseus uses to intoxicate Polyphemus. 9.199.

Mastor (mas´-tor): father of Halitherses. 2.158.

Medon (mee´-don): slave boy in Ithaca; spared by Odysseus. 4.676.

Megapenthes (me-ga-pen´-theez): son of Menelaus by a slave woman. 4.12.

Megara (me´-ga-ra): daughter of Creon and wife of Heracles; one of the shades of heroines Odysseus encounters in the underworld. 11.270.

Melampus (me-lam´-pus): prophet; great-grandfather of Theoclymenus. 11.293.

Melaneus (me-lan-ai´-us): father of the suitor Amphimedon. 24.104.

Melanthius (me-lanth´-ee-yus): goatherd for the suitors; brother of Melantho. He is killed by Odysseus. 17.212.

Melantho (me-lanth´-oh): sister of Melanthius and slave of Penelope. She has a sexual relationship with Eurymachus and is hanged by Telemachus, along with eleven others. 18.320.

Memnon (mem´-non): son of the Dawn Goddess; killed Antilochus at Troy. 11.520.

Menelaus (me-ne-lay´-us): king of Sparta; husband of Helen; brother of Agamemnon. 1.285.

Mentes (men´-teez): leader of the Taphians; a guest-friend of Odysseus whose identity is assumed by Athena. 1.105.

Mentor (men´-tor): son of Alcimus; a trusted friend of Odysseus whose identity is often assumed by Athena. 2.225.

Mesaulius (mes-ow´-lee-yus): slave of Eumaeus. 14.450.

Messenia (mes-ee´-nee-ya ): a region of the southwest Peloponnese. 21.16

Mimas (mai´-mas): a promontory on the coast of Asia Minor, opposite Chios. 3.173.

Minos (mai´-nos): son of Zeus; legendary king of Crete; judge of the dead in the underworld. 11.323.

Minyans (min´-yans): inhabitants of Orchomenus. 11.283.

Moulius (moo´-lee-yus): slave brought by Amphinomus from Dulichium. 18.423.

Muse: one of nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne who preside over various arts. 1.2.

Mycenae (mai-see´-nee): a palatial city in the northeastern Peloponnese, and home of Agamemnon. 3.304.

Mycene (mai-seen´): legendary heroine. 2.120.

Myrmidons (mur´-mi-dons): a Thessalian tribe and Achilles’ men in The Iliad. Neoptolemus, Achilles’ son, led the tribe after his father’s death. 3.189.

Naubolus (now´-bo-lus): father of Euryalus. His name suggests “Ship-Launcher.” 8.114.

Nausicaa (now´-sik-ah): Phaeacian princess; daughter of Alcinous and Arete. 6.16.

Nausithous (now-sith´-o-wus): king of the Phaeacians before his son, Alcinous, succeeded him. He resettled the Phaeacians in Scheria due to harrassment from their neighbors, the Cyclopes. 6.7.