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She moans, loud, and then has the strength to place a pillow over her face to muffle the cries. I have to admit, it’s hot when she watches my dick slide in and out of her but it’s also hot when she can’t see anything at all.

“Don’t hold back, babe,” I whisper, breath ragged and deep. “I’m not. Not this time. I can’t.”

My hips roll back and forth and I plunge in and out, from tip to the last thick inch of my cock. My rhythm becomes faster and faster and I know I can’t keep my cum at bay for much longer. Her pussy is so tight, so eager, I feel like I’m on fucking drugs, like I’m sticking my dick into some sexual trip I may never sober up from.

I work my fingers into a frenzy and her muffled moans get louder and louder while I slam into her harder and harder. Her back is arched, nipples pink peaks, and I know she’s close.

“Fuck!” she cries out. “Oh, Jesus.”

Because I’m starting to pound into her so hard, shaking the bed, shaking her breasts, I can’t tell if she’s spasming or not, but then I feel her clench around me, off and on, and I know she’s there, lost in the spiral.

I take in a deep breath and let out a low, guttural cry as my coiled muscles let loose and the orgasm rips down my spine, shooting out through every nerve ending. I’m fucking her so hard I think I’m going to push her bed right through the wall, right into my apartment and then I’m white-hot, wild, undone.

I come hard, blasting my load so fast and powerful I fear I might just tear a hole in the condom. I’m shuddering so hard that the bed is still shaking, even though the pumping of my hips has slowed. Through my blissful, electric haze, I can still hear Nicola moaning into the pillow, gasping and making nonsensical noises. I may be doing the same, it’s hard to tell when you have no control over your body, no real awareness of what’s going on except you’re a million miles above the fucking planet and you have no idea when you’re coming down.

When my arms start to tremble, I slowly lower myself so I’m on top of her, the wet slick of my sweaty chest pressing against hers. It’s so animalistic, that feeling, like we’re operating on a level of instinct and desire, eons before the mind comes in. It’s silly to say we’re on a soul-to-soul level, but it’s not far off.

“Sorry,” I say as I take the pillow off of her face. “I couldn’t hold back. You’re fucking kryptonite.”

She stares at me, her face completely flushed pink and glowing, her eyes heavy, like she’s in a dream. She’s never looked more beautiful. I want her like this all the fucking time.

“I can’t even…” she says, her voice airy and she smiles.

“Next time, it will be different,” I tell her, smoothing her damp hair away from her face. She’s got wild, mad bedhead and just adds to this crazed goddess look she has going on.

She shakes her head once. “Good Lord, I hope not. That was…that was…there are no words.”

“Oh, it will be just as amazing,” I assure her, kissing her lightly on the lips. She tastes like salt. I breathe in deeply and the smell of our sex, both musty and new, almost makes me hard again. If it wasn’t for the fact that I have to pull out and remove the condom, I don’t think I’d ever have to come out.

But I do. It’s only polite.

I move back a bit and pull out, gripping the condom to make sure it doesn’t spill all over her. I get up and head to the en-suite washroom, making sure I’m all cleaned up before coming back to bed.

She’s nestled under the covers, the top of it barely covering her breasts and in the glow of her nightstand lamp, she looks positively sated. Perfect.

“Mind if I get in?” I ask her, not knowing if she just wanted me here for a fuck or for something more. I hope to fuck it’s for something more.

She gives me a lazy smile and then lifts open the blanket. I sigh inwardly with relief and get in.

I’m not much of a cuddler but now that I’m in bed with her, naked, it feels sinful not to be touching every inch of her soft body. She’s such a fucking goddess with those freckles and pouty pink lips and creamy skin and I know she has no idea. It totally adds to the appeal.

I pull her toward me and kiss her shoulder, still warm and damp. My fingers get lost in the mess of her hair. I don’t know what to say – I’ve never been much for pillow talk – I just want to hold her in my arms as I sleep and hopefully wake up in a few hours for another round.

But she feels slightly tense, hesitant. She’s rubbing her lips together like she’s got something on her mind and I have a feeling I know what it is.

“You know,” I say slowly, running my fingers over the bridge of her cute nose, over her luscious lips. “Contrary to popular belief, that actually meant something to me.”

She swallows and tilts her head to look at me. “Yeah?”

I knew it. My reputation will follow me everywhere.

“Yeah.” I kiss her neck and murmur into her was. “And I don’t shag more than one woman at a time. I’m fucking you now and I’m going to keep doing so for as long as you want my cock around. I know you said only an idiot would fall for this line, but I only have eyes for you and there’s no sense in screwing someone else if I’m going to be thinking of you the whole time.”

She nods. “Okay. Well, you don’t have to worry about that with me.”

“Don’t be so sure,” I tell her. “I’ve seen you at work. I’ve seen the way men look at you, the same way you do. But as long as I can be the only man who conquers you, I’ll be happy. And I’ll do my damndest to make you happy.”

She smiles softly. “You almost sound sweet there.”

“Just give me a few more minutes and sweet will be the last thing on your mind.”

But in a few more minutes, we’re both asleep.



“God, you taste delicious, sweetheart.”

I hear Bram’s husky, jumbled words at the same time I feel his tongue slide between my legs. I jump at the contact but his hands grip my hips, keeping me in place. I raise my head, blinking hard and see his thick head of hair as his tongue snakes along my cleft, licking slowly.

“Jesus,” I mutter softly, sinking back into the bed. “What a way to wake up.” It’s early morning and the sky outside my window is grey blue, even though there seems to be no clouds or fog in sight. I’m surprised we’re up. I felt like we fucked all night but even though I ache and my lips and pussy feel rubbed raw, I also feel surprisingly alive. My brain is bright behind my eyes, my nerves are buzzing, my skin seems like it can feel every atom in the air. It’s one hundred percent clichéd to say I feel like a brand new woman, but I do.

Bram groans into me and his tongue plunges inside. I arch my back, wanting him deeper, my legs opening more and more for him. His fingers grip my hips hard and with his other hand he slips a finger along my clit, rubbing it just so.

God, I’m going to come at any moment but I also want him to last forever. Can this please be the way I wake up for the rest of my life?

Last night was too incredible for words – another cliché, but true. I’d never had a man want me so badly, I could practically feel the primal, animalistic need that matched my own. And naked, gorgeously, beautifully, exquisitely naked, Bram was a whole other beast. I honestly didn’t know if he was going to cause me a lot of pain or not, but from the way he so slowly, deliciously, eased himself inside me, I felt nothing except a pinch and then this incredible feeling of being so full, like I’d been missing him my whole life.

The only problem is, now I feel a bit bereft at the absence of his dick. I want him inside me, all of him, not just his fingers and his tongue. I want him to make the bed shake again, for my breasts to jiggle as he slams into me. I want that wildness, that wickedness, that damn smirk as he knows exactly what he can do to make me scream even though I’ve been screaming into my pillows, lest we wake up Ava. And judging from how enthusiastically he’s licking me, like a fucking ice cream cone, I’m about to let loose. I grab the pillow out from under my head and hold it on my face as he pushes me over the edge. All the tight coils in my body release and I’m riding wave after wave of insane pleasure, my limbs jerking from the power of it all.