| ob[?] [lbdos] [...] list opened binary files backed by fd
| oc [file] open core file, like relaunching r2
| of [file] open file and map it at addr 0 as read-only
| oi[-|idx] alias for o, but using index instead of fd
| oj[?] list opened files in JSON format
| oL list all IO plugins registered
| om[?] create, list, remove IO maps
| on [file] 0x4000 map raw file at 0x4000 (no r_bin involved)
| oo[?] reopen current file (kill+fork in debugger)
| oo+ reopen current file in read-write
| ood[r] [args] reopen in debugger mode (with args)
| oo[bnm] [...] see oo? for help
| op [fd] prioritize given fd (see also ob)
| ox fd fdx exchange the descs of fd and fdx and keep the mapping
Prepare a simple layout:
$ rabin2 -l /bin/ls
[Linked libraries]
4 libraries
Map a file:
[0x00001190]> o /bin/zsh 0x499999
List mapped files:
[0x00000000]> o
- 6 /bin/ls @ 0x0 ; r
- 10 /lib/ld-linux.so.2 @ 0x100000000 ; r
- 14 /bin/zsh @ 0x499999 ; r
Print hexadecimal values from /bin/zsh:
[0x00000000]> px @ 0x499999
Unmap files using the o- command. Pass the required file descriptor to it as an argument:
[0x00000000]> o-14
You can also view the ascii table showing the list of the opened files:
[0x00000000]> ob=
One of the key features of radare2 is displaying information in many formats. The goal is to offer a selection of display choices to interpret binary data in the best possible way.
Binary data can be represented as integers, shorts, longs, floats, timestamps, hexpair strings, or more complex formats like C structures, disassembly listings, decompilation listing, be a result of an external processing...
Below is a list of available print modes listed by p?:
[0x00005310]> p?
|Usage: p[=68abcdDfiImrstuxz] [arg|len] [@addr]
| p[b|B|xb] [len] ([S]) bindump N bits skipping S bytes
| p[iI][df] [len] print N ops/bytes (f=func) (see pi? and pdi)
| p[kK] [len] print key in randomart (K is for mosaic)
| p-[?][jh] [mode] bar|json|histogram blocks (mode: e?search.in)
| p2 [len] 8x8 2bpp-tiles
| p3 [file] print stereogram (3D)
| p6[de] [len] base64 decode/encode
| p8[?][j] [len] 8bit hexpair list of bytes
| p=[?][bep] [N] [L] [b] show entropy/printable chars/chars bars
| pa[edD] [arg] pa:assemble pa[dD]:disasm or pae: esil from hex
| pA[n_ops] show n_ops address and type
| pb[?] [n] bitstream of N bits
| pB[?] [n] bitstream of N bytes
| pc[?][p] [len] output C (or python) format
| pC[aAcdDxw] [rows] print disassembly in columns (see hex.cols and pdi)
| pd[?] [sz] [a] [b] disassemble N opcodes (pd) or N bytes (pD)
| pf[?][.nam] [fmt] print formatted data (pf.name, pf.name $<expr>)
| pF[?][apx] print asn1, pkcs7 or x509
| pg[?][x y w h] [cmd] create new visual gadget or print it (see pg? for details)
| ph[?][=|hash] ([len]) calculate hash for a block
| pj[?] [len] print as indented JSON
| pm[?] [magic] print libmagic data (see pm? and /m?)
| po[?] hex print operation applied to block (see po?)
| pp[?][sz] [len] print patterns, see pp? for more help
| pq[?][is] [len] print QR code with the first Nbytes
| pr[?][glx] [len] print N raw bytes (in lines or hexblocks, 'g'unzip)
| ps[?][pwz] [len] print pascal/wide/zero-terminated strings
| pt[?][dn] [len] print different timestamps
| pu[?][w] [len] print N url encoded bytes (w=wide)
| pv[?][jh] [mode] show variable/pointer/value in memory
| pwd display current working directory
| px[?][owq] [len] hexdump of N bytes (o=octal, w=32bit, q=64bit)
| pz[?] [len] print zoom view (see pz? for help)
Tip: when using json output, you can append the ~{} to the command to get a pretty-printed version of the output:
[0x00000000]> oj
[0x00000000]> oj~{}
"raised": false,
"fd": 563280,
"uri": "malloc://512",
"from": 0,
"writable": true,
"size": 512,
"overlaps": false
For more on the magical powers of ~ see the help in ?@?, and the Command Format chapter earlier in the book.
px gives a user-friendly output showing 16 pairs of numbers per row with offsets and raw representations:
[0x00404888]> p8 16
Currently supported timestamp output modes are:
[0x00404888]> pt?
|Usage: pt [dn] print timestamps
| pt. print current time
| pt print UNIX time (32 bit `cfg.bigendian`) Since January 1, 1970
| ptd print DOS time (32 bit `cfg.bigendian`) Since January 1, 1980
| pth print HFS time (32 bit `cfg.bigendian`) Since January 1, 1904
| ptn print NTFS time (64 bit `cfg.bigendian`) Since January 1, 1601
For example, you can 'view' the current buffer as timestamps in the ntfs time:
[0x08048000]> e cfg.bigendian = false
[0x08048000]> pt 4
29:04:32948 23:12:36 +0000
[0x08048000]> e cfg.bigendian = true
[0x08048000]> pt 4
20:05:13001 09:29:21 +0000
As you can see, the endianness affects the result. Once you have printed a timestamp, you can grep the output, for example, by year:
[0x08048000]> pt ~1974 | wc -l
[0x08048000]> pt ~2022
27:04:2022 16:15:43 +0000
The default date format can be configured using the cfg.datefmt variable. Formatting rules for it follow the well known strftime(3) format. Check the manpage for more details, but these are the most important:
%a The abbreviated name of the day of the week according to the current locale.
%A The full name of the day of the week according to the current locale.
%d The day of the month as a decimal number (range 01 to 31).
%D Equivalent to %m/%d/%y. (Yecch—for Americans only).
%H The hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock (range 00 to 23).