To prevent radare2 from parsing this file at startup, pass it the -N option.
All the configuration of radare2 is done with the eval commands. A typical startup configuration file looks like this:
$ cat ~/.radare2rc
e scr.color = 1
e dbg.bep = loader
The configuration can also be changed with -e <config=value> command-line option. This way you can adjust configuration from the command line, keeping the .radare2rc file intact. For example, to start with empty configuration and then adjust scr.color and asm.syntax the following line may be used:
$ radare2 -N -e scr.color=1 -e asm.syntax=intel -d /bin/ls
Internally, the configuration is stored in a hash table. The variables are grouped in namespaces: cfg., file., dbg., scr. and so on.
To get a list of all configuration variables just type e in the command line prompt. To limit the output to a selected namespace, pass it with an ending dot to e. For example, e file. will display all variables defined inside the "file" namespace.
To get help about e command type e?:
Usage: e [var[=value]] Evaluable vars
| e?asm.bytes show description
| e?? list config vars with description
| e a get value of var 'a'
| e a=b set var 'a' the 'b' value
| e var=? print all valid values of var
| e var=?? print all valid values of var with description
| e.a=b same as 'e a=b' but without using a space
| e,k=v,k=v,k=v comma separated k[=v]
| e- reset config vars
| e* dump config vars in r commands
| e!a invert the boolean value of 'a' var
| ec [k] [color] set color for given key (prompt, offset, ...)
| eevar open editor to change the value of var
| ed open editor to change the ~/.radare2rc
| ej list config vars in JSON
| env [k[=v]] get/set environment variable
| er [key] set config key as readonly. no way back
| es [space] list all eval spaces [or keys]
| et [key] show type of given config variable
| ev [key] list config vars in verbose format
| evj [key] list config vars in verbose format in JSON
A simpler alternative to the e command is accessible from the visual mode. Type Ve to enter it, use arrows (up, down, left, right) to navigate the configuration, and q to exit it. The start screen for the visual configuration edit looks like this:
> anal
For configuration values that can take one of several values, you can use the =? operator to get a list of valid values:
[0x00000000]> e scr.nkey = ?
scr.nkey = fun, hit, flag
Console access is wrapped in API that permits to show the output of any command as ANSI, W32 Console or HTML formats. This allows radare's core to run inside environments with limited displaying capabilities, like kernels or embedded devices. It is still possible to receive data from it in your favorite format.
To enable colors support by default, add a corresponding configuration option to the .radare2 configuration file:
$ echo 'e scr.color=1' >> ~/.radare2rc
Note that enabling colors is not a boolean option. Instead, it is a number because there are different color depth levels. This is:
• 0: black and white
• 1: 16 basic ANSI colors
• 2: 256 scale colors
• 3: 24bit true color
The reason for having such user-defined options is because there's no standard or portable way for the terminal programs to query the console to determine the best configuration, same goes for charset encodings, so r2 allows you to choose that by hand.
Usually, serial consoles may work with 0 or 1, while xterms may support up to 3. RCons will try to find the closest color scheme for your theme when you choose a different them with the eco command.
It is possible to configure the color of almost any element of disassembly output. For *NIX terminals, r2 accepts color specification in RGB format. To change the console color palette use ec command.
Type ec to get a list of all currently used colors. Type ecs to show a color palette to pick colors from:
You can create your own color theme, but radare2 have its own predefined ones. Use the eco command to list or select them.
After selecting one, you can compare between the color scheme of the shell and the current theme by pressing Ctrl-Shift and then right arrow key for the toggle.
In visual mode use the R key to randomize colors or choose the next theme in the list.
Below is a list of the most frequently used configuration variables. You can get a complete list by issuing e command without arguments. For example, to see all variables defined in the "cfg" namespace, issue e cfg. (mind the ending dot). You can get help on any eval configuration variable by using e? cfg.
The e?? command to get help on all the evaluable configuration variables of radare2. As long as the output of this command is pretty large you can combine it with the internal grep ~ to filter for what you are looking for:
The Visual mode has an eval browser that is accessible through the Vbe command.
Defines the target CPU architecture used for disassembling (pd, pD commands) and code analysis (a command). You can find the list of possible values by looking at the result of e asm.arch=? or rasm2 -L. It is quite simple to add new architectures for disassembling and analyzing code. There is an interface for that. For x86, it is used to attach a number of third-party disassembler engines, including GNU binutils, Udis86 and a few handmade ones.
Determines width in bits of registers for the current architecture. Supported values: 8, 16, 32, 64. Note that not all target architectures support all combinations for asm.bits.
Changes syntax flavor for disassembler between Intel and AT&T. At the moment, this setting affects Udis86 disassembler for Intel 32/Intel 64 targets only. Supported values are intel and att.
A boolean value to set the psuedo syntax in the disassembly. "False" indicates a native one, defined by the current architecture, "true" activates a pseudocode strings format. For example, it'll transform :
│ 0x080483ff e832000000 call 0x8048436
│ 0x08048404 31c0 xor eax, eax
│ 0x08048406 0205849a0408 add al, byte [0x8049a84]
│ 0x0804840c 83f800 cmp eax, 0
│ 0x0804840f 7405 je 0x8048416
│ 0x080483ff e832000000 0x8048436 ()
│ 0x08048404 31c0 eax = 0
│ 0x08048406 0205849a0408 al += byte [0x8049a84]