This book wouldn't be possible without the help of a large list of contributors who have been reviewing, writing and reporting bugs and stuff in the radare2 project as well as in this book.
This book was started by maijin as a new version of the original radare book written by pancake.
• Old radare1 book
Many thanks to everyone who has been involved with the gitbook:
Adrian Studer, Ahmed Mohamed Abd El-MAwgood, Akshay Krishnan R, Andrew Hoog, Anton Kochkov, Antonio Sánchez, Austin Hartzheim, Aswin C (officialcjunior), Bob131, DZ_ruyk, David Tomaschik, Eric, Fangrui Song, Francesco Tamagni, FreeArtMan, Gerardo García Peña, Giuseppe, Grigory Rechistov, Hui Peng, ITAYC0HEN, Itay Cohen, Jeffrey Crowell, John, Judge Dredd (key 6E23685A), Jupiter, Kevin Grandemange, Kevin Laeufer, Luca Di Bartolomeo, Lukas Dresel, Maijin, Michael Scherer, Mike, Nikita Abdullin, Paul, Paweł Łukasik, Peter C, RandomLive, Ren Kimura, Reto Schneider, SchumBlubBlub, SkUaTeR, Solomon, Srimanta Barua, Sushant Dinesh, TDKPS, Thanat0s, Vanellope, Vex Woo, Vorlent, XYlearn, Yuri Slobodyanyuk, ali, aoighost, condret, hdznrrd, izhuer, jvoisin, kij, madblobfish, muzlightbeer, pancake, polym (Tim), puddl3glum, radare, sghctoma, shakreiner, sivaramaaa, taiyu, vane11ope, xarkes.