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“I think I’ve worked out what happened back there” he said “when we get to the safe house I bet you a dollar to a donut that all three of the lads had a mobile phone too. If they had all reached the optimum positions that they’d sussed out, each of them would have dialled out at half past one. Whoever constructed the bombs wired cheap mobiles in place, then did a quick shuffle of the backpacks; he gave one of the numbers to each of the bombers and got them to play ‘pick your backpack’ before they left Milton Keynes.

It was a version of ‘Russian Roulette’; they didn’t know which of their colleagues they were blowing up or whether they were sending themselves to kingdom come. Zunairah realised things had gone wrong and was dialling like mad, praying that she had her own number or Habeeb’s.”

“It’s just as well she didn’t” said Athena, who was starting to regain her usual composure.

“We were lucky” said Colin.

“We’re nearly at the safe house.” said Rusty “Where were you heading ma’am before all this kicked off?”

Athena told them about her mother being in hospital awaiting an operation in the morning. Rusty wanted to avoid driving around London in the ambulance any more than absolutely necessary; he suggested Phoenix accompanied Athena to the West End so that she could visit her mother as planned.

“After you’ve done that Phoenix, here are my keys; you can pick up the firm’s car from the NCP car park on Bayswater Road. Sorry we left it a bit of a distance away mate. Then you’d better travel back to Larcombe together. Do you need to go home for some things first ma’am?

Athena nodded and added “I think Phoenix and I can sort something out.”

“What will you be doing Rusty?” asked Colin.

“Cleaning up” Rusty replied “we’ll let Brad and his team take their transport back to Milton Keynes; my lads and the paramedics will squeeze into the ambo with our guests. It’ll be cosy, but it’s only for a couple of hours.”

“What about her?” asked Athena, nodding towards Zunairah.

“She comes with us ma’am; there are a few places we could get rid of a body in London that I know of, but we don’t want to be hanging around until the early hours. Events at the station will have alerted the police and possibly MI5 as well. Fortunately, we didn’t leave too many clues for them.”

“Apart from the CCTV!” said Athena.

“Not really” smiled Rusty “Larcombe hacked into the cameras to get eyes on the bombers for us; when they checked out of the system they turned a few of the problematic ones off! We won’t appear on anything the police might arrange to view.”

“So we’re home clear then” said Colin.

“Don’t count your chickens mate” said Rusty “the boss might want a word with you yet!”


The ambulance pulled into the underground parking space of a three bedroom maisonette in Park Steps. Rusty rang his crew and arrangements were made to transfer the two terrorists upstairs once the coast was clear.

Colin was gobsmacked that Olympus was using a property at the luxury end of the market as a safe house. Athena could see he was confused.

“Where would you least expect to find people who let’s be honest, operate outside the law? Only an idiot would rent a two up, two down in Hackney.”

“You two had better be on your way” suggested Rusty.

Colin and Athena got out of the ambulance and headed up the ramp towards the street. Rusty watched them go. He wanted to see if they would hold hands before they disappeared from sight; they didn’t.

“I suppose you were trying to save my life Phoenix” said Athena once they were well away from the car park “so I’d better thank you.”

“My pleasure” said Colin.

“I had no idea you were stalking me! I didn’t realise that Erebus thought I needed a wet nurse!”

“From the conversations I’ve had with him when we meet in the orangery, he’s very fond of you. I was told to make sure nothing happened to you in London and get you back to Larcombe safe and sound.”

“How was I going to get into trouble? I was spending a couple of days with my parents, for heavens sake!”

“Erebus was afraid that you might attempt some ‘lone wolf’ revenge attack on the terrorist cell; because of your partner.”

Athena was quiet for some time as they continued towards Beaumont Street.

“I’m sorry” Colin said “it must still be very difficult to come to terms with. I remember what I was like when my wife Sue died; I shut down all my emotions and threw myself into my work.”

“Erebus must think highly of you” said Athena eventually, changing the subject. “Cosy meetings in the orangery; I bet you even get the best crockery?”

They had reached the hospital where Mrs. Fox was tucked up, with all mod cons, waiting to go under the knife first thing on Friday morning.

Colin told Athena he would retrieve the car from the NCP place and return for her whenever she was ready to leave. He watched as Athena made her way up the steps to go inside. She stopped at the doorway and checked her watch, it was almost two o’clock.

“Pick me up at three please Phoenix. I won’t stay too long with Mummy; my father is probably here too and we don’t want to tire her.”

“Three it is ma’am” Colin replied.

Athena came back down the steps and put her hand on his arm.

“Erebus was right; if I had been armed and stumbled upon the situation you encountered at Oxford Circus I would have killed all five of them in a heartbeat; regardless of the danger to myself and to the integrity of the Olympus Project.

I shut down all my emotions too when Simon died. I don’t know whether I’m ready yet to trust myself to feel something again. How do you know it’s time?”

“I’m probably the last person to ask” said Colin and turned away to head off to Bayswater Road.

Colin reached the car park and found the firm’s car; then he drove to Paddington to pick up his luggage. By the time he’d done the round trip he only had a short time left to while away waiting for Athena. He pulled alongside the entrance to the private hospital at three precisely. Athena came out, immediately followed by her father!

“Vincent Gardens please driver” Athena said calmly.

“I thought we would have grabbed a taxi darling” said her father quietly “one can’t be too careful with these minicab people.”

“Don’t worry sir” said Colin “this is a free trip, isn’t it ma’am.”

He loved winding Athena up; she was looking daggers at him when he checked the rear view mirror.

“Do you know this man?”

“Barely” said Athena through gritted teeth.

“I’m sure we’ll know more about one another after the drive back west later.” Colin said brightly “It’s good to meet you sir. I hope your wife makes a complete recovery after tomorrow’s operation.”

“Thank you” said Mr. Fox “sorry, I didn’t catch your name?”

“You can call me Pat sir.”

Colin glanced in the rear view mirror. Athena was looking out of the window.

“That one went right over her head!” thought Colin, as he started to drive back to Belgravia.

Meanwhile, the ambulance had left the safe house and was chugging sedately along the M4 towards Bath; the driver was all too aware of the extra weight on board for one thing and out of habit he didn’t want to attract any unwanted attention by speeding or using his lights and siren.

There was no rush to get anyone on board to a hospital; one passenger was beyond help, others were probably already realising their prospects for the future weren’t great and Rusty and his team were glad of the chance to relax.