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Remain calm, Melanie. He wants to actually hang out. But if I went to his house maybe it would lead to something more. “I-I-I can stop by for a little bit, I guess, if you want me to. You didn’t seem too into it the other night.”

I glanced up to see our professor walking into the room and then met John’s eyes, hooded by his hat. “That was before the Lib told me that if I didn’t lock you down soon, someone else would.”

I blinked hard, trying to focus. “I’m sure Monica didn’t say that.”

He laughed again, the smile spreading across his face. “Maybe not in those exact words, but let’s just say she made it very clear that she wasn’t exactly pleased about the idea, but there was nothing she could do to stop it, so she had to get used to it.”

John brushed his fingertips against my arm. “And it was getting harder and harder to ignore you, so I hope Monica wasn’t just bullshitting me and you’re coming by tonight.”

I stared at the front of the room, hoping my face wasn’t completely crimson because it felt like it was on fire. “I don’t know. You did go awhile without talking to me. Maybe I found someone else to help me occupy my time.”

His hand stayed on my arm, but he stopped moving it. “And did you?”

“Maybe, maybe not.” I tried to sound confident, but I my voice wavered. I was the put together girl. I couldn’t just keep turning into a puddle for some guy. Especially a guy that was always in control.

A laugh escaped through his nose. “Damn, you’re a hard one to crack, Red.” He leaned in, his breath a whisper on my cheek. “But I hope you give me the chance to try.”

“I-I-I’ll try to make it, then. Y-y-you know, if I have nothing else going on.”

He put his hand on my thigh, squeezing it gently. “Good.” He grabbed my phone that was sitting on my desk.

“Hey, what are you doing with that?”

He quickly taped a few keys and then set it back down on my desk. “Putting my number in there, so you don’t have an excuse not to text me when you’re coming over.”

He reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone. “And now I have your number as well, so I can make sure not to be a dick again and let another guy occupy your time.”

* * *

I had absolutely nothing to wear to seduce the sexual God known as John Boy. My sweater collection was pretty impressive, but that didn’t exactly scream sexy. The only half-way sexy outfit I had was my Hermione costume and I couldn’t exactly walk in wearing that. It was also November and the temperature was dipping into the 30’s. There was no way I was walking across campus in a short skirt. After ripping through my closet a million times I finally settled on a long, blue sweater and a pair of black leggings. I really should have worn heels, considering I think John was more than a foot taller than me, but I couldn’t imagine trying to walk in them for very long.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror, running my fingers through my hair and puckering my glossed lips. “Melanie Wilder, you are a catch. You’re going to walk in there and you’re not going to mess it up with your awkwardness this time.”

My shoulders slumped. “Or be that weird girl, alone in your apartment, talking to yourself.”

I picked up my purse from the table and shoved my phone inside before walking out the door and into the chilly night air. John messaged me to come over around six, so I basically stared at the clock every single minute that I wasn’t getting ready until it was time. To say I was excited was an understatement, and trying to hide my giddiness was pretty hard because I practically wanted to skip all the way to the Alpha Mu house.

I didn’t know the protocol for entering a fraternity house when there wasn’t a technical party. Did I knock on the front door? Text John? Flash one of the windows so someone would come get me? Luckily, when I got up to the house there was a guy standing outside smoking a cigarette.

“Hey, aren’t you that girl from the coffee shop?” he slurred. Looked like Whiskey Wednesday started early.

“Uh, yeah, I’m Melanie.”

A lazy smile crossed his lips as he took another drag of his cigarette. “That’s cool, you looking to party? We don’t have much going on, but I’m sure we could make room for you.” His pale eyes scanned my body and instantly I felt a gross chill fall over me.

“I’m here to see John Boy,” I practically shouted.

He shook his head, running his fingers through his spiky hair before tossing the butt of his cigarette aside. “Of course you are. They all are.”

He motioned me forward. “Come on, he’s in the common room.” Great. How many other girls were probably there for him? Was I being an idiot trying to go after him? God, I hoped the night wasn’t a waste of a matching bra and panties.

“Okay.” I nodded, following the off-kilter guy who slightly swayed as he walked up the few cement steps to the front door.

Opening the door, I was greeted by a cloud of smoke and the smell of stale alcohol. I scrunched up my nose and I must have been making quite a face because the guy that led me in laughed like a hyena when he looked back at me.

“Obviously you aren’t a regular, sweetheart.”

I sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly, hoping not to let any of the noxious smell into my lungs. “No. I guess not.”

When my eyes adjusted, I saw the large room crammed with guys on every surface, their eyes locked on a big screen TV that sat up against a paneled wall and drinks in their hands. Some of them flicked their gaze in my direction, but then turned right back to the TV. I guess I didn’t qualify for any extra attention. But there was one set of gorgeous blue eyes hidden underneath the brim of a White Sox hat that I wanted to acknowledge me.

I didn’t think he saw me at first, so I just stood in the doorway, shifting from one foot to the other. What if he never looked at me? Maybe I should just leave, this was stupid.

Luckily, it didn’t take too long before a lazy grin spread on his face and he stood up from the couch, sauntering over at a leisurely pace. “Hey, Red, didn’t think you’d show.” He stood over me, and the only thing visible was his smile and the faint hint of stubble on his face. I wanted to lick it, but one, I wasn’t about to do that in front of a room full of guys and two, he was a lot taller than me and I probably couldn’t have reached it, even if I jumped.

“Yeah, heh, I thought I’d make an appearance.” Sweat gathered under my arms and I hoped I didn’t have giant pit stains. I didn’t have the confidence to stand in front of the sexiest guy I’d ever seen and pretend to be nonchalant.

He stayed cool as ever, his lips parting to show a hint of his teeth when he smiled. “Can I get you something to drink? We have...” He turned his shoulders slightly, looking behind him at a white baby grand piano. Why a fraternity house had a piano was beyond me, but it looked like it was in beyond rough shape and was barely recognizable as a piano with all of the different liquor bottles stacked on top of it.

“Whiskey, whiskey, and more whiskey.” He finished his sentence and then looked back at me.

“Hmmm...” I tapped my finger on my lips, hoping that it might appear sexy, but it probably just looked like I had a nervous tic. “I guess I’ll go with the whiskey.”

“Good choice.” He nodded and then turned to the side, cupping his hands over his mouth. “Hey, Short Stack!”

A scrawny kid that wasn’t much taller than me with a full head of black, curly hair hopped up from the couch and ran over to John’s side. “Yes, John Boy?” He blinked his big, brown eyes and stared up at John like he was in awe of him.

John put his big arm around the guy, practically crushing him against his barrel of a chest. “See this girl, here.” He nodded his head in my direction and Short Stack’s eyes met mine for a second before he turned his attention back to John. “This is Red, the Lib’s best friend. She wants a whiskey drink. Can you come up with some sort of girly concoction for her?”