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Someone slide up next to me and then smelled his strong cologne. There I was sandwiched between Gabe and Brad. Gabe leaned down to my ear. “Hey, Melanie, can I get you a drink?”

“No that’s fine. John’s bringing me something.” I had to strain my neck and practically yell to be heard.

“Then how about a dance?” His eyes were wide and he had a big grin on his face. I wanted to know what was behind that grin because there was no way that it looked genuine.

“No. I’m just waiting for John.” I was getting a bit of a creeper vibe from Gabe and wasn’t sure what his next move would be. I craned my neck to look over the crowd, hoping to see John.

As if it was on cue John appeared in front of me and handed me a plastic glass with a tiny black straw and some sort of light brown liquid in it. John and Gabe exchanged looks before Gabe nodded in Brad’s direction and they headed over to the bar. Thank God.

“What’s this?” I tipped up on my heels and practically yelled in John’s ear.

“Rusty Nail.”

“What?” My voice was already aching.

“Scotch and Drambuie.” He took a big gulp of his own drink.

Ack that sounded disgusting but would definitely get me drunk. I tried the tiniest sip. It burned like gasoline going down. No way I’d be able to drink it, but I couldn’t be rude. “Thanks!”

He downed the rest of his drink in one gulp. I took a few more sips of mine, even though I thought I would gag. He took the drink from me, downed the rest of it and set it on a nearby table. He took my hand in his and put his lips so close to my ear, I thought he might kiss it. Not very friend-like behavior. “Now let me nail you on the dance floor.”

I didn’t know if he meant that literally or was just trying to make some sexual innuendo with the drink, but either way I let him lead me down a metal, winding staircase to a pit of human bodies. For not a lot of students in town, it seemed like the ones that were left all gathered at Gatsby’s that night. People were pushed against each other and the scent of sweat and cologne wafted in the air, almost making it hard to breathe.

Instead of dragging me into the middle of the crowd, John guided me toward the edge, slinking his arm around my waist and pulling me against the hard contours of his body.

“I’m not a very good dancer. I’m kind of awkward,” I yelled in his ear.

He laughed, the stubble on his chin tickling my earlobe. “I don’t think you could be bad at anything.”

“Try me. I’m the awkward girl who loves Harry Potter and you’re the Sex God. You’re the one that hasn’t been bad at anything that I’ve seen.”

He shook his head. “You’re too uptight, Red. I wish you would just realize how amazing you are.” His fingertips trailed down my back, resting right above my butt. “Smart. Sexy. Funny. Hell, Gabe and Brad couldn’t keep their eyes off of you.”

I snorted. “I’m sure it had more to do with what I’m wearing and the fact that I happen to be the only girl with you guys tonight.”

“You need to learn to let go. Accept things for what they are and have fun with it.”

“Whatever you say, John.”

I moved my arms around his neck, swaying to the music, but with our height difference, it was awkward to try and dance facing him. I didn’t want to make some stupid faces while I danced, so I turned my back to his, pressing my butt against his groin. I may not have been the best dancer, but it didn’t take that much work to grind against someone. His hands quickly snaked around until they were at the front of my jeans, his thumb running along the thin fabric of my cami where it met my waistband.

“Now let’s see if I can get you to let go. For once,” he whispered into my ear.

I closed my eyes, relishing the feel of his warm fingers as he slid them under my top and ran them along my skin. He splayed his fingers, his thumb traveling up to my belly ring and his pinky ran just underneath the waistband of my jeans. My body seized up from his touch and I rolled my hips back in a circle against his groin. We may have been on the dance floor, but we were far enough away from the crowd, with our backs to them, that no one would probably know what was going on. And if they did I was too turned on to care at that moment.

He let out a moan into my ear before his lips touched the skin of my neck and then trailed down to where my neck met my shoulders. I reached my hand up and pulled at the choppy spikes of his hair. He pressed the ever-growing bulge in his pants against my butt, rocking his hips against me in response.

With delicate fingers, he rubbed against the lace fabric of my panties. A strong surge of pleasure went straight between my legs. We were in the middle of a crowded club, but my body still responded to him. I rolled my hips forward to his awaiting fingers.

The song changed to a faster paced dance one, but we didn’t move. I didn’t think I could move. His fingers traced slow circles on the outside of my panties. The combination of the silky material and his warm fingers pulsating through the thin fabric made my whole body tremble below his. I was on the verge of orgasm before he even really touched me.

He inched his fingers underneath the waistband of my panties and then ran them over me. Everything between my legs heated up and I was glad that the loud music hid the moan that escaped my mouth.

“I want to make you come alive,” he whispered into my ear. My body tensed with resistance as his fingers slipped beneath my panty line. A hot sensation flooded me as he hooked a finger inside of me. I couldn’t think about anything else except how much I wanted him. He seemed to know what I wanted as his finger delved deeper and his thumb pressed against my clit.

I let out a hissed breath, my walls caving in around him and I shivered, about to let go as his fingers worked their magic. Sweat beaded on my stomach and my body heated up with desire. My legs constricted and I gripped tighter onto his hair. He emitted a low groan onto my neck.

“Fuck, Red, I want you so bad right now,” he whispered into my shoulder.

I couldn’t hold it anymore. My climax consumed me, making my entire body shudder and I had to grip even harder onto John’s hair so I wouldn’t fall over from my release.

John suddenly jolted forward, which plunged his finger deeper into me. I involuntarily gasped as another surge of bliss waved over me, but quickly suppressed it once he pulled his hand out of my pants and put it back on my stomach, warmer and wetter than it was the first time.

John pulled me back against him and turned around, putting me nose-to-chest with Gabe. I figured he either was trying to keep me against him so Gabe wouldn’t hit on me, or he was trying to hide his massive bulge.

“Hey, I was looking for you guys,” Gabe yelled.

“Yeah? What’s up?” John yelled, leaning over me.

“Me and Brad are gonna head on over to Fibs. Too many grenades in this place. You two wanna come?”

John’s lips were at my ear. “What do you say Red, do you want to come?”

I may just have...again. I couldn’t think of a way to verbalize anything. My mouth was completely dry. Luckily John responded for me.

“I think we’re going to stay here for now. We can just cab it home if we don’t meet back up with you.”

A sinister smile crossed Gabe’s face and he bumped fists with John. “All right, man, I see how it is. You’re one lucky dude.”

“I know.” John kissed my neck and Gabe turned around and pushed through the mass of bodies without saying another word.

“Do you want another drink or to keep dancing?” he whispered into my ear.