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French may be involved at this stage?"

Inskip wrenched his thoughts into perspective. "The French? Dammit, Bolitho, you see the Frenchman's fingers in everything! But I believe-" He broke off as Agnew, his long nose red from the cold, peered around the door and whispered, "The lieutenant has returned, Sir Charles."

Inskip adjusted his wig and glared at the main doorway. "Not alone by the sound of it, by God! "

The door swung inwards and Bolitho saw Jenour, accompanied by the Dryaden's captain and a tall man in a dark velvet coat whom he guessed was the minister named Haarder.

Bows were exchanged and to Inskip Haarder offered his hand. Like old antagonists, Bolitho thought, rather than friends. A sort of familiar wariness which he guessed was as much a part of them as their political evasiveness.

Haarder looked steadily at Bolitho and said, "You I know from your last visit to my country."

Bolitho searched for hostility but found none. "I was treated with great courtesy." He did not add, unlike this time. He did not need to.

Haarder shrugged. "We are under no illusions here, Admiral. The Danish fleet is once again a rich prize to those who would seize it for their own cause." His eyes flickered in amusement. "Or those who might wish to destroy it for another reason, yes?" He glanced at their faces and said, "My associates are hard to convince.

Either way they lose-" He raised one hand as Inskip seemed about to argue. "If, as your government is suggesting, the French intend to demand authority over our fleet, what will we do? Deny them, face them in battle? How could we survive when your own powerful nation has been at war with the same enemy for over twelve years? Think what you are asking before you condemn our uncertainty. We want only peace, even with our old foes in Sweden. Trade, not war-is that so alien that you cannot envisage it?"

Inskip sat back wearily and Bolitho knew he had given up before he had had a chance to negotiate.

Inskip said, "Then you cannot, or will not help us in this matter? I had hoped-"

Haarder eyed him sadly. "Your hope was mine also. But my voice is only one against many."

Bolitho said, "On my last visit I saw the Crown Prince, although his identity was kept secret from me until later."

Haarder smiled. "It is often better for royalty to stay removed from affairs of state, Admiral. I think I will have your agreement on that at least."

Bolitho knew that Inskip was watching him anxiously, as if he expected him to rise to the bait.

Bolitho replied, "I am a seaofficer, sir, not a politician. I came here to advise, if required, on the balance of naval power in a very small area. But in all honesty I would not wish to see Denmark suffer the same terrible losses as before. I believe I have your agreement on that! "

Haarder stood up and said heavily, "I will keep trying. In the meantime I am instructed to end this attempted interference in Danish neutrality. Captain Pedersen of the Dryaden will escort you to open waters." He held out a sealed envelope and handed it to Inskip. "For your Prime Minister, from someone far more senior than I."

Inskip stared at the envelope. "Lord Grenville dislikes being threatened no less than Mr Pitt did." He straightened his back and smiled, the old antagonist once again. "But it is not over."

Haarder shook his hand gravely. "Nor is it yet begun, my old friend."

To Bolitho he said simply, "I have long admired your achievements." Again the twinkle of a smile. "Ashore as well as afloat. Be assured that my King would have wished to receive you but-" He shrugged. "We are in a vice. To show favour to one is to open the gates to another, yes?"

More bows and solemn handshakes and then Haarder took his leave.

The Danish captain said politely, "If you will permit?" Some armed seamen entered the outer room and waited to collect their belongings. "I will have a boat waiting to take you to your ship. After which," he spoke haltingly but clearly, "you will please obey my directions."

The captain walked from the room and Inskip said, "I wonder why they kept Haarder waiting so long. Just to tell me that he could do nothing?" It was the first time Bolitho had heard him sound puzzled.

Bolitho turned as if to watch Allday directing the Danish seamen into the other room for his sea-chest.

But he did not want Inskip to see his face, as his simple remark seemed to explode in his thoughts like a mortar shell.

Was it just imagination, a twist of words? Or had the tall Dane been trying to warn him, knowing at the same time that Inskip would not recognise it, or might challenge even a hint of suggestion?

Lieutenant Jenour remarked quietly, "At least we shall be back in England before the winter gales return to the North Sea, Sir Richard."

Bolitho took his arm and felt him tense as he said, "I think we were delayed deliberately, Stephen, not the other way round." He saw the understanding in Jenour's eyes. "And it is a long way yet to England, remember?" He heard Inskip calling to his secretary and added sharply, "Not a word. Just hurry our departure as much as you can without causing a stir." He shook his arm lightly. "Something else to tell your parents about, eh?"

Allday watched their exchange. Bolitho's alertness, like a reawakening, and the young lieutenant's sudden excitement. Jenour had never been able to hide his feelings anyway.

He walked across and clipped the old sword to Bolitho's belt. Like the moment when they had prepared to leave Truculent and transfer to the Danish frigate for the final approach to Copenhagen. Something unspoken seemed to pass between them.

Bolitho looked at him searchingly until Allday murmured, "Seems we might soon be needing this old blade again, Sir Richard?"

Inskip bustled into the room. "A good hot tub and a fine English serving of roast beef, that's what I-" His eyes flashed between them and he asked suspiciously, "I suppose you think it was all a waste of time, what?"

Bolitho faced him grimly, the first elation of danger already contained. "Indeed, Sir Charles, I hope that is all it was! "

The same short journey in a sealed carriage as when they had arrived, and then on to the wet, windswept jetty, where a boat was hooked on waiting for them. Inskip pulled his heavy coat around his body and gave the Danish captain a curt nod before he clambered down into the boat.

His face was a mask, his mind already grappling with what he had heard and probably with what had remained unsaid.

Bolitho waited for the others to fit themselves amongst the baggage in the sternsheets and turned to look across at the city now blurred with rain like a painting left out in bad weather. He was moved by what he saw. The familiar green spires and handsome buildings, none of which he had been allowed to revisit. Catherine would love it.

He realised that the Danish captain was waiting. To make certain that he shared no contact with anyone; or was he merely curious to discover more about the man whose cannon had once pounded their ships into submission? Richard Bolitho, next to Nelson the youngest viceadmiral on the Navy List. Now, with Nelson gone-

Bolitho shook it from his thoughts. Perhaps this very captain was a part of some scheme to delay them.

The captain said, "I wish you God's speed, Sir Richard. Perhaps we shall meet again?"

No, he was not part of some sinister plot. Bolitho smiled, remembering his own remark to Haarder. I am a seaofficer, sir.

He replied, "In fairer times, Captajn Pedersen, when you and I are no longer needed."

He climbed down into the boat, one hand gripping Allday's shoulder as the hull lurched against the piles.

Apart from an occasional command from the boat's coxswain, nothing was said by the passengers huddled in the sternsheets. Bolitho glanced at a passing guardboat, the lieutenant rising to doff his hat as he passed. All the correct courtesies, he thought, and was suddenly saddened by it. Like in fairer times. It was more than likely that the next time he met with that captain or any other, it would be across the muzzles of a full broadside.