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As they were clearing dishes, Layla Teneen called. Anna excused herself and stepped around the corner.

“I have gotten you listed as an Afghani diplomatic courier, which will make your travel easier. It was the best I could do on such short notice.” Layla sounded as tired as Anna felt.

“You’re a miracle worker, Layla. Thank you. How soon can I leave?”

“There is a flight leaving in a couple hours if you want to try for that one. Otherwise, there is another tomorrow afternoon. Your credentials will be waiting for you at the airport.”

“I will take the one tonight.”

“All right, but the flight is a cargo plane. Some of the Afghan museum exhibits there in Moscow are being flown to museums in Athens.”

“That is fine. Do you know where Professor Lourds is?”

“Just that he is in Athens as well.” Layla’s curiosity was piqued. “Why do you ask?”

“Because I have tried his phone several times and he has not answered.”

Layla laughed. “For Thomas, that is not unusual. When he is working, sometimes he forgets to eat. He becomes totally focused.”

Thinking of the diamond engagement ring she’d seen, Anna wondered how that would work out. “It can be awfully hard to live with someone who is so focused.”

“I am afraid I am just as culpable in that. That is why I have a personal assistant to keep me on track.”

Anna laughed. “When I see Professor Lourds, I’ll let him know you’re expecting him to call.”

“No. Not at the moment. I am still putting out fires in my own work. Just tell him I am thinking of him, and when he gets time, he should let me know how he is doing.”

“I will. And thank you.” Anna hung up the phone and went to give her mother the news that she would be leaving, not spending the night as she had thought. After the past few days she’d had, the thought of spending the night in her old bedroom had been appealing.

Moscow International Airport
Cargo Area

“This is a ridiculous time of night to be leaving, Anna.” Katrina Cherkshan was clearly not happy with her daughter’s decision. “And to be loaded through the cargo like you are livestock?” She shook her head. “I have a good mind to call your editor and talk to him about the way you are being treated.”

“Mother, this is the first flight out.”

“And why Greece? Why could you not stay in Moscow? You only just got back today.”

“Because I must go where the story takes me, Mother. This is what I do.”

Her mother followed the checkpoint signs and finally arrived at her destination inside the security compound. Russian soldiers stood on duty, their numbers doubled since the “reunification” of the Ukraine had begun.

From what Anna had learned, there were already protests going on inside the city. Most of them were quickly — and harshly — dealt with by military and police forces.

Katrina got out of the car and hugged her daughter goodbye, then held her at arm’s length. She hesitated for a moment, then took a breath. “Be careful, Anna. These are troubled times. Watch your step and return safely to us.”

“I will, Mother.” Anna hugged her mother one last time, then headed for the security gate. When she looked back, her mother was already in the car and driving away.

Steeling herself, ignoring the anxious feeling growing in her stomach, Anna went to retrieve her credentials and check in for her flight.

Grand Kremlin Palace
Russian Federation
February 21, 2013

Andrew Fremenko hurried through the long halls of the Grand Kremlin Palace to President Nevsky’s suite. Although the Russian presidents usually lived in the Senate Building — called the First Building — not far away, Nevsky had never stayed there. He had chosen the alternate home of the presidents and made no excuse for it.

Fremenko was one of President Nevsky’s personal assistants. More precisely, Fremenko was the president’s spymaster when it came to keeping his eye on everyone that the president wanted watched in his immediate circle.

It was a busy, complicated job. Fremenko had to stay up on all those people, many of whom were spies or in counter-intelligence, without getting caught. He lived every day expecting to catch a bullet from someone on the list.

He knocked on the president’s door, thinking that he was going to wake Nevsky and that could be a painful thing to deal with. But the alternative — not telling the president what he knew until morning — would be worse. That was the only thing that made Fremenko lift his hand and knock again.

“Come in.”

Fremenko waited a beat, just enough time to allow the president’s mistress to clear the room, then opened the door and went inside.

Nevsky stood in the middle of the room in gray pajamas. “What is it?”

Fremenko held up the printouts he’d run off. “Reports, sir. Apparently someone broke into our military databases.”

Nevsky frowned. “Do we know who it was?”

“No, sir. Not yet. The computer security teams are working on it.”

Another frown. Fremenko knew that those teams might not survive the morning. Other people had “vanished” when the president became disenchanted with them.

“Which files were seen?”

“General Cherkshan’s architecture for the Reunification of the Ukraine, sir. And we think they may have gotten into the Greek files as well.”

Nevsky cursed. In all the years that Fremenko had served the man, he had never heard the president lose his temper.

“There is one other thing, sir.”

Nevsky looked at him warily, and Fremenko began to wonder if he was going to get out of the room alive.

“What is it?”

“It is Anna Cherkshan, sir. She just caught a flight out of Moscow with the Afghans.”

Curiosity softened Nevsky’s face. “Where is she off to?”

“I checked the flight manifest, sir. The shipment is from one of the museums. It is taking exhibit pieces back to Athens.”

Nevsky cursed longer this time. When he had finished, he made one request. “Get Colonel Linko for me.”


Museum of the University of Athens
Plaka, Athens
Hellenic Republic (Greece)
February 21, 2013

Lourds woke with his face on his arm and under the amused study of Corporal Rahimi, the young soldier who loved zombies.

“This is fantastic.” Rahimi chuckled. He looked up past Lourds and talked to someone else in the room. “You should come watch. It is like watching the dead come to life again. I expect any minute for him to get up and start stalking around, saying, Brains! Brains!“ He held his arms out before him stiffly to illustrate.

Someone behind Lourds laughed, and he recognized Marias’s baritone rumble. “I don’t speak Dari, my friend, but that translates quite nicely with just the pantomime.”

Rahimi took a stage bow.

Lourds sat up too quickly and felt his senses swirl sickeningly. Then the world snapped back into place properly. “Very entertaining.” He glanced around the room and discovered that he was the last to rise. He’d been asleep at Marias’s desk with the scrolls and their translations before him.

Captain Fitrat sat quietly in one corner with a cup of tea. Salih sat on a window ledge that gave him a view over the front of the museum. Marias had exchanged his suit for khaki trousers and a blue shirt. He looked more like the scholar Lourds had met in the Vatican’s Bibliotheca.

At the time, Marias had been researching a paper on the Apostles’ lives during the earliest days of Christianity in ancient Greece and Turkey. Lourds had been digitizing some of the ancient manuscripts in one of the ongoing projects for the Bibliotheca. As a result of Marias’s needs and Lourds’s knowledge and the fact that both of them liked to prowl bars in the evenings and play soccer to let off steam, they had formed a lasting friendship.