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“I’m closing in, but, no, General. Not this morning, at least not as yet this morning.”


The door opened after a light knock. As I expected, it was Charles bringing me an Irish on cracked ice with a lemon wedge. “It’s one o’clock, Mr. Kile, after lunch, so I thought you and the general would enjoy your having this.” He leaned down far enough for me to take it from the tray. He put a paper coaster on the side table.

“Before we talk about why you came, Matt, let me give you this, there are two originals. I have signed them both. You will need to do the same.” Noticing my confusion, the general explained further. “When I hired you and we agreed to your success fee, well, to say it plainly, I didn’t expect I would die as soon as it now appears I will. Thus the terms of our agreement were not reasonable.”


“We agreed your fee would be earned when someone was arrested for killing Ileana. You have worked diligently in that effort. And, make no mistake, I still expect results, but the arrest requirement, well, it now seems inappropriate. This new agreement stipulates you are to be paid upon either that arrest or my statement that I consider your services satisfactorily completed and your fee earned.”

“Thank you, General. You are most generous.”

“I can’t take it with me, and there’s plenty left for the others. If you solve this to my satisfaction you will have done me a great service.”

I took a pen and signed both copies. The general then rang his bell and Charles came in to witness both copies of the document and to take one with him.

“Now, Matt, why did you wish to see me this morning?”

“General, did you mean what you said about my not holding back on what I do or how I do it because you might be listening?”

“I mean everything I say, Matt, or I wouldn’t say it. Time is my enemy and it is gaining fast. Forget nicely. Get it done.”

“Charles tells me Eddie is still at home and if he tries to leave, Charles will let him know I would like to meet with him in the study. You’ll want to keep listening until Charles tells you I’ve left.”

“I see.” The general’s face went pale, even paler than from his ever-weakening circulation. “Is there anything else, Matt?”

“Yes. Curiosity, I guess, but you told me that Charles was with you on your general staff. That was how you two first met. You also mentioned he left you for a few years to take another assignment with the army. Then he returned and was your adjutant, or whatever the correct title was during your years on the joint chiefs. What did he do during the years he left your staff?”

“He always wanted to do intelligence work. I arranged for him to do some cloak-and-dagger stuff for the Department of Defense. After a few years he’d had enough.” The general chuckled, and then coughed. “Like so many young men, he had imagined that to be romantic and adventurous. He found it quite different fighting an enemy you got to see up close, in unfamiliar terrain that often ended in assignments that turn most men’s stomachs. It is not as clean and detached as eyeing a man through a sight and pulling the trigger.”

Chapter 34

Eddie walked into the study where I sat in one of the overstuffed leather chairs near the glass door out to the patio. Charles closed the door behind him.

“Hello, Mr. Kile. Charles told me you wished to see me.” He sat across from me.

“You grandfather’s attorney, Reginald Franklin, has given me a copy of the general’s will.”

“That fat fuck, excuse me, but he can’t even see his dick without a handheld mirror.”

“You really are a little prick, you know. Your grandfather is dying and Mr. Franklin is doing more to help the general than you, who will receive the lion’s share of the general’s estate. Don’t you think it’s time for you to grow into the position and responsibility you are about to inherit?”

“I don’t see that as any of your business, Kile.”

“I think anyone who wastes talent and opportunity is everyone’s business, or maybe just everyone’s disappointment. I’m rather fond of your grandfather, and I’d like him, just once before he leaves us, to see you as a level-headed responsible adult.”

“Oh, can the sob story. You don’t give a shit one way or the other.” He stood up. “Your only interest in any of us is to get somebody arrested so you can grab your fat fee.”

I stood and reached out pushing him hard against his chest. The push hurt my rib area, but I liked doing it just the same. Eddie fell back into the leather chair across from where I had been sitting. He started to get back up. “Get up again and I’ll close my fist the next time.”

He took his hands off the arms of the chair.

“You’re an educated guy, Eddie. A smart guy, but you got no style.”

“I have style.”

“A smart mouth isn’t style. Treating everyone with disrespect may be consistent, but it’s not style. You’re a punk in rich man’s clothes and an empty suit isn’t style either.”

“Is there a reason for this meeting, Kile, other than breaking my balls?”

“What was your interest in the industrial building in San Pedro on 22nd Street? You drove by there twice the other day.”

“How did you know I did that?”

“Answer the question.”

“It’s a family holding. I’m trying to get familiar with all of our assets.”

“In a bit of a hurry, aren’t you?”

“It seems like we are always at odds, Kile.”

“It seems like you’re always more interested in the general’s assets than in the general.”

“Are we through here?”

“We haven’t even started. You stay where you are. I’ve got some things I want you to hear.” I took the tape recorder out of my satchel, put in the first tape and played it. The tape being Quirt Brown telling the story of how his half brother Cory Jackson had been bribed to testify about watching Eddie Whittaker kill Ileana Corrigan.

When it finished, Eddie said, “Old business, Kile. We all know Cory Jackson lied when he claimed he saw me.”

“Old business? You knew about how Cory Jackson was bribed?”

“Not that part. Just that he had to have been. The person who bribed him would have been the killer who wanted me convicted. That tape would be hearsay since Cory Jackson’s been murdered and the telling on your tape is second hand.”

“Who do you figure bribed Cory Jackson?”

“I have no clue,” Eddie said with a flip of a soft wrist. “I gave up trying to figure that mess out years ago. That’s your job.”

“I have another tape for your listening enjoyment.” I put on the tape of Tommie Montoya telling his story of a flashlight being shined in his eyes when he opened the door to the ladies’ bathroom at the gas station where he worked. Where he had been bribed to tell the cops he sold you gasoline shortly after Ileana was murdered.

When it finished, Eddie said the same thing. “Everyone has known that part of it too, except for the how. Same hearsay rule will likely make it inadmissible. This is all a waste, Kile. We all knew about that. You told the general. The general told us. All these tapes do is let us hear these claims first hand.”

“I agree, the Quirt Brown tape would in all likelihood be inadmissible, but Montoya is still alive and I made this tape with his knowledge and consent. Still, we’ll leave the admissibility to be resolved by the legal people.”

“Okay, but so what. All it proves is that Montoya admits he lied to the district attorney. Beyond that, it proves I wasn’t nearby. If you’re trying to pin the murder on me, that tape helps me, not you.”

“No. This tape does not prove you weren’t nearby. It only proves that Montoya lied about seeing you nearby.”

Eddie stood up, this time turning quickly to avoid my reach. “I’ve wasted enough time with your silly evidence of nothing. I’m leaving.”

I stood up across from him. “You’re staying. Sit back down. I’ve got one more tape for you to hear, and you’ll want to hear this one.”