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Absolutism: in Russian history, 10-11, 137, 142, 149-51, 162-73, 183-91; as a class of political system, 44-52; the Soviet concept of Russian, 76-95, 139 Adashev, Aleksei, 179, 238, 265 Adashev, Daniil, 265 Akhmat, khan of the Golden Horde, 7 Akindin, the elder, 157 Aksakov, K. S., 73-74, 255, 257-58 Alef, Gustav, 126, 132 Aleksandrovskaia Sloboda, 69-70 Aleksei, archpriest of Arkhangel'skii ca­thedral, 163, 166 Aleksei Mikhailovich, tsar, 38, 49, 56, 64 Aleksandr, king of Poland, 124 Alexander 1, emperor, 63-64 Alexander II, emperor, 63, 181 Alexander III, emperor, 55, 57, 65 Alodial property, 116-17 Anastasia Romanovna, first wife of Ivan

IV, 230, 233 Anderson, M. S., 2 Anderson, Perry, 154 Andreev, N„ 222 Andreski, S„ 35-36 Appanages, 114, 118 Aristocracy: service gentry, 11-13, 20, 80, 88-89, 114, 117, 148, 151, 153­54; the boyardom, 11-13,46, 53-54, 60, 67, 77,80, 102, 114, 118, 131-32, 152, 155, 177, 181, 273, 278, 282-83, 314, 317; the formation of (aristocra- tization of the elite), 22, 53-57, 226; "new new class," 54-59, 63, 110; serf- holding (dvorianstvo), 54-59, 112, 116, 248; "new class," 54-59, 273-74, 291 Aristotle, 29, 31-34, 38, 47-48, 76, 247,

302, 317 Artemii, the elder, 170,17-7 Assembly of the Land, 11,52, 63-64, 82, 85-86,91, 113, 115,212, 227, 230, 258, 279,314 Astrakhan', 10 Avrekh, A. Ia„ 77, 79-91

Bacon, Francis, 47, 73

Bakhrushin, S. V., 16, 215, 219, 300, 305

Balazs, E., 36

Baltic coast, 14-15, 106

Baltic Sea, 129, 132

Barmin, A., 292

Bashkin, Matvei, 178

Basmanov, Aleksei, 304, 315

Basmanov, Fedor, 304

Baudeau, Nicolas, 256

Bazilevich, К. V., 145

Begunov, Iu. K., 171

Belinskii, V. G„ 235, 241