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The contraction of her wet pussey was enough to cause my balls to explode and, as she shuddered in ecstasy, my hot sticky cream poured into her, mingling with the soaking wetness of her juices. I pumped and pumped until my balls were totally voided. The feeling of my first sexual dalliance was a rare one. I lay back bewildered and spent.

Alice looked over to me and said: 'Master Teddy, there you are, a treat for doing so well at school. But my, aren't you well endowed.

You're as big as ever I've had and without doubt the thickest. I could feel you fill up my cunny and I can normally take them with room to spare! With a cock like that, young master, you will keep many a young girl happy and sore.' With that, she quickly tidied herself up, but did not put back on her wet knickers. She checked herself in the mirror, tidied her dark locks, ran to the door, looked back and threw her panties to me. 'There,' she said, 'a prize for your first time. Your father did not get a pair the first time he fucked me, so you really are going to be good.' With that amazing remark, she left me holding her sopping panties and looking at my father in a new light. So, dear reader, you are now privy to my first encounter with the fair sex. I was but a young stripling of just fourteen years of age at the time, and since then I must have fucked at least four hundred women, but the memory of that glorious initiation into the delights of sexual intercourse remains as bright as if it happened but yesterday. However, let us return to my story. That last remark uttered by Alice, casual though it may have been for her, came as a total shock to me. Could she be telling the truth about Papa? I had always looked up to my father with total respect and awe as befitted a young man of my upbringing. I asked Alice repeatedly to enlarge upon her words, but the little minx refused to say anything further on this subject which, for the time, had to remain a closed book. I still found it difficult to conceive that my Pater, a regular churchgoer and pillar of the local community, could have succumbed to Alice's ministrations. And yet, I decided finally to take Alice's word that Papa had been dipping his wick, and I was forced to look upon Papa in a new and somewhat more critical light! I saw Alice daily as she continued to perform the services of an upstairs maid, but regretfully I must admit that nothing of a titivating nature occurred until the end of the summer vacation. Unless, of course, one took into account the provocative looks she would often give me, gazing directly between my legs and licking her lips in a most lascivious way. This led to almost instant erections and often I would leave my room, meet Alice on the landing and then dash back inside my room, lock the door, hastily unbutton my trousers and take solace in a frenzied tossing-off. Just the merest thought of her pert titties and juicy cunt sent my right hand shooting down to my throbbing shaft, but this regular masturbatory activity was but a poor substitute for the richness of a real fuck. Nevertheless, those summer months were quite the most eventful I had ever experienced and I recall those days with gladness. I was most fortunate to have a close friend, Terence Browner, living close by (many of you will remember his later exploits with the 69th Lancers on the North West Frontier) and we remained close friends for many years. General Browner (as of course he is now entitled to be addressed) still lives in Delhi and we correspond on a regular basis. He was a great cocksman and I am sure he will relish the retelling of some of our joint escapades together when we were but lads. Our summer hideaway was a disused farmhouse and assorted outbuildings. Well, disused is perhaps too strong ah adjective. The land had been farmed by a tenant of Lord Friary who had decamped suddenly to the New World in search of wealth during the California gold rush of '49. No-one had taken up the tenancy and the place had remained vacant. Terry and I had played many a childish game there but at the end of this fateful summer, we played games of a more adult kind! One of the most memorable and highly enjoyable days occurred when Terence and I believed ourselves to be alone in the house. We were sitting in the lounge discussing, as I recollect, the chances of my ever being able to fuck Alice again and also-a very important matter to Terence-whether she might accommodate my best friend who was extremely anxious to lose his unwanted virginity.

'Are you certain that you are ready for such an experience? I said earnestly. 'After all, you are three months younger than me and anyhow, very few boys of our age can have had the opportunity to enjoy a good fuck.' 'I'm as ready as I ever will be,' said Terence indignantly. 'Why, my cock is almost as big as yours, Teddy, even though you probably have the thickest prick of all the third formers.'

'That's awfully kind of you,' I replied modestly. 'However, you and young Bob Cripps must come joint second behind me.' 'Do you really think so? It's surprising that Bob has a sizeable cock as he is the shortest chap in the whole year.' 'Oh, yes, without a doubt.

Indeed, I have often thought that it is highly inappropriate for that new prefect Davis to call Bob a little prick.' 'Ha! Ha! Ha!

That's a good one. Anyhow, Teddy, where is that curious book you promised me?' 'It's a book of photographs by Harold Sailor. I heard Pater talk about this man to his friend Colonel Golthorpe. It seems that he has a special shop in Piccadilly where people can buy something Pater called “gallant literature”. Anyhow, I heard the Colonel ask Pater to keep this book for him until he returned from India.' 'Gosh, let's have a look at it,' said Terence eagerly, his eyes sparkling with animation. 'I should wonderfully like to look at it.' 'Here it is, Terence, only I hope it won't excite you too much. You can look it over by yourself as I read the newspaper,' I said, placing it in his eager grasp. He sat close to me in an easy lounging chair, and I watched him carefully over the top of the newspaper as he turned over the pages and gloated over the beautiful plates. There was a superb collection in there, which I had already seen, of coloured plates of boys and girls in the nude, both singly and together, and towards the end of the book, some of the photographs showed a fine young couple enjoying a good bout of fucking. I could see Terence's cock harden in his trousers until it was quite stiff and rampant. 'Well, well,' I said, laying my hand on his bursting prick. 'What a tosser yours has grown up to since I gave you that book. We must compare our cocks as I think that yours must be almost as big as mine.' 'I told you I am ready for my first fuck,' he said with a laugh. 'Yes, do let's see which prick is the biggest,' and opening his trousers, he pulled out his fine red-headed cock, which stood in all its manly glory, stiff and hard as marble, with the hot blood making it warm to my touch. He then helped me pull out my own thick stiff truncheon, frigging it up to its fullest measure. We proceeded to handle each other in an ecstacy of delight, which ended with us tossing each other off and aiming each other's jets of frothy white spunk into the fireplace. 'Ah well,' sighed Terence. 'I enjoyed that but I am sure it is not as satisfying as the real thing.' I was about to make a soothing reply when we were both startled by what sounded like an ornament crashing to the ground just outside in the hall. 'What was that? asked Terence.