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My heart was beating as though it would burst. All at once I was aware of a sudden wetness between my legs and I closed my eyes, lost and drowning in the flood of sensual delight that swept over me. As I clung to her, she disengaged herself and moved her hands down to my waist. She eased me round to face and display myself to my audience.

'Cecily,' she said, 'Truly you are God's gift to all those lucky enough to behold you.' The others were enraptured. Cousin Algernon and George were both standing, open mouthed. Great bulges betrayed their manhoods, each thrustingly erect and eager to be released from its bondage. Babette was smiling her approval.

'This is such pleasure,' said Cousin Algernon, 'What can we possibly do to repay you for this lovely display?' 'I think I'd like…,' I replied faintly, 'I want… I want very much to be fucked.

Now! Fuck me now, please.' My legs felt suddenly weak and I half leaned against Gwendolen. She held me tenderly and led me over to a table. Realising what was to come, I eased myself up and on to it, lying back and raising my knees so that my cunney was opened out before my audience. Gwendolen came round to my front and eased her hands under the cheeks of my bum as I raised it towards her sweet face. She buried herself in my bush before sliding out her tongue and finding my clit. Licking and sucking delicately at it, she brought me in an instant to the very verge of coming. Then she withdrew her lips and tongue and ran one finger down the length of my cunt lips.

'See, the parting of the ways,' she said. As I groaned, she looked round the room. 'George, Algernon, which one will be the first to volunteer to fill this aching need?' Fumbling and overcome by the urgency of the summons, they responded. First Cousin Agernon's and then George's prick sprang out into full view. Each was rigid with the desire to thrust its way forward into the dark depths of my cavern.

Yet courtesy was not forgotten. 'George, it is for you to make the first entrance,' said Cousin Algernon. 'No, I am an outsider here,' replied George gallantly. 'Surely you would wish to keep it within the family.' 'I insist,' answered Cousin Algernon.

'Besides, I know that dear Babette will take me in hand if needs be.'

Without waiting for further urging, George stepped forward.

'Cecily,' he said, 'I am at your service.' 'Fuck me!' I panted in reply. 'Fuck me! No more talking.' Then, as I watched, he placed the tip of his immense prick at the gateway of my desire. At the first pressure of that swollen, empurpled head, I opened wide and reached forward to cradle his balls in my hands. I held them for an instant, feeling their heavy weight and sensing the spunk that was already beginning to force its way up his prick. Impatiently I pulled him straight into me so that the entire length of him slid its way up and up to the very hilt. I gripped him fast and then released him.

Needing no further urging, he commenced to thrust backwards and forwards, up and down the gaping depths of my cunt. A fever of excitement ran through my body and I became senseless with the joy of fucking. Vaguely I was aware that I was crying out, quite abandoned to my longed-for fate. Steadily the tempo of our coupling increased. We thrust against each other, all our strengths concentrated in the intensity of our fucking. Hunger fed upon hunger in mounting need.

Suddenly I felt the first long drawn-out shudder of my coming sweep over me. At the same moment he cried out and the first surge of his spunk shot out of his prick, jetting into the innermost recesses of my cunt. His cream flooded into me, mingling with the love juice that flowed in me, soaking the already moist forest of my fanny.

Gripping him with my thighs, I forced him still deeper into me.

'More! More!' I heard myself cry out, desperate to prolong the moment of our fulfillment. Gamely he drove on. I swear that never had such copious quantities of cum deluged me, overflowing and running down into the crevice of my bum so that I began to slip and slide in a veritable pool of our juices. All good things must come to an end, as my governess had often said to me, and George's Thing had indeed come to my end-and his. One last spasm wracked our bodies and I was borne down by the full weight of his body, as he fell exhausted on me. I felt his distended prick relax inside me and we clung together, panting with our exertions. We lay still for a little while and then I pushed him from me in order to bend forward and lick the last milky drops of his cum from the tip of his now-softening prick. I ran my hands over his balls and rubbed them in the stickiness of his manly forest. I held him lightly by the wrists and drew his hands down to my wet cunney. He rubbed and fondled me until I raised his fingers to my lips. Sucking and swallowing, I licked him clean. Taking his cue, he similarly first kissed and then sucked my fingers. Then, as I smiled up at him, he was pushed to one side and Gwendolen was crouching between my opened thighs, nuzzling and lapping at my wetness. 'Darling Gwendolen,' I murmured weakly, 'What a wonderful bonne bouche after such a feast of fucking.'

Contentment and a delicious fatigue suffused my body. 'Like a cat that has stolen the cream,' I heard Cousin Algernon say.

'Not stolen, but offered,' said Babette, with a little laugh.

'Oh dear!' I said, remembering where I was. 'You must all think me very forward.' 'Backward and forward!' said Cousin Algernon.

'Backward and forward. A most energetic and enthralling display. What a subject to be immortalised on canvas.' 'Certainly not,' I said, sitting up in alarm and pulling my dress down over my knees. 'If you dare…' 'Only my little joke,' said Cousin Algernon. 'I have long reached the years of discretion.' 'The very idea!'

Smoothing my skirt I stood up, glaring haughtily at him and then realising that my stance was less than impressive, since I was still naked to the waist. Angrily I reached down to drag my dress up over my bosom. Gwendolen came forward, hugged me and calmed me. Next she deftly covered my embarrassment, slipping my arms back into my sleeves and buttoning me up at the back. For a quick instant she reached inside my dress to fondle and caress my titties before they were finally hidden from view. We kissed gently and she pushed a stray lock of my hair back into place. 'There, there,' she said. 'Cousin Algernon was only teasing. You must remember that he has just had a very teasing time himself.' As Babette solicitously linked her arm in Cousin Algernon's and whispered something in his ear, Gwendolen released me and went across to poor George who was standing there looking somewhat crestfallen, unmindful of the fact that his trousers were still lying in a crumpled heap on the floor. 'George,' she said, 'You have played your part manfully. Now we must all get dressed and ready to go home but I do hope that you will in turn entertain me with that same part in the very near future.' As she helped him into his trousers, tucking his now pliable prick back inside and making all secure, she kissed him also with friendly affection. He brightened up, glad that the little spat had passed. 'Thank you, Miss Cecily,' he said gravely. 'That was the most magnificent fuck that I have enjoyed in a very long time.' 'Next time, I hope that we can enjoy it for an even longer time,' I said with a quick smile so that he could see that I was no longer annoyed. 'I was quite beside myself with the need to fuck.' 'So endeth the art lesson,' Cousin Algernon. 'We must finish the decanter.' So saying he poured out the last of the claret. 'A toast,' he said as we raised our glasses, 'To the Muse of Painting.' 'And of Fucking,' said Gwendolen.

'I don't believe there is one,' said Cousin Algernon.'

'Gwendolen's grasp of the Classics is not so secure as her grasp of anatomy,' I replied. 'Never mind. Let us drink to the missing Muse,' said George. 'To practical matters,' I said. 'I am in need of a bath and a change of clothes. George, would you escort me home in a cab. I had not intended my exposure to the world of the artist to be so prolonged or so complete. I have to dine with my Great Aunt Tabitha tonight where we will doubtless talk, of her scheme to establish a Home for Aged Horses.' Hurriedly I made arrangements to call on Gwendolen the following afternoon. Babette bade us Goodbye. 'I had not intended your first lesson in posing to be so active,' she said, 'but you are, cordially welcome to return, possibly to Algernon's studio, in the near future, when we might continue your course of instruction. Gwendolen, I hope that you will accompany your friend, and George also.' 'I believe that I am developing a taste for such things,' I responded. We kissed all round and George and I went out into the evening.