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Immediately she ceased her sucking and struggled up, standing over me, legs apart like some divine female Colossus. Her teeth flashed in a lustful smile, her eyes twinkled as she slowly lowered herself upon me. She rubbed her cunney over the tip of my red-headed shaft and then expertly slid herself right down on me, my prick sliding straight between her pussey lips and into her moist cunney at the first attempt. I felt her muscles contract and relax as she rocked up and down my shaft. I flexed myself to thrust into that exquisite silky wetness as she pumped her tight little bum cheeks furiously up and down, digging her fingernails into my flesh as she held on to my body. Each voluptuous shove was accompanied by a wail of ecstacy as I grabbed her large breasts and brought my head up to suck and lap on those rosy nipples. We both began the final ride to our climax and I felt her cunney grip my cock even harder as we entered the last moments. She shivered and trembled as she reached the haven first, pulling me in as tightly as possible until, with a final push upwards, I too began to spend, spurting my hot love juice into her willing cunt. Alice gurgled with joy as the frothy white cream flooded into her and I felt her shudder as she drained me of every last drop of jism. The four of us lay panting with exhaustion for a while and then we developed a superb fucking chain with Charlotte on her knees, leaning forward to gobble my cock and Terence pushing his cock into her from behind whilst he frigged Alice's cunt as the dear girl exchanged passionate kisses with me while I fondled her crimson nipples that were as hard as two miniature little pricks to my touch.

. To end with, the girls lay down and played with each other's pussies, each rubbing and fingering the other while Terence and I knelt down to have our cocks sucked, mine by Charlotte and Terence's by Alice. As my old friend Sir Andrew Scott has written, first love can be idyllic-or disastrous. Which it will be depends much on the partners concerned and to a very great extent upon our own selves.

Terence and I were naive and perhaps bewildered by our experiences but there can be no doubt how fortunate we were to make our first journeys down the highways of love with such willing, loving girls who were willing to cater to our every desires. The old country law says that one's first experience should be in an open field, at night, under the stars. Maybe so, but our romp in the old barn, which was also Terence's introduction to fucking, certainly did us a power of good.

We learned much from our joust, not least the need to experiment until one finds the best way to please both oneself and one's partner. This was a maxim I have never forgotten and have always urged the lucky young men just about to begin their first rides on the roundabouts of love-joys. Later that evening I found myself alone with Alice, as Charlotte had been given the evening off-and as you can guess, dear reader, she and Terence spent the evening down nearby Lovers' Lane sucking and fucking until his cock and her cunney were just too sore to continue! Not that Alice and I were doing anything very different up in my bedroom! We had enjoyed a grand session of fucking and we were lying sated on my bed, with Alice toying with my cock in her hand. 'Have you taken part in a great deal of fucking?' I asked Alice somewhat artlessly. 'Not as much as I would like, Master Teddy, but that's because I'm careful in choosing the days. I'd rather go without or use a dildo than rely on you boys to take your cocks out just before you're about to spend. 'I was always careful about letting a cock up my pussey-even the very first time, when I wanted it so badly,' she added. 'Oh, you must tell me all about that,' I said eagerly. 'Well, if you really want to know, Master Teddy, I lost my virginity working in my last situation.'

'Do tell me about it, Alice,' I begged. 'I'm sure that will make my cock swell up again. After all, I've only come twice and Mama said they would be returning late tonight. I want to fuck you at least twice more before they come back.' 'My, could you really? I've been looking at that book by Doctor Roy Stevenson that your Papa gave you and he says that too much fucking is as bad as too little.'

'Oh, never mind all that!' I exclaimed. 'Tell me about the first time you fucked.' She smiled and said: 'Well, all right, I will tell you all about it. I was working as a kitchen maid in a big house in North London. My employer was a publisher and he often brought home books for the servants to read. Well, one afternoon, I was walking down Holywell Street and I thought I would look into one of the bookshops there. I noticed there were several shops selling prints but I did not know that this was a notorious centre for smutty books.

After all, I was just a simple country girl of sixteen years of age. I couldn't help noticing that some of the prints displayed outside Toby Watson's bookshop looked rather rude. Of course, I did not know that the prints that had caught my eye were classic sketches by the great caricaturist Thomas Rowlandson. 'Suddenly a man's voice behind me said: “Do you like the work of Rowlandson? There are prudes who would wish to ban his drawings but I think the man was a great artist, don't you?” 'I blushed and turned round to see who was speaking to me.

He turned out to be a good-looking man in his late twenties or early thirties, smartly but not richly dressed. We struck up a conversation but I could tell that from the way he was staring at my white frilly blouse that he was attracted to me-as I was, it must be confessed, to him. 'We engaged in conversation for about five minutes and then he offered to take me to a public house for a drink. I liked him even more when he did not demur after I said that I would prefer a nice cup of tea. So he took me to Bourne's Coffee House in Gray's Inn Road and we chatted away animatedly over tea and cakes. He told me that his name was Kenneth Kenhall-Watkins and that he worked as a salesman for a big London publisher. And what a coincidence! He worked for Goulthorpes, the company for whom my employer, Professor Pelham, was the chief editor. 'He lodged nearby in John Street and I needed little encouragement to agree to see the etchings he had purchased the previous week which were, of course, in his rooms. 'So very soon afterwards, I found myself sitting on a couch in Kenneth's room, looking at a book of very saucy prints. There was one particular print that I shall always remember as it sent shivers of lust throughout my body. Indeed, it makes me randy now just thinking about it. 'The scene was of a richly decorated bedroom and upon the bed lay a ravishingly beautiful young girl in a state of deshabille. She lay with her eyes closed, her petticoat and shift thrown up, her thighs wide apart, revealing to my burning gaze a rounded white belly, the bottom part of which was covered by a generous growth of jet black hair; and from between the locks that grew over the mount above a delicious-looking little crack, I could perceive two rosy lips slightly gaping open, from which oozed traces of whitish-looking foam.

Next to the girl was standing a handsome young man, totally naked, whose huge erect prick was being lovingly grasped by the reclining girl whose mouth was open, teasingly near the uncapped knob and ready to perform sweet suction upon this lucky youth's stiff cock. 'You may well guess what happened very after that, Master Teddy! I hardly noticed the dashing rogue raise my petticoats and inserting his hand between my legs, letting it rest on the golden covering of blonde hair that covered my delicate little crack. 'With the other he dexterously undid the top two buttons of my blouse to view better the firm swell of my breasts. I was unsure as to how best to react-but for better or worse I was given little time to think about it as he suddenly pressed his face close to mine and kissed me passionately upon the lips. 'In spite of my surprise, I felt a rush of excitement surge through my veins. There was something about Kenneth's kiss that made it impossible not to respond. His hand slipped down to close gently over my breast as his other began to stroke my dampening pussey through the thin cotton material of my drawers.