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'Look! Something's happening now,' said Gwendolen, 'I saw a distinct sign of life.' Sure enough, Cecily's gentle persistence was bearing fruit. Mr. Pego stirred and straightened. Struggling against the Law of Gravity, he began to raise himself up, inch by inch.

'Penis redivivus,' said Lady M-displaying an unexpected acquaintance with the language of the Classics.

'Like Excalibur emerging from the Lake,' said Gwendolen, not to be outdone in this display of learning.

'Not yet,' said Megan, practically. 'There's still a bend in it.'

'Some extra help is needed,' said Lady M-. Pressing her face close to my valiantly straining member, she began to lick carefully both at its tip and at Cecily's swollen nipples. Gwendolen joined in. Under their combined care, Mr. Pego's revival continued.

'Now we must get him completely upright,' said Megan. 'He still needs some more time before he is completely ready to enter into any further activity.' I was hauled to my feet and released. As my dress dropped into position, I stood there, my legs apart, trying to steady myself.

'Fetch a chair,' said Lady M- and as Esther hurried forward with an upright, I sank gratefully down, my knees almost giving way once more.

'At least we can bring him up to date with what has been occurring,' said Lady M — .

I listened, glad that for the moment there were no further calls upon my energies. It transpired that the stranger had left the house and that Esther had managed to dash upstairs and give the pre-arranged signal from the window. She had caught sight of Holmes waiting up the street under a gas lamp. The stranger had walked off down the road and had then hailed a passing cab. Esther was sure that Holmes had set off after him. I remembered that Holmes had had his own cab waiting round the corner for just such an eventuality. I also recalled that I was under orders to return to his Marylebone Road rooms and report what had gone on in the house. I explained what had to be done to Lady M-and the others.

'First I must find my clothes,' I said. 'Megan, you were going to have them ready for me.'

'They're very dirty,' she said. 'And there is still the problem of the two incarcerated maids.'

'Esther, you must go down and release them at once. Bring them up here. I must have a severe word with them. One at least is betraying my confidences. We must find out which is the guilty party and she must leave immediately.'

'If it please you, Ma'am,' said Esther, 'I don't think that it is Olive. She's fresh from the country and none too bright, but I don't think there's an ounce of malice in her. She's just very fond of fucking.'

'Very well,' said Lady M-. 'I shall have to question them one by one.'

'But if you will forgive me,' I said, 'I must return to Mr. Holmes' rooms as soon as possible.'

'You'll have to go like that,' said Lady M-. 'We can send your sweeper's rags round in the morning.'

'Is that wise, Ma'am,' said Megan. 'Dressed like that, he will have to make the entire journey on foot. If he gets a cab he will surely betray himself by his voice, if nothing else.'

'You're right,' said Lady M-. She paused, deep in thought, 'I know, someone must go with him. You can take my carriage. Send for James.'

'Lady M-,' said Cecily, 'may I suggest that Gwendolen and myself go with him? He is not yet fully restored to health.'

'On second thoughts, we will all accompany him,' said Lady M-. 'The problem of the maids can be dealt with tomorrow. Esther, let them out but make sure neither of them leaves the house.'

So all of us, Megan included in the party at Lady M-'s insistence, crowded into her carriage and set off through the night to beard Holmes in his den.

Of the journey, I can remember little. I was still considerably fatigued and such was the warmth engendered by our densely packed confinement that I dozed throughout, lulled by the motion of our passage. I was aware of low conversation and the occasional squeal of pleasure but all was subdued and relaxed.

Some while later the carriage drew to a halt and I came to.

'We have arrived at Mr. Holmes' place,' said Lady M-and we all piled out and swarmed up the front steps.

'Good Gracious!' came Mrs. Sayers' voice. 'Five ladies come to call and at such a late hour. However I am afraid that Mr. Holmes is not at home, nor is his assistant, Mr. Scott. They went out much earlier and neither has been seen since.', She peered at us more closely. 'Lady M-!' she said, if it is in connection with the case that he is working on, I can only suggest that you come in and wait for him. I am sure that one or other of them will return soon.'

I realised that dressed as I was she had not recognised me, but before I could make my identity known to her, Lady M-swept in and we were all ushered upstairs to Holmes' study. Mrs. Sayers poked the fire into life and then bustled out with the promise of a pot of coffee to come. We settled down to wait.

'What shall we do to pass the time?' said Cecily. Several glances were turned in my direction. 'Andrew, we need entertainment. There must be some parlour game that you can suggest.'

'I would like first of all to change back into some of my own clothes, if I might be excused for a short while.'

'Certainly not,' said Lady M-. 'We've grown used to you in that rather fetching outfit. It suits you.'

I opened my mouth to protest at being so bullied and ordered about but then remembered that Lady M-had engaged Holmes to act on her behalf and, while I had no idea of the financial arrangements involved, it seemed to me in all probability that I was under some quasi-contractual obligation to do as she said. More to the point, I knew that she was under some considerable strain from the whole affair and that it would be kind to humour her. Holmes in any case would not be best pleased if I managed to upset his client over what I suspected he would feel was a trivial matter.

I accepted that for the time being I would have to remain in women's clothing, and that my more pressing worry was that I should not be able to take any part demanded of me in any game suggested by those present. I would have to offer an alternative proposition.

'A game of whist?' I suggested. 'There are cards in the bureau.'

'Too boring,' said Lady M-.

'Bezique?' I tried.

'You'll have to do better than that,' she said.

'I'd like to fuck,' said Gwendolen. I must have looked alarmed because Megan, bless her, came to my rescue.

'I know a game that I learned from a gentleman friend in Portsmouth. We used to play it in his lodgings with his companions.' The other looked rather unimpressed, it really is great fun,' she went on brightly.

'It is not some intellectual pursuit, I hope,' said Gwendolen, it is not intellectual stimulation that I need.

Tucking would be nice,' said Cecily.

'It is quite simple,' said Megan supportively, 'And it is probably the nearest thing to fucking that can be arranged until Mr. Scott has gathered his strength.'

'Tell us about it,' said Lady M-.

'And while you do,' said Gwendolen, 'I have just had an idea. Look!' She had been busily rooting around in her bag as she spoke. Now she triumphantly drew out a familiar object.

'A dildo!' came a chorus of delighted recognition.

'But no ordinary dildo,' she said. She walked over to me, holding the object in her hand. Once more my dress was pulled up and Mr. Pego put on display.

'See!' she said. 'Do you not see the similarity?'

'Not much,' said Lady M-. 'One is up and the other is down. If we are to make comparisons, they will both have to be in the same state.'