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Neia relayed the Sorcerer King’s questions to everyone present. After the short speech, a heavy silence filled the room.

“...Then what does His Majesty propose we do?”

Remedios addressed her question to Neia, who stood by his side.

“No, before that, what do you think? I have only come to do battle with Jaldabaoth, not to lead you all. If I end up participating too heavily in your strategic planning sessions, do you not think things will become very troublesome after defeating Jaldabaoth?”

Murmurs spread through the room.

“...Or do you mean to say you will subordinate yourself to my command? In that case, I will also use the most appropriate means to save this nation.”

That ought to be the best way to do it, right? His Majesty might be undead, but everything he says makes perfect sense. He will surely abide by any agreements he makes too. Right now, at this very moment, if you want to save the suffering people, bending the knee to another country’s king for a time ought to be the right choice to make, no?

“The only one who may stand above us is Her Majesty, the Holy Queen. Regretfully, we cannot accept commands from the king of another nation.”

However, Remedios promptly rejected the offer.


You should be willing to do anything to save the people! Wasn’t that the reason why we’re using the king of another nation, and such an incredible king at that!?

Neia hung her head. That was to hide the dark, muddy emotions which stuck to the interior of her chest.

“May we inquire as to what course of action Your Majesty would take in our position?”

“If it were me, hm? Well, the logical thing would be to immediately move your base to a new location, no?”

“A new location…”

Everyone in the room, Remedios included, had a distressed look upon their face. That was because they did not know of any other place which was suitable as a hideout.

“Judging by your response, I guess you do not know. In that case, you need to plan your future operations under the assumption that the quicker you move, the sooner Jaldabaoth’s army will attack you. ...Then, since that is all, I will retire to my room.”

Just as Neia was about to follow him, the Sorcerer King held out his hand to stop her.

“Forgive me, but I would like you to stay here and listen to the others’ opinion on my behalf, Miss Baraja.”

“Understood, Your Majesty.”

While he had not acknowledged her as one of his people, it would seem the Sorcerer King was treating her as a substitute for himself. In that case, if she did not properly complete this task, he would be disappointed. Just imagining the Sorcerer King being disappointed made her heart flutter for some reason.

“I can count on you, then? You don’t mind, do you, Captain Custodio?”

“If Your Majesty permits it, we will not object.”

After hearing that, the Sorcerer King turned to leave with the paladin assigned to be his guide.

Once he vanished around a corner, a priest spoke up.

“So that’s the Sorcerer King… Captain Custodio. Will it really be all right? I hope the cure is not worse than the disease. That would be very troublesome.”

“Indeed. Taking future poison to escape present agony… is that not what paupers do?”

“We’ve talked about this before, haven’t we? Don’t make me repeat myself. The poison’s already in us now.”

Not His Majesty, huh. They aren’t going to address him with respect?

Neia was irritated by the dramatic change in attitude they had shown the moment the Sorcerer King was gone.

If one understood the attitude of the citizens of the Holy Kingdom towards the undead, then their attitude was only to be expected. Rather, it was Neia’s displeasure which was abnormal. Why did she feel unhappy about this?

“Well, he’s still useful now, so it can’t be helped… and we’ve concretely seen how he can help us… but as priests, we might have trouble neutralizing that poison, no?”

What do you mean, useful? Someone notices a mistake we made and even goes on to supply a solution, but not only are they ungrateful, they’re still thinking about how to use him— Ah, so that’s it. That’s what I sensed from His Majesty, something which the Holy Kingdom now lacks… a sense of integrity. That’s why I feel like this...

How much of his grace had she received?

After sharing a carriage with him, she had been given the chance to realize the fact that despite being one of the undead, the Sorcerer King was a king that was worthy of respect.

Therefore, what she felt for these people would be more accurately termed “pity.”

“Speaking of which, Squire Baraja. What’s that bow you’re carrying?”

“Ah, yes. His Majesty said that he would lend me this weapon for the duration of my assignment.”

“...May I take a look at it, Squire Baraja? I wish to see if the bow is enchanted with any sinister magic.”

The priest extended his hand to her.

Normally, she would have handed it to him. However—

“Please permit me to refuse.”

The priest was stunned. It was a face that said he had not expected to be denied.

“This is a weapon I have received from His Majesty in order to protect his person. I will not allow it to leave my hands.”

She would not allow someone who was only thinking of using an ally to touch it for even a single moment. Neia lowered her head as she replied to keep the anger in her heart from showing in her eyes.

“Ahhh, Squire Baraja, hand that bow—”

“In other words, you don’t mind if I report this to His Majesty, then?”

The air in the room froze over.

“Enough. I understand. Let’s continue talking.”

Hmm~ so at least they still know that things will go poorly for them if His Majesty finds out.

“Before that, Captain Custodio, would it not be better to let Squire Baraja return to the Sorcerer King—dono’s side?”

Neia noticed one of the priests glancing at the bow for just a moment.

Neia understood the meaning he was trying to convey, but despite the anger boiling in her heart, she did not let it spill over to her words or actions.

“I apologize, but I am here to listen to everyone’s words by order of His Majesty. I would be very grateful if you would let me continue to remain here and listen to your words from the side.”

“True enough… Gustavo. What do you think we should do?”

“His Majesty said so in front of all of us. If we have her leave now, it will probably cause more problems in the future.”

“That’s true. So we’ll let her remain, then?”

Is this something you should be saying in front of the person in question? As Neia thought this, she bowed in silent gratitude.

“Now then, following on what the Sorcerer King has said, what should we do? Does anyone have any ideas about leaving this place and looking for a new refuge?”

Perhaps someone with her father Pavel’s ranger skills might be able to find a place for this many people to stay for extended periods. However, there was nobody like that here.

“The Sorcerer King — His Majesty said earlier that if we do not do anything, Jaldabaoth will not make a move either. In that case, why not search for a new place before they take action?”

That suggestion, made by one of the paladins, met with scattered approval. However, Neia knew very well that putting the matter off would not solve anything. In the end, all it would do was cause a pileup of problems in the future.