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“Have any of you heard about reporters ending up with these computers?”

Frank shook his head at me. “The government is keeping all that stuff.”

“Whose government?”

“Ours. No one would ever know, right? They would just say it all got lost.”

“Do you know that’s true?”

“Do you know it’s not?”

Tim chuckled. “Typical conspiracy theorist. All leading questions and vague accusations and an entire case built on proving a negative.” He looked at me. “Here’s the thing with the computers. They were in the house in Zormat. The military found them and called in the CIA. In the meantime, the villagers picked the house clean, which is what happens when you leave valuable electronic equipment lying around poverty-stricken, war-torn countries. All the laptops were gone when the spies got there, but there’s a reporter named Kraft who got in and got them. Supposedly, he bought them off a kid with a goat. He says he’s got a big story from one of them.”

Before I could jump on that one, Frank was into it. “Timmy, you talked to him, didn’t you? You told me you weren’t going to.”

“I changed my mind.”

I had to work hard to make my tone casual like theirs, because I wasn’t supposed to be asking these questions. It wasn’t easy, because it was pretty obvious Max Kraft was my guy. “What’s the deal with this Kraft? Everyone around here talks about him as if he’s not welcome.”

“He’s public enemy number one around here,” Tim said. “He tried to hack into Raul’s computer and steal the contact information for all of us.”

“Dr. Wilson’s?”

“Raul was not happy about that.” He looked pointedly at Frank. “That is the full and true story with the computers.”

“Okay, okay.” Frank was sounding a little desperate. “Forget about the computers. What about what happened that night, Timmy? You saw it, too. You can’t tell me there wasn’t something going on there.”

“All hell was breaking loose, Frank.” Tim glanced quickly at me. “I’d been thrown out of a burning airplane, bullets were flying, it was dark, and there was smoke everywhere. We were covered in blood. We all had heavy beards. My own mother wouldn’t have known me. I have no idea what I saw, and I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t go around telling people what you think I should have seen. Now, if you’ll excuse us…”

Helene didn’t seem ready to move on, but I was glad Tim took her with him. That left me alone with Frank. I moved a step closer. “He seems a little touchy on the subject.”

“Yeah, he doesn’t like to talk about it.” Frank was looking past me. He turned slightly and dipped his shoulder toward me. “Do you know that woman over there to my right? She’s wearing that raincoat kind of jacket thing. Be cool when you look.”

I glanced over. The woman he described turned away when I glanced her way.

“I don’t know her. Why?”

“She’s been staring at us.”

He could have been right. It could also have been the paranoia talking. Whatever it was, he was agitated. “Maybe we could go outside and talk,” I offered.

“Good. I could use a smoke. Who are you again?”

Since he couldn’t remember anyway, I dropped the pretense and just showed him the picture of Roger. “I’m trying to find this man. It’s important. If you have information that can help me, I hope you’ll share it.”

He already had a cigarette in one hand. He took the picture in the other and held it at arm’s length the way people do who are missing their glasses. “Gil Bernays? That’s who you’re looking for?”

Apparently. “Have you seen him or heard from him?”

“Nope.” He chuckled. “Not likely to, either. Gil’s dead.”

“What?” I stopped, but he had gone on. I caught him as he was leaving the ballroom. “Are you sure?”

“Hell, yeah, I’m sure. I watched him die.”


I FOLLOWED FRANK OUT TO THE SIDEWALK IN FRONT OF the hotel. He lit his cigarette. “I like it over here,” he said, taking a long drag. “You can smoke.” Having cheated death once, he must have felt invincible, because he smoked unfiltereds.

“Are you sure this man is dead?” I held up the picture again. “The records say he’s alive.”

He tapped the picture. “Nuh-uh. The official record is wrong. Hoffmeyer survived, and your guy died.”

“Stephen Hoffmeyer?”

“That’s right.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be obtuse.” I held up the photo of Roger Fratello one more time. “This man, Gilbert Bernays, and the other one you called Hoffmeyer were both on the plane at the end?”

“Right there with the rest of us.” He picked a bit of tobacco from his tongue. “The records all show that Gil survived and Hoff died. It’s the other way around. It’s part of the cover-up. They want everyone to think Hoffmeyer is dead.”

“They being the government?”

“Yeah. Hoffmeyer was CIA.”

“Why do you say that?”

“I’m not just saying it. I know it.” He shifted his weight to his back foot and started ticking off points on his fingers. “He spoke Arabic or Farsi or whatever they talked. He said he’d done work as a contractor in Saudi. He wasn’t afraid of the boys with the guns. At all. He spent all kinds of time with them. He always said he was trying to get stuff for us, more food or water or whatnot. He kept them from killing a hostage. He wasn’t just a normal schlub like the rest of us.”

“How did he save a hostage?”

“They were threatening to kill one of us. It turned out it was going to be Peter. Pete Voytag, God rest his soul. It was all so random. It could have just as easily been me.” He sucked a little more life out of his cigarette. “They came and got Peter and took him up there screaming and crying. Next thing, Hoffmeyer just pushes the kid watching us out of the way and goes up there. This kid had a Kalashnikov.” He shook his head, still impressed. “Anyways, there’s a lot of shouting and yelling, not in English. Then the two of them, Peter and Hoff, they both came back. That was it. I don’t know what he said to them, but they never tried that again.”

I made a note to check out Hoffmeyer’s background. It would be easy enough to see if he’d really worked in Saudi. “What else?”

“He knew his way around a situation, I’ll tell you that.”

“How do you mean?”

“Tim and me, we’re not standing here today if it wasn’t for him. He saved us. I don’t know why Timmy doesn’t see that. I think he sees it. He just won’t say it, you know?”

“How did he save you?”

“The night that it happened, the kid they had watching went up to the front of the plane and left us alone. He’d never done that before, so I had to think”-he touched his temple with his middle finger-“what is so important? It can’t be too many choices, right? Either they’re letting us go, or they’re not, and I just had the feeling it wasn’t that they were about to let us walk. I wasn’t the only one, because even though the cabin smelled like piss the whole time we were in there, it started to smell like fresh piss. Everyone was thinking the same thing, that we were all gonna die. After ten days of the worst hell you can imagine, they were about to kill us. It sucked.”

He was a little hard to follow, because he was shoving so many words into such a small space. But I had practice. I knew Dan.

“Then the kid came back through the curtain, and I swear to you, the look on his face, he looked exactly like one of those Columbine boys. Slow, mechanical, completely blank. He came down the aisle and started shooting people, but his face, you know, he looked like he was taking out the garbage. I got up and ran, but there were some that fell, and this kid, I don’t know, maybe he was seventeen, he walked up and just…” Frank put his index and middle fingers together and aimed them carefully at the sidewalk. “He put the barrel up against a man’s head, this human being he’d been talking and joking with, and pulled the trigger.”