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“I want you to listen to me.” He braced himself against my arms and leaned closer. “I believe you can survive this.”

Cyrus had dug out Lyle’s microcassettes and settled down with his own little player and earbuds to listen to what his late partner had said about him. Red was assigned to watch us, which meant there was at least a third person in the house.

“I have an idea,” he whispered, holding my arms as tightly as he could. “And when I see the opportunity, you will know. You must take it.”

His grip was not strong. I managed to transfer it to the handles of the wheelchair so I could work on drying his pants, not easy since he still had them on. The most I could do was dab at them with a towel. He didn’t seem the least bit embarrassed to have me do it. When I was done, I kept a hand towel for myself, folded the rest, and put them in the seat of his chair.

I transferred his weight back to me and eased him down into the chair. “What about you?”

“One of us has to stay.”

“For what? To be killed?”

He didn’t answer. As I wiped off my own hands, I saw that he was actually serious. “Harvey, I’m not leaving without you.”

“You must.”

“No.” I leaned down with the hand towel to dry the underside of the chair. I wanted to appear busy so Red wouldn’t tie me up again. Cyrus, who would know better, seemed riveted by the Blackmon tapes. “Why would you even consider something like that? Why would you ask me to consider something like that?”

“God granted me this opportunity. I know it. I promised myself that when it came, I would not turn away, and I will not.”

“Whatever it is you have in mind, let me do it. You’re too weak. I’ll have a better chance than you would.”


I had already wiped every inch of the chair’s undercarriage. I sat down next to the right wheel and started on the spokes. “This is all because of Rachel. She’s got you all confused. You don’t have to prove yourself to her or to anyone else.”

“I have done many things for Rachel, some that she deserved and many that she did not. But this I am doing for myself. Now, please, for once, just this once, do as I ask.”

He didn’t sound like himself, he didn’t look like himself, and I had the sick, panicky feeling that the Harvey I knew was already receding from my life. I reached over and adjusted his towel. “Harvey-”


It was Red, holding his fingers to one ear. Thorne took out his own earbuds. “What?”

“He’s here.”

Harvey leaned down and whispered, “Listen for your chance. When it comes, take it.”

Thorne was on his feet, gathering his weapons. He also grabbed a radio and mounted it on his ear. It had a small, graceful microphone that arced out in front of his mouth. The two men escorted me to the kitchen and took up positions on either side of the door. It was dark and quiet. The porch light was on. I heard footsteps on the other side of the door, then the knock.

Thorne nodded to me.

The blood rushed to my face and seemed to pool there, throbbing with each beat of my heart, because all Thorne wanted was Kraft and maybe the money. If Kraft had Vladi’s computer with him, he would have them both, and he wouldn’t need Harvey and me anymore. “Who is it?”

“Kraft. Open up, goddammit. Let me in.”

I unbolted the door and opened it. He brushed past and into the kitchen. When he turned and saw the two weapons pointed at him, he looked surprised, and then he looked disappointed, and then he looked at me with such deep loathing I could feel it on me like a wet sheet.

“I’m sorry.”

Red reached out for his bag. Kraft tried to fight him for it. Thorne stepped up and whacked him in the temple with the butt of his rifle. Kraft went down and stayed there.

Thorne grabbed the bag and left Red with Kraft.

“Come to Daddy,” he said, and then held it up to look at his prize. “Finally.”


THORNE TOOK ME BACK WITH HIM TO THE FRONT ROOM. Red came a few minutes later, dragging Kraft next to him. He had tied his hands and feet with the plastic cuffs. He tied my hands but left my feet free. He didn’t bother with Harvey, probably thinking him too weak to fight.

Thorne had the computer out of its case and in front of him on the coffee table. He handed the cord to Red. “Find a plug.” The kid crawled around until he found a wall socket under a side table next to the couch. If Cyrus’s inner soldier was a four-star general, Red’s must have been a buck private-happy to be told what to do and happier to do it.

“Okay, it’s in.”

Cyrus searched for the power switch, found it, and flicked it on. He sat back with both arms out, like a man waiting for his lover to come into his arms. He blinked a few times, waited some more, and then smiled. He rubbed his hands together and leaned forward. Just as he was about to hit the keyboard, his forehead creased. I couldn’t see the monitor, but I heard the familiar whine of a laptop going black and shutting itself down.

Thorne went through the whole routine again. After it shut down the second time, he looked as if he wanted to bash the uncooperative machine. Instead, he picked up his radio and called for someone else to come. We hadn’t seen anyone else, so it could have been anyone. It turned out to be Tatiana. She seemed to pop up wherever the action was. Or maybe it was wherever Thorne was.

Tatiana was dressed in jeans, polo shirt, and Kevlar vest, and she was bristling with weapons-just like one of the boys. Her quasi-soldier gear showed off strong biceps and broad shoulders that I hadn’t noticed on the plane.

“What’s up?”

“It doesn’t work. It keeps shutting itself down.”

“Let me see.”

Tatiana sat on the couch next to Thorne. He slid the laptop over and then hovered. “What’s wrong with it?”

“I don’t know. It might be the battery. Go away and let me work.” She was far less deferential than she had been on the plane, which meant her subservient act must have been for my benefit.

While all this was under way, Kraft stirred. First he turned over on his back and stared at the ceiling. When it occurred to him that he wasn’t in the room alone, he managed to sit up. With feet together and hands behind him, it took a few tries. He looked at me. He might have had a concussion. He might have forgotten his own name. He had not forgotten how much he despised me. He treated Harvey as if he weren’t there and spoke to Thorne.

“You won’t stop the story.”

Thorne lunged across the room, grabbed Kraft at the collar and under one armpit. He dragged him to the laptop and practically pushed his head through the monitor.

“What did you do to this thing?”

Kraft laughed at him. “Go to hell.”

Cyrus reached down between Kraft’s legs, grabbed his balls, and squeezed. Kraft let out a high-pitched yowl as he tried, without use of arms and legs, to twist out of his grip. Judging by the bright red hue of Kraft’s face and the escalating screaming, Thorne only squeezed tighter. It went on long enough that I started to feel sick.

“Okay…” Wheeze, wheeze. “Okay, you-” Cough, cough. “You asshole.” Drooling and choking, Kraft barely got the words out. “Let go.”

Thorne released him, and Kraft collapsed with his knees on the floor and his face on the couch. As he tried to catch his breath, Tatiana grabbed him by his scruffy hair and lifted his head. “What’s the deal?”

“The battery’s dead.”

“It’s plugged in. Why would that make any difference?”

“The power runs through the battery. If the battery is completely dead, it doesn’t matter. You can’t get power to it.”

“How have you been running it?”

“I haven’t. It worked long enough to print out the documents I needed. I think it will run on an auxiliary battery, but I haven’t run it since. I didn’t want to mess with it.” Tatiana let go. Kraft dropped to the floor and immediately drew his knees up, either for protection or for relief.