“I thought we had walked farther,” Kadumi commented.
“We did,” Lander answered. “The only way to get here is around the back of the mountain. If anyone comes after us, we’ll see them leave camp long before they reach us.”
“Still,” Ruha said, “it would be best not to let them see our silhouettes on this ridge.”
The berrani nodded, then led the way a few paces down the other side of the shoulder. As Lander and Kadumi tethered the camels, Ruha heard the faint tones of an amarat horn. Her first thought was that their absence had been discovered, and she quickly scrambled back up the shoulder.
A moment later, Ruha knew she was wrong. She crested the ridge in time to see a bolt of light flash in the dunes outside the oasis, then a muffled peal of thunder rumbled up the mountainside. More amarat horns sounded.
“Zhentarim!” she gasped.
By the time Kadumi and Lander joined her, flickering pinpoints of torchlight were dancing between the khreimas. A solid line of the torches was forming at the edge of the camp.
“It appears Al’Aif got his wish after all,” Lander commented. “The Zhentarim must know that Zarud was killed.”
“How could they know so soon?” Kadumi asked. “That was only a few hours ago.”
“Magic or spies,” Ruha suggested. “Do they always attack so quickly after an insult?”
“The Zhentarim are careful planners,” Lander said, his eyes fixed on the scene below. “As soon as Zarud presented their treaty, they probably started moving their army forward—just in case the sheikh did not accept their terms.”
A familiar knot of cold dread formed in Ruha’s stomach. “The Mtair will be slaughtered, just like the Qahtan.”
Neither of her companions contradicted her.
“Where are the dead?”
The question was Kadumi’s, but it troubled Lander and Ruha as well. The trio was perched on Rahalat’s shoulder, at the top of a steep face of barren rock that dropped over two thousand feet to the campsite at the base of the mountain. The sun was just rising, and they were getting their first view of the devastated khowwan of the Mtair Dhafir.
From such a distance, the three survivors could make out only a few details of the scene below. Every khreima in the camp had been knocked down. The Zhentarim had tethered the Mtair’s camels in a tight circle and were looting the possessions of the Mtair Dhafir. Hundreds of columns of gray smoke rose from campfires spread around the base of the mountain, and the camel drivers were taking their beasts to drink from the spring in small groups.
Missing from the scene were what Lander had most expected to see: the bodies of the Mtair Dhafir. At such a distance, it was impossible to tell a tribesman from an invader, for men looked like dark specks crawling across the pale sands. What troubled Lander and his companions was that all the dark specks were moving. If the Bedine were lying at the base of the mountain, at least two hundred of the dark specks would have been quite still.
“Perhaps the Mtair escaped,” Kadumi whispered. “It was dark, and we could not see what was truly happening.”
The trio had spent the night watching the battle, but they had not seen much. After the amarats had sounded a second time, the torches on the battleline went out, presumably extinguished by the warriors themselves in order to keep from drawing attention to their positions. A few minutes had passed, then muted cries had begun to drift up the mountainside.
In camp, the women, marked by the flickering lights of their torches, had scurried about, collecting children and supplies with renewed frenzy. As the Mtairi battle cries grew more desperate, the women had assembled on the far side of the camp, then fled the battlefield.
Before the line of yellow flames had traveled fifty yards, a muffled chorus of surprised screams had heralded an invader ambush. The refugees had scattered, but their torches had started to wink out immediately.
Recalling the agonized shriek that had accompanied each dying light, Lander knew that even if some of the women had escaped, there were many more who had not. The sand should have been carpeted with their bodies and with the bodies of the warriors who had died at the battleline.
Lander shook his head. “Everybody couldn’t have escaped, Kadumi.” The Sembian did not bother to speak in a hushed voice. With the Zhentarim nearly a half-mile away, there was no chance of being overheard. “There should be dozens of corpses at the very least. Do you see any?”
“No corpses,” Ruha answered. She pointed at a knot of dark specks gathered at the tent in which the trio had been held last night. “But I don’t like what is happening there.”
As she spoke, the gathering began to break into groups of ten or twelve. As each group left, it moved in a different direction.
“Search parties!” Lander said.
Kadumi’s brow furrowed. “Are they searching for—”
“Me,” Lander said, assuming that his enemies learned of his presence from a captured Mtair. “Perhaps we should separate. If they find me, the Zhentarim might stop looking.”
Ruha regarded him thoughtfully for a moment. Her dark eyes flashed with what Lander took to be irritation, then she said, “Either you have a very low opinion of Kadumi and I, or an exaggerated sense of your own importance, berrani.”
“That’s not what I mean,” Lander protested, feeling himself flush in embarrassment. “But if the Zhentarim know I am here, they won’t stop searching until they find me.”
“Why is that?” asked Kadumi suspiciously.
Lander considered the boy’s question for a moment, then decided that he should reveal his identity to his companions so that they might understand the danger into which they were moving. He opened his robe and displayed the pin that he wore over his heart. “I belong to an organization called the Harpers,” he said. “We work to protect the freedom of people everywhere, and that often places us into opposition against the Zhentarim.”
“As in this case?” Ruha asked.
“Yes,” the Harper answered. “If they catch you with me, it will mean a slow and agonizing death.”
“If they catch us without you, it will mean a slow and agonizing death,” Ruha countered. “The Zhentarim whom Al’Aif killed had a companion. That man knows that Kadumi and I came here to warn my father about the Black Robes, and he may even suspect that we had something to do with the murder. So we lose nothing by staying together, unless you feel you would be safer without a boy and a woman to defend. Of course, I don’t know how long a berrani can expect to survive in Anauroch with no guides …”
The irony in Ruha’s tone did not escape Lander. He raised his hand to quiet her. “Your point is well taken,” he said. “Together, we all stand a better chance of surviving.”
When Ruha nodded, the Sembian started to crawl back down the ridge toward the camels.
The widow caught his arm before he gone two steps. “Where are you going?”
“We’d better leave,” he said. “If the Zhentarim find us up here, we’ll be trapped.”
Ruha shook her head. “Rahalat will not allow the Zhentarim on her slopes.”
“How can you be sure?” Lander asked. The phantom goats had convinced him of Rahalat’s existence, though he suspected she was a ghost and not a goddess. In either case, he saw no reason to believe she would protect them.
Ruha glanced toward the mountain’s summit. “If Rahalat did not favor us, we would be dead. I doubt that she will favor the Zhentarim.”
Lander glanced at Kadumi. “What do you think?”
The youth looked thoughtful for a moment, then nodded. “What my sister-in-law says makes sense,” he said. “Besides, we would only draw attention to ourselves by moving. We should wait.”