ANNA: Stenography.
FEDYA: Yes. A student. Of stenography.
Where did you study?
ANNA: Where did I study?
FEDYA: Where did you study?
ANNA: Does it matter?
FEDYA: Some institutions have better reputations than others.
ANNA: For stenography?
FEDYA: For unrest.
ANNA: You’re asking if I’m a revolutionary?
FEDYA: Are you?
ANNA: Not all students are revolutionaries.
FEDYA: Are you?
FEDYA: There weren’t mumblings of sedition amongst your fellow students?
ANNA: You think there’s a cabal of stenographers plotting to overthrow the Tsar?
FEDYA: What do I know of stenographers and their persuasions?
ANNA: Is there to be any work/ at all this morning—?
FEDYA: Why didn’t you have the time? To read my book.
ANNA: I told you. I was studying.
FEDYA: The rest of Petersburg seems to have had the time.
Is stenography so arduous a course—?
ANNA: I was caring for my dying father.
I was caring for my father.
A long beat.
FEDYA: Have you been asked to reveal what I’m writing?
ANNA: By whom?
FEDYA: By anyone. By Kolya.
FEDYA: What notes I make?
FEDYA: Where I go? Who I see?
ANNA: Do you need watching?
FEDYA: There are people who seem to think so. You’d be surprised the sort of people hired to do the watching.
What’s your relationship with Kolya?
ANNA: My relationship?
FEDYA: Why did he send you?
ANNA: He said I’d be helping a famous novelist—
FEDYA: That’s what he told you to tell me?
ANNA: I had hoped it might be Tolstoy.
FEDYA: Have you read any of my work?
ANNA: Some.
ANNA: It was a little too sentimental for my taste.
A beat.
FEDYA: You can go.
It won’t work.
There’s. No. Job.
KOLYA’s office. ANNA puts money on the table.
ANNA: He said there’s no job. No novel.
KOLYA: No novel?
ANNA: That’s what he said.
KOLYA: How was he? How did he seem?
ANNA: How did he seem?
KOLYA: Anxious? Troubled?
ANNA: Rude. Hateful.
KOLYA: You need to go back.
ANNA: He doesn’t seem to like you very much.
KOLYA: I know.
ANNA: You said you were friends.
KOLYA: We’re Russian friends. Bound together by a mutual hatred.
Give me one day. Then try him again.
One day.
[Pushing the money back towards her] For your trouble so far.
She leaves without taking the money.
The actor playing ANNA transitions into KATYA. As she does—
[ANNA]: I’d read Crime and Punishment—of course I’d read it. I’d read every book he’d ever written. But if he thought I was going to give him the satisfaction…
I’d read it each day as I walked to and from the institute. And then, at night, I’d read it again to my father. It was a heavy presence all through Petersburg, that book—and my father wouldn’t be denied it.
Late at night, as he waited for sleep, my father would tell me the dark story of Dostoyevsky’s arrest. His imprisonment. And the tears would well in my father’s eyes. This, he said—this is how Russia treats her saviours. And it broke my heart to hear it.
A candle-lit room. A roulette wheel spinning. FEDYA stands watching the wheel spin and stop, spin and stop. He is barely aware of what is happening with the wheel—he’s absorbed by the figures in his imagination—MITYA and KATYA.
MITYA: I didn’t think you’d come.
Are things so desperate?
A beat.
MITYA: I can’t help you if you won’t speak.
KATYA: My father is dying.
MITYA: That much I know.
KATYA: He has debts. If he dies before they are paid…
MITYA: He dies shamed.
KATYA: It’s not himself he’s worried for. It’s my mother, his children.
MITYA: It’s a lot of money.
KATYA: If you hadn’t said you’d loan it to him…
MITYA: The loan would not be to your father.
A beat.
This is a matter of business.
A loan at a judicious rate.
Some gift would need to be given in return…
VOICE: [off] Place your money.
FEDYA’s attention is brought back to the roulette wheel. KATYA and MITYA recede into the darkness.
FEDYA watches the wheel spin. He places his money.
MITYA transitions back into KOLYA.
[KOLYA]: It’s its own myth, that morning in Semyonovsky square. That morning he was slated to die, paraded on the scaffold with the other criminals. A story that cascaded, man to man to man, through the cells where I was still being held, and each of us awaiting a similar fate…
We’d met first at Petrashevsky’s meetings, his circle of like-minded thinkers—and Fedya like an apparition on its edges—absorbing every word—but biding his time—holding close his opinions…
And when he did at last speak… I can still hear him. The way his voice blazed out from him…
All of us there—testing ideas—moving towards a singular vision of the future… All of us condemned for it.
Just as the rifles were aiming towards the prisoners, the Tsar intervened.
Fedya was sent to Siberia.
A different category of death…
FEDYA’s flat. KOLYA is happily ensconced when FEDYA enters. FEDYA goes about the room, closing up notebooks, hiding papers.
FEDYA: I’ve told the landlady not to let you in.
KOLYA: She’s easily charmed.
FEDYA: The roubles you throw at her don’t hurt.
A beat.
KOLYA: No novel?
I send you the answer to your prayers and you tell her there’s no novel.
FEDYA: Tell who?
KOLYA: Anna.
Young. Pretty. Brown hair… Ahh. He remembers.
This novel will be written, Fedya, if I have to write it for you myself.
Unless Stellovsky is satisfied with whatever you throw his way, I get no new work from you. Not a word. He’ll have everything. For the next eight years. You’ll get not one kopek. And I’ll be publishing one blank page after another. How then am I to help you?
A long beat.
FEDYA: Send her if you must.
KOLYA: I’ll tell her to come tomorrow.
FEDYA: Just keep away from her. Until the book is finished. Pursue her then.
A beat.
How’s your wife?
KOLYA: Happily languishing on her father’s estate.
It’s a matter of understanding the boundaries, Fedya. What can and cannot be crossed.
FEDYA: Did you send my letter to the committee?
KOLYA: You’d put your own life on the line to support some ragtag students?
The Tsar liberalised the universities. Called back all those who’d been banished under his father. Made provision so that the poor could attend—