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clearing Martha is exploring. Motion is very rapid at first, slowing suddenly

near the ground. A ramp lowers from one side, and a small beige Zeta bounds

out, not bothering to walk down the ramp as much as touching the ramp only at

a couple points. Another floats out, touching down on the grass. Martha has

her mouth slightly open, is blinking a bit too much, and is stepping further

behind the tree roots.

A small beige colored Zeta, no larger than Martha, comes around the root base,

leaning forward head first as though to establish eye contact first, to not

startle Martha. He walks up to Martha, takes her hand, and turns to lead her

back into the grassy area at the edge of the pond. Martha displays no fear.

Two other little Zetas are outside the ship on the grass, one bent over and

reaching a hand out to the racoon who is also not fearful and standing on rear

legs, as though the two of them were having a conversation, silent and




Now in the current day, the fallen tree has rotted, is sinking into the

ground, and more brush has grown up where the grass used to be. Billy wades

along the edge of a pond, his jeans rolled up to just below his knees and his

shoes tossed on the edge of the pond. The water is cool against his bare legs,

taking his mind off the hot sun. A large fallen tree that has thrown its

branches into the pond when it fell has rotten so that most of the branches

are broken off and sinking into mud. The trunk of the tree is falling apart,

covered now with moss in places, and brush has grown up along the sides of the

tree. The rain has reduced to a steady drizzle and drip, the fallen tree

looking wet and Billy’s flannel shirt looking damp and clingy.

Billy freezes and moves slowly, his hands out in front of him as though to

grab something as he lowers his body slowly toward the side of a tall grass

clump at the edge of the swamp. He grabs a frog.


The frog is struggling, long legs hanging down and kicking. Billy lets it go,

the frog leaping out of his hands into the pond. He’s good hearted, while

being all boy. He leans back against the fallen tree trunk, digging a cookie

out of his pocket and takes a bite. Billy looks around the swamp edge,

scanning the water. All is silent, no chorus of frogs. A puzzled look comes

over his face. He blinks.


Red is in the tool room in the barn, hiding out again. Retirement does not

suit him, and where he has no cause to regret living with his daughter on the

farm, being a perpetual guest is also a difficult role for the guff old man to

maintain. Here, among the tools, he is in his realm, unchallenged as the

authority, and feels he is adding something solid, something real, to the

family's well being. Going by the nickname Red, more for his tendency to get

behind issues quickly and passionately than the touch of red in his shock of

graying hair, the old man finds these moments when he is alone and

unchallenged restful. His kingdom may be a dusty room full of rusting tools,

but increasingly, this is where he spends his day. Billy comes up to his

Gramps, uneasy and wanting to share with the old man, who always has an ear

and a keen interest in his grandson's exploits and discoveries. Billy is


Gramps . . all the frogs are gone!

The old man says,

. . What you say Billy?

Billy is distressed.

There’s no frogs . . there's no noise, no jumping

around. Did someone else catch them all?

Red considers for a moment.


. . I just heard something about that on the radio,

that all the frogs were disappearing and no one knew

why, for sure.

Red turns, muttering to himself.

Maybe it’s got something to do with those circles we

found in the field.

Pondering mysteries comes to an abrupt halt for higher priorities when they

hear Martha, Billy's mom, giving a dinner call from the house.

Dinner, don’t be late!

An unnecessary warning. On a farm, the men folks are seldom late for dinner,

and then not by choice. Red puts down his tools and starts walking towards the


Come on Billy.

Billy runs ahead towards the farmhouse.


A white-haired man, balding on top and with unkempt white hair springing out

from his head in all directions, is bending over the viewing eye-piece of a


He’s a bit wild-eye’d, clearly in his 80’s. This is an older observatory,

small, and thus one that has escaped the cover-up blanket as it is not seeking

government grants. The Astronomer is retired, no longer under any employment

restrictions, another arm of the cover-up. He looks up with glee in his voice,

speaking to his middle-aged daughter at the side of the room.

Pourrait être une comète. Est sur un des bras d'Orion.


The daughter has her bland face toward her father, taking this in. She smiles

and turns to a laptop she has on a table in front of her, typing.

From my father’s observatory, his first comments. Could be a comet near

the arm of Orion. It emits waves. Father is excited!


A young man with short sandy hair is approaching a modern day observatory,

high in the hills in an arid region supporting only pine trees in the rocky

soil. He opens the door and strides in.

The young man, an amateur astronomer, is greeted by the attending assistant

astronomer. The attendant is wearing a lab coat over his sweater. The evening

is cool. The amateur keeps his leather jacket on. He says,

Hi. I’m Joe. I rented this scope for this hour. I’ve

got my coordinates here . .

The amateur is pulling out a piece of paper and hands it to the assistant. The

attendant frowns on seeing the coordinates, gesturing toward some scaffolding

placed to the side of the scope.

Can’t look in that direction. I’d move this equipment

but I’m not authorized. .. Huh . .

The attendant is puzzled, as there is no rational reason for the scaffolding,

especially since the scope had been rented. He is muttering to himself, under

his voice.

Why is that there?

The attendant’s face brightens. He begins walking sideways toward a side door.

We can use another. Come this way.



Both are now huddled over another telescope, having pulled stools up to the