King, trained in military art, was worried by the same thing and still more worried by the personnel he would have to work with. The Families were anything but trained legions; the prospect of trying to whip those cranky individualists into some semblance of a disciplined fighting machine ruined his sleep.
These doubts and fears King and Lazarus did not mention even to each other; each was afraid that to mention such things would be to spread a poison of fear through the ship. But they were not alone in their worries; half of the ship's company realized the weaknesses of their position and kept silent only because a bitter resolve to go home, no matter what, made them willing to accept the dangers..
"Skipper,". Lazarus said to King two weeks after Schultz's party had headed Earthside, "have you wondered how they're going to feel about the New Frontiers herself?"
"Eh? What do you mean?'
"Well, we hijacked her. Piracy."
King looked astounded. "Bless me, so we did! Do you know, it's been so long ago that it is hard for me to realize that she was ever anything but my ship... or to recall that I first came into her through an act of piracy." He looked thoughtful, then smiled grimly. "I wonder how conditions are in Coventry these days?"
"Pretty thin rations, I imagine," said Lazarus. "But we'll team up and make out. Never mind-they haven't caught us yet."
"Do you suppose that Slayton Ford will be connected with the matter? That would be hard lines after all he has gone through."
"There may not be any trouble about it at all," Lazarus answered soberly. "While the way we got this ship was kind of irregular, we have used it for the purpose for which it was built-to explore the stars. And we're returning it intact, long before they could have expected any results, and with a slick new space drive to boot. It's more for their money than they had any reason to expect-so they may just decide to forget it and trot out the fatted calf."
"I hope so," King answered doubtfully.
The scouting party was two days late. No signal was received from them until they emerged into normal spacetime, just before rendezvous, as no method had yet been devised for signalling from para-space to ortho-space. While they were maneuvering to rendezvous, King received Ralph Schultz's face on the control-room screen. "Hello, Captain! We'll be boarding shortly to report."
"Give me a summary now!"
"I wouldn't know where to start. But it's all right-we can go home!"
"Huh? How's that? Repeat!"
"Everything's all right. We are restored to the Covenant. You see, there isn't any difference any more. Everybody is a member of the Families now."
"What do you mean?" King demanded.
"They've got it."
"Got what?"
"Got the secret of longevity."
"Huh? Talk sense. There isn't any secret. There never was any secret."
"We didn't have any secret-but they thought we had. So they found it."
"Expiain yourself," insisted Captain King.
"Captain, can't this wait until we get back into the ship?' Ralph Schultz protested. "I'm no biologist. We've brought along a government reptesentative-you can quiz him, instead?
Chapter 6
KING RECEWED Terra's representative in his cabin. He had notified Zaccur Barstow and Justin Foote to be present for the Families and had invited Doctor Gordon Hardy because the nature of the startling news was the biologist's business. Libby was there as the ship's chief officer; Slayton Ford was invited because of his unique status, although he had held no public office in the Families since his breakdown in the temple of Kreel.
Lazarus was there because Lazarus wanted to be there, in his own strictly private capacity. He had not been invited, but even Captain King was somewhat diffident about interfering with the assumed prerogatives of the eldest Member.
Ralph Schultz introduced Earth's ambassador to the assembled company. "This is Captain King, our commanding officer and this is Miles Rodney, representing the Federation Council-minister plenipotentiary and ambassador extraordinary, I guess you would call him."
"Hardly that," said Rodney; "although I can agree to the 'extraordinary' part. This situation is quite without preccdent. it is an honor to know you, Captain."
"Glad to have you inboard, sir."
"And this is Zaccur Barstow, representing the trustees of the Howard Families, and Justin Foote, secretary tO the trustees-"
"Service to you, gentlemen."
"Andrew Jackson Libby, chief astrogational officer, Doctor Gordon Hardy, biologist in charge of our research into the causes of old age and death."
"May I do you a service?" Hardy acknowledged formally."Service to you, sir. So you are the chief biologist-there was a time when you could have done a service to the whole human race. Think of it, sir-think how different things could have been. But, happily, the human race was able to worry out the secret of extending life without the aid of the Howard Families."
Hardy looked vexed. "What do you mean, sir? Do you mean to say that you are still laboring under the delusion that we had some miraculous secret to impart, if we chose?"
Rodney shrugged and spread his hands. "Really, now, there is no need to keep up the pretense, is there? Your results have been duplicated, independently."
Captain King cut in. "Just a moment-Ralph Schultz, is the Federation still under the impression that there is some 'secret' to our long lives? Didn't you tell them?"
Schultz was looking bewildered. "Uh-this is ridiculous. The subject hardly came up. They themselves had achieved controlled longevity; they were no longer interested in us in that respect. It is true that there still existed a belief that our long lives derived from manipulation rather than from heredity, but I corrected that impression."
"Apparently not very thoroughly, from what Miles Rodney has just said."
"Apparently not. I did not spend much effort on it; it was beating a dead dog. The Howard Families add their long lives are no longer an issue on Earth. Interest, both public and official, is centered on the fact that we have accomplished a successful interstellar jump."
"I can confirm that," agreed Miles Rodney. "Every official, every news service, every citizen, every scientist in the system is waiting with utmost eagerness the arrival of the New Frontiers. It's the greatest, most sensational thing that has happened since the first trip to the Moon. You are famous, gentlemen-all of you."
Lazarus pulled Zaccur Barstow aside and whispered to him. Barstow looked perturbed, then nodded thoughtfully. "Captain---" Barstow said to King.
"Yes, Zack?"
"I suggest that we ask our guest to excuse us while we receive Ralph Schultz' report."
Barstow glanced at Rodney. "I think we will be better prepared to discuss matters if we are brief by our own representative."
King turned to Rodney. "Will you excuse us~~ sir?"
Lazarus broke in. "Never mind, Skipper. Zack means well but he's too polite. Might as well let Comrade Rodney stick around and we'll lay it on the line. Tell me this, Miles; what proof have you got that you and your pals have figured out a way to live as long as we do?'
"Proof?' Rodney seemed dumbfounded. "Why do you ask - Whom am I addressing? Who are you, sir?"
Ralph Schultz intervened. "Sorry-I didn't get a chance to finish the introductions. Miles Rodney, this is Lazarus Long, the Senior."
"Service. 'The Senior' what?'