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January 1976 — reshuffle

Biffen joined Shadow Cabinet from the backbenches as Energy spokesman.

Jenkin moved from Energy to Social Services, replacing Fowler who became spokesman for Transport outside the Shadow Cabinet. Whitelaw replaced Gilmour as Shadow Home Secretary. Gilmour replaced Younger at Defence.

Pym returned at Agriculture (had been absent through illness since April 1975); Jopling resumed his role as Agriculture No. 2.

MT Leader

WHITELAW Dep. Leader, Devolution, Home Affairs

JOSEPH Policy and Research PYM Agriculture

OPPENHEIM Consumer Affairs and Prices


PEYTON House of Commons

ST JOHN-STEVAS Education and Arts

PRIOR Employment


RAISON Environment

MAUDLING Foreign and Commonwealth


NEAVE Northern Ireland


JENKIN Social Services

HOWE Treasury


CARRINGTON House of Lords

HAILSHAM Without portfolio


MAUDE Deputy Chairman and CRD Chairman

ATKINS Chief Whip (ex officio)

November 1976 — reshuffle

MT dismissed Maudling; replaced him with John Davies.

Heseltine moved to Environment and replaced at Industry by John Biffen.

Tom King joined the Shadow Cabinet as Energy spokesman.

Teddy Taylor joined the Shadow Cabinet as Trade spokesman.

Pym took over devolution and House of Commons.

Peyton replaced Pym shadowing Agriculture.

MT Leader

WHITELAW Deputy Leader and Home Affairs

JOSEPH Policy and Research

PEYTON Agriculture

OPPENHEIM Consumer Affairs and Prices


PYM Devolution and House of Commons

ST JOHN-STEVAS Education and Arts

PRIOR Employment

KING Energy

HESELTINE Environment

DAVIES Foreign and Commonwealth

BIFFEN Industry

NEAVE Northern Ireland


JENKIN Social Services


HOWE Treasury


CARRINGTON House of Lords

HAILSHAM Without portfolio


MAUDE Deputy Chairman and CRD Chairman

ATKINS Chief Whip (ex officio)

December 1976 — Buchanan-Smith resignation

Taylor replaced Buchanan-Smith as Scottish Shadow.

John Nott entered the Shadow Cabinet to replace Taylor shadowing Trade.

February 1977 — Biffen resignation

Biffen resigned. Keith Joseph replaced him as Industry spokesman, remaining responsible for Policy and Research.

November 1978 — reshuffle

Francis Pym formally replaced John Davies as Conservative Foreign Affairs spokesman.

Biffen returned to the Shadow Cabinet with responsibility for Small Businesses.

Carlisle replaced St John-Stevas as Education spokesman. St John-Stevas replaced Pym as Shadow Leader of the House of Commons.

MT Leader

WHITELAW Deputy Leader and Home Affairs

JOSEPH Industry, Policy and Research

PEYTON Agriculture

OPPENHEIM Consumer Affairs and Prices


ST JOHN-STEVAS Devolution and House of Commons

CARLISLE Education and Arts

PRIOR Employment

KING Energy

HESELTINE Environment

PYM Foreign and Commonwealth

BIFFEN Small Businesses

NEAVE Northern Ireland

TAYLOR Scotland

JENKIN Social Services

NOTT Trade

HOWE Treasury


CARRINGTON House of Lords

HAILSHAM Without portfolio


MAUDE Deputy Chairman and CRD Chairman ATKINS Chief Whip (ex officio)


The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use the search feature of your e-book reader.

Aberfan disaster, 142–3

abortion, 150, 152

Abse, Leo, 150

Abyssinia, Italian invasion (1935), 24, 26

Action not Words, 137

Adamson, Campbell, 237

Adenauer, Konrad, 342

Adley, Robert, 269, 271

aerospace industry, 574

Afghanistan: Soviet invasion (1979), 367, 371, 383; US aid, 528

Africa: national identities, 525; economies, 586–9

African National Congress (ANC), 588

Agar, Herbert, 30

aircraft industry, 313

Albania, economy, 593

Alison, Michael, 556

Allon, Yigal, 379

Almond, Mark, 495n

Amery, Julian, 324

Amery, Leo, 55

Amin, Idi, 212

Amis, Kingsley, 78

Andrew, Sir Herbert, 165

Anglo-Soviet Parliamentary Group, 154

Angola, Cuban forces, 349, 361

Anschluss (1938), 26, 29

Anwyl-Harris, Peter, 588n

Any Questions, 260

APEX trade union, 397–8, 401

Arab-Israeli war (1973), 229, 230, 372–3

Argentina, economy, 581, 583

Armstrong, Robert, 37

Armstrong, Sir Thomas, 37

Armstrong, Sir William, 227

art galleries, 179

Ashdown, Lord, 292

Assad, Hafez al-, 376–8

Association of Education Committees, 183

Astaire, Fred, 14

Atkins, Humphrey: MT’s leadership election, 280, 282; relations with Heath, 282–3, 416; MT’s Shadow Cabinet, 282, 285; fall of Labour government, 432–3; election campaign (1979), 447

Atkins, Maggie, 282

Atlantic Charter (1941), 57

Atlas Preservative Company, 65

atomic bomb, 52–4, 175

Attlee, Clement, 44–5, 69

Austen, Jane, 19

Australia: MT’s visit (1976), 387–8; economy, 585–6

Aveling-Barford, 23

Aviation, Ministry of, 117, 206

Aviation Week and Space Technology, 367

Ayittey, George B.N., 586n

Bach Choir, Oxford, 37–8

Backbench Finance Committee, 303

Baker, Kenneth, 274

balance of payments, 115, 142, 230

Balcerowicz, Leszek, 591

Baldwin, Stanley, 26, 44

Balfour of Inchrye, Lord, 72

Baltic states, 589

Bank of England, 571

Barber, Anthony: public spending cuts, 192, 203; Chancellor of Exchequer, 199, 200; Budget (1972), 220; trade figures, 230; TUC negotiations, 232

Barnet Council, 131, 172

Barnet Town Hall, 100, 460

Basnett, David, 446

Bauer, Peter, 587

BBC, 86, 382, 434, 443–4

Beatles, 153

Beckenham constituency, 94

Begin, Menachem, 380

Belgium, linguistic disputes, 524

Bell, Tim, 410–11, 412–13, 458

Bellairs, Charles, 248

Belmont Preparatory School, 106

Belstead, Lord, 165

Benn, Tony, 43, 49, 162, 260, 335

Bergman, Ingrid, 14

Berlin Wall, 117, 508, 517

Bernal, J.D., 39

Berry, Tony, 432

Berwick and East Lothian by-election (1978), 418

Bethell, Lord, 513

Better Tomorrow, A, 160

Bevan, Aneurin, 69

Beveridge, Lord, 44, 87, 120–1, 559

Beveridge Report, 120–2, 559

Bevin, Ernest, 48

Bhutto, Benazir, 383

Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali, 383–4

Bibby, Joseph, 7

Biedenkopf, Kurt, 344

Biffen, John: economic policy, 115, 221, 265, 310; influence, 225; turns down Shadow Cabinet post, 289; Energy spokesman, 310; Industry, 319, 320; responsibility for small businesses, 418