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health, see National Health Service

Heath, Edward: general election (1950), 68; One Nation, 86; relationship with MT, 98, 142, 143–4, 163. 189, 267, 282–3, 307, 475; EEC negotiations, 126, 134, 201, 207–11, 330; leadership election (1965), 133–6; general election (1966), 137; Shadow Cabinet, 137, 141, 142, 143, 160; immigration issue, 145–7; CPC lecture, 148; Buckingham University issue, 159–60; general election (1970), 160, 162–3; science policy, 174–5; Nobel Prize winners dinner, 175–6; education policy, 183, 188–9; PM (1970–74), 194–236, 299; incomes policy, 195–7, 219, 224–8, 255, 415–16; European policies, 207–11, 330–1, 334–6, 339; general election (February 1974), 236–9; Leader of the Opposition (1974), 240–1; Shadow Cabinet (1974), 240–2, 255, 267; leadership question, 241; housing policy, 244, 246–9, 258; CPS, 251–2; Joseph’s speeches, 253, 255, 257; general election (October 1974), 257–61; leadership question, 261, 263–5, 267, 270; leadership campaign, 274–8, 280; MT’s leadership, 282–3, 304, 305, 307; early career, 291; economic policies, 299, 300, 304; Party Conferences, 306; Party Conference (1975), 307; devolution policy, 321–2, 325–6; Conference speech (1978), 415–16, 418; general election (1979), 456

Heifer, Eric, 3

Helsinki Agreements, 338, 349–53, 509

Helsinki Group, 371

Hemel Hempstead constituency, 94

Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Schools (HMI), 173

Hersey, John, 53

Heseltine, Michaeclass="underline" Heath Shadow Cabinet, 242; MT’s Shadow Cabinet, 287; industrial policies, 287, 300, 319–20; British Leyland, 300; Mace incident, 314; replaced by Biffen, 319–20; criticisms of trade union leadership, 424; election campaign (1979), 446

Hibbert Journal, 19

Higgins, Terence, 195, 227

Hillary, Richard, 30

Himmelfarb, Gertrude, 545

Hindley, Brian, 599

Hiroshima (1945), 53

Hitler, Adolf, 11, 22, 24, 26–8, 29–30, 54

Hodgkin, Dorothy, 38–9, 175

Hogg, Quintin (Lord Hailsham): Oxford election campaign (1945), 43; leadership question (1963), 128–9; race relations legislation, 146; Lord Chancellor, 199–200, 289; MT’s leadership, 284

Hoist, Gustav, 38

Home, Lord, see Douglas–Home

Home and Social Affairs Committee of the Cabinet (HS), 186–7

homelessness, 328

homosexuality, 150, 152, 548

Hong Kong: future of, 530; economy, 584; currency board, 590

Hoover-Europe, 484

Hornsby-Smith, Pat, 68–9, 112, 117

Hoskyns, Sir John, 420–1, 422, 442

Houghton, Douglas, 124

Housebuilders’ Federation, 258

housing: property-owning democracy, 75, 243; high-rise, 117; council rents, 224; mortgage subsidy, 226, 227, 243, 245; mortgage rate, 226, 236, 243–4, 247, 249, 258; policy group (1974), 242–50; house values, 243; council house costs, 244; mortgage tax relief, 244, 245; right to buy, 245–6, 575; homelessness, 328; benefit, 543; single parents, 561–2; reduction of rent controls, 575

Housing Finance Act, 224

Housing Research Foundation, 244

Hoveyda, Amir Abbas, 382

Howard, Leslie, 14

Howe, Derek, 434, 441

Howe, Geoffrey: A Giant’s Strength, 110; EC Act, 210; Heath Cabinet, 225, 287–8; Steering Committee, 242; Joseph’s Preston speech, 255; leadership election (1975), 271, 278, 28ofn, 284; Shadow Chancellor, 287–8, 290; Economic Reconstruction Group, 298, 403; trade union policy, 301, 430; incomes policy issue, 303, 311, 317, 403–5, 438; The Right Approach, 316–17; EMS, 339; The Right Approach to the Economy, 404; Party Conference (1978), 415; manifesto (1979), 436, 438–9, 447; election campaign (1979), 447; Chancellor, 568; Budget (1979), 571

Howe, Martin, 505n

Howell, David, 403, 404, 421, 424

Howell, Denis, 398

Hua Guo Feng, 389–90

Huang Hua, 388

Hulbert, Jack, 375

human rights, 527–30

Hungary: (1956), 90–1; national identity, 525, 526; NATO membership, 532; economy, 591, 593

Huntington, Samuel, 517, 524

Huntingtower Road Primary School, 17, 180

Hurd, Douglas, 310, 388, 475

Hussein, King of Jordan, 198

Hussein, Saddam, 508, 511, 512, 534

Hutchinson, George, 336

Hyde, Douglas, 56

illegitimacy, 11, 544, 549–50

immigration: Notting Hill riots, 95; Conservative policy (1960s), 115, 145–7; legislation, 145–6, 211–13; Powell’s Birmingham speech (1968), 146–7; Conservative manifesto (1970), 160; Ugandan Asians, 212; MT’s attitude, 212, 405–9; from Pakistan, 384

Immigration Act (1971), 211–12, 407

In Place of Strife, 161, 204

Income Support, 120

incomes policies: prototypes, 115; pay pause (1961), 116; Wilson’s approach, 128; voluntary restraint, 138, 160; wage freeze (1966), 139; Conservative approach (1960s), 140–1; Powell’s opposition, 141; MT’s CPC lecture, 149; Conservative manifesto (1970), 160, 195; statutory prices and incomes policy, 195, 197, 224–8; Heath Government’s, 195–7, 219, 224–8, 255; voluntary (‘n-i’), 205, 218, 223; Stages 1–3, 225–8, 236; Joseph’s attitude, 255, 256; Conservative policies under MT, 298–304, 397, 403–5, 415–16, 438–9, 575; CBI attitude, 311; The Right Approach, 317; Heath’s views in opposition, 415–16

India: independence, 54–5; MT’s visit (1976), 384–6; nuclear power, 520, 521; economy, 521, 585

Indian Civil Service, 24

Industrial Charter, The, 49–50

Industrial Re-organization Corporation (IRC), 203

Industrial Relations Act (1971), 201, 203–6, 215–16, 219, 221–2, 224, 237, 288, 301

Industry Act (1972), 220

Industry and Regional Development, 220

inflation: Conservative manifesto (1950), 70; zero (1959–60), 115; Labour attempts to control, 138–9; Powell’s economic theory, 141; role of trade unions, 141; role of money supply, 149; role of taxation, 160; Conservative approach (1970s), 160, 196, 223, 227, 229; removal of credit controls, 213; unemployment, 213, 567; theories of, 219; rise, 226–7, 243; effects, 243; Joseph’s approach, 244, 254–6; Healey’s calculations, 258; Conservative policies under MT, 298–304, 397, 538, 567–9, 575, 596–7; falling, 315, 409; MT’s New York speech (1990, 479

Inns of Court Conservative Society, 85, 109, 116

Institute of Directors, 372

Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), 142, 254

Inter-Governmental Conference (1996), 488

interest rates, 115, 226, 230, 300, 315–16, 397, 479, 567

International Monetary Fund (IMF): global influence, 56; involvement in British economy, 140, 310, 315, 319, 320, 394, 400, 409, 569, 571; Conference (1992), 492; currency board proposal, 590

internationalism, 470–2, 511

investment grants, 203

Iran: Iraq war, 90; overthrow of Shah, 365; MT’s visit (1978), 380–3; Islamic fundamentalism, 536

Iraq: coup, 88; Iran war, 90; invasion of Kuwait, 508, 534

Ireland, Maastricht referendum, 494

Irish National Liberation Army (INLA), 434

Irish Republican Army (IRA), 434

iron and steel, 69, 86

Islamic fundamentalism, 535–6

Israeclass="underline" Suez crisis, 88, 89; Six Day War, 88; Yom Kippur War (1973), 229, 230, 372–3; MT’s visit (1976), 373, 378–80

Italy, MT’s visit (1977), 345–6

ITN, 418

ITV, 444–5

James, Sally, 441–2

James Committee, 190, 245

James of Rusholme, Lord, 177

Japan: Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 53–4; surrender (1945), 54; ‘threat’, 520; defence, 520, 521; economy, 584