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John ХП, 42, 43; Matt XXVI, 3-5; 14-28; John XIII 2-3S.


He also said to his disciples: "Life consists in coming nearer and nearer to the perfection of God. That is the way. I follow it, and you know the way."

Then Thomas said to him: "No, We do not know where you are going, and so we cannot know the way."

Jesus answered: "I am going to the Father, and my teaching is the way to Him. One cannot unite with the Father of life, except through my teaching. Fulfil my teaching about love, and you will know the Father."

Philip said: "Show us the Father."

And Jesus replied: "How is it you do not know the Father? My teaching is that I am in the Father, and the Father in me. He who lives by my teaching, and fulfils my

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eqtial to me, if you do what I have taught you, I do not consider you as slaves, but as equal to myself, for I have explained to you all that I have imderstood from the Father, and you can do what I do. I have given you the only true teaching; and that teaching gives the only true welfare.

"The whole teaching is to love one another. Do not be surprised if the world hates you and persecutes you, for my teaching is hateful to the world. If you were at one with the world it would love you. But I have separated you from the world, and therefore it will hate and persecute you. If they persecute me, they will persecute you also. They cannot help doing it, for they do not know tlie Father. I told them who their Father is, but they would not listen to me. They have not understood my teaching, for they did not understand what I told them about the Father. And on that account they have hated me yet more.

"I should say much more to you, but it would be difficult for you to understand it now. But when the spirit of truth enters into you, it will show you the whole truth, for it will not tell you anything new or of its own, but it will tell you that which is from God, and will show you the way in all the events of your life. This spirit within you will tell you the very same that I tell you."

John XV, 7-26; XVI, 12-15.


After that Jesus lifted his eyes to heaven, and said: "My Father, Thou hast given thy son the freedom of life, that he may receive true life. True life is to know the true God. And I have shown Thee to men. I have done what Thou hast ordered me to do. They were Thine before, but according to Thy will I have shown them the truth: that Thou art within them, and they have recognized Thee.

They have understood that all that is within me is within them also, and that it all comes from Thee. They have understood that all that is mine is Thine, and all that is Thine is mine. I am no longer of the world, but am going to Thee; but they are in the world, and therefore I pray Thee, Father, keep them in the truth 1 I do not pray that Thou shouldst take them out of the world, but that Thou shouldst deliver them from falsehood, and strengthen them in Thy truth; that they should all be one: as Thou art in me and I in Thee, that they also should be in us. That all should be united into one, and that men should understand that they were not bom of their own will, but that Thou, loving them, hast sent them into the world, as Thou hast sent me.

"Righteous Father! the world does not yet know Thee, but I know Thee; and they have leamt to know Thee through me. And I have explained to them that Thou, loving them, hast given them life, that Thy love for them should return from them to Thee!" John XVII, 1-26.


Then Jesus rose, and went with his disciples on to the Mount of Olives. And on the way he said to them: "Yes, the time has come when, as Is said in the Scriptures, the shepherd will be killed, and the sheep will be scattered. So it will be with you. I shall be taken, and you will ru:i away."

"No, I will not run away," said Peter; "though everybody else ran away, I would never leave you. With you I am ready to go anywhere: to prison or to death I"

But Jesus said: "Do not boast beforehand of what you will do. It may be that to-night, before the cocks crow, you will deny me not once but three times."

"On no account," said Peter; and the other disciples said the same.

When they came to the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus said to them: "Wait here a little while. I wish to pray." And he took with him only Peter and the two sons of Zebedee. And he said to them: "I am sorrowful. Stay with me."

And he went a little way from them, and lay on the ground, and began to pray, saying: "My Father! deliver me from what awaits me!" Then he was silent for a short time, and added: "But all the same, let not my will, but Thy will be done, and let it not be as I wish, but as Thou wishest!"

Then he rose, and went to his disciples. But they had fallen asleep; and Jesus awoke them, and said: "Be strong in spirit. Only the spirit is strong, the flesh is weak."

And again Jesus went aside, and again he began to pray, and said: "My Father! Thy will be done; not my will, but Thine!"

And having said that, he returned to the disciples and saw that they were again asleep. And he went from them a third time, and again said: "My Father! not my will, but Thine be done!"

Then he returned to the disciples and said to them: "Come now, I am going to give myself up into the hands of the worldly." Matt XXVI, 30-46.


And just when he had said this Judas Iscariot appeared, and with him soldiers and servants of the High Priests with arms and lights. And Judas at once came up to Jesus, and greeted him and kissed him.

And Jesus said to him: "Friend, why have you come ?" Then the guards surrounded Jesus and wished to seize

him. But Peter snatched a sword from the High Priest's servant, and cut off his right ear. And seeing this, Jesus said to Peter: "Put the sword back into its scabbard. All who take the sword will perish by the sword."

After that Jesus turned to the people who had come for him, and said: "Why have you come for me with weapons, as for a robber? Have I not been among you in the Temple every day, teaching you—why did you not take me then?"

Then the officer told the soldiers to bind Jesus. And the soldiers bound him, and led him first to Caiaphas. This was the same Caiaphas who, by saying that it was better that one man should perish than the whole nation should do so, had persuaded the Pharisees to destroy Jesus. And Jesus was brought into the courtyard of the house.