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He shaved his cheeks and lower lip, emphasizing his beard, and went out onto the landing. It was only when he tried to lock the bedroom door behind him that he discovered the significance of the strange bend in the shank of the key. The lock was screwed to the inner face of the door and the key, in spite of its distorted geometry, could operate it efficiently from the inside — but from the outside the key would have had to reach through the thickness of the door, and this was impossible. He could seal himself into the room, but never lock it behind him when he went out.

Subdued by a sudden insight into the way non-Hutchman minds worked on non-Hutchman planes of existence, he went down the stairs and tentatively opened the kitchen door. Warm, meaty air gusted past him from the room which was largely occupied by a table set for four. Mrs. Atwood and the boy, Geoffrey, were already seated at the table, and the biggest man Hutchman had ever seen was standing with his back to a shimmering anthracite fire. His megacephalous figure was swathed in a voluminous Arran sweater which did not disguise the fact that he had the muscles of a plough-horse.

“Come in, lad,” he said in a shock wave of a voice. “Close the door — you’re letting in a draught.”

“Right.” Hutchman went in and, in the absence of introductions, decided that the giant was Mr. Atwood. “Where do I… ?”

“Sit here beside Geoffrey,” Mrs. Atwood said. “I like to have all my boys where I can keep an eye on them.” She uncovered a white-glass casserole dish and began spooning stew onto bluerimmed plates. Hutchman was very much aware of the boy beside him, a tiny hominid the same size as his own son, with the quietly heaving chest of an asthma sufferer. He tried unsuccessfully to catch the child’s eye.

“There you are, Mr. Rattray,” Mrs. Atwood said, addressing Hutchman by the name he had told her. She began to pass him a loaded plate, but her husband advanced from the fireplace.

“That’s not enough to line a man’s stomach,” he boomed. “Give him some more, Jane.”

Hutchman reached for the plate. “No, this is more than enough, thanks.”

“Nonsense!” Atwood’s voice was so loud that Hutchman actually felt the table reverberate under his hand. He saw the boy beside him flinch. “Pay no attention to him, Jane. Fill that plate.”

“I assure you…” Hutchman stopped speaking as he saw the pleading expression on Mrs. Atwood’s face, and allowed her to heap more of the thick stew on top of the ample portion she had already served.

“Get that down you. Build you up a bit.” Atwood accepted his own mountain of food and began eating it with a soup spoon. “You eat yours up too, Geoffrey.”

“Yes, Dad,” the boy said compliantly and began to eat.

A silence fell over the room, broken only by what sounded to Hutchman like the roar of a distant crowd and which he identified a moment later as coming from Geoffrey’s chest. The boy seemed disturbed by his father and Hutchman tried to visualize how the giant must appear through a seven-year-old’s eyes. Enormous, terrifying, incomprehensible. During the soundless day in the bedroom he had passed some time by trying to adopt other people’s viewpoints and had found the experience unsettling. There was, for instance, the question of marital infidelity. Even in the final quarter of the twentieth century most men — I should know — were devastated to discover that their wives had been unfaithful; but how could a man ever appreciate the woman’s point of view? Supposing the situation were reversed and women were the sexual predators? How long would the average man hold out if an attractive woman came pestering him to go to bed with her, pushing and pleading, refusing to take no for an answer? He realized that Atwood had spoken his temporarily adopted name.

“I beg your pardon.”

Atwood sighed heavily, hugely. “I said, what do you do, lad? For a living?”

“At the moment, nothing.” Hutchman had not expected to be quizzed, and spoke coldly to ward off any further questions.

“But when you’re doing something, what is the something you do?” Atwood appeared not to notice he had been snubbed.

“Ah… I’m a designer.”

“Hats? Knickers?” Atwood gave a pleased guffaw.

Hutchman realized he had chosen too exotic a profession. “No. Steel-framed buildings. I’m more what you might call a draftsman.”

Atwood looked impressed. “Good job, that. Plenty of work for draftsmen in these parts.”

“Yes — that’s why I’m here. I’m going to take it easy for a few days, then have a look around.” Hutchman felt he had woven an acceptable story.

“I’m a greengrocer, myself,” Atwood said. “Do you take a sup?”

“Beer? Sometimes.”

“Good. As soon as you’ve finished that we’re going down to the Cricketers for a few pots of ale.”

“Thanks, but I think I’d prefer not to have a drink this evening.”

“Nonsense,” Atwood bellowed. “I’m not talking about that southern piss. We’re going to have some good Lancashire ale.” He directed a fierce look at Hutchman’s plate, which was still almost full. “Get that into you, lad. No wonder you’re so skinny…”

“That’s enough, George,” Mrs. Atwood snapped “Rember Mr. Rattray’s a guest in this house.”

“Hold your tongue!” Atwood scowled at her, his massive chin jutting. “Isn’t that why I’m inviting him to have a drink?”

Hutchman felt the boy move uneasily beside him, his breathing becoming noisier. “It’s all right, Mrs. Atwood. I can see that your husband is being hospitable, and on second thought maybe I should go out for an hour.”

Atwood nodded. “That’s more like it. Now finish your supper, lad.”

Hutchman met his gaze squarely as he pushed the plate away. “If I eat a lot, I can’t drink afterward.”

When the meal was over he went up to his room, put on his jacket, and looked out into the night. It had begun to rain and the tiny segments of rooms floating in the darkness seemed more dismal than they had on the previous night. George Atwood was a hulking lout, an insensitive animal who dominated others by his sheer size, but an evening in his company would be better than an evening alone in the room with the advancing floral walls. Vicky, the thought came against his will, look what you’ve brought me to.

He went back downstairs, walked into the kitchen, and saw his own face on the screen on the television set in the corner. Jane Atwood was watching a news program, with her back turned toward the door, and she did not see him enter the room. He left without being heard and waited in the dimly-lit hall for George Atwood to appear. The news bulletin was substantially the same as the one he had heard in the car while driving north — which might be an indication that he had been connected with the antibomb machine. He had provided the authorities with a good, publicly acceptable reason for hunting him down. They would be able to use every communication medium to the limit, and only a few people might stop to wonder why a mere witness in an abduction case was receiving so much prominence. The photograph being broadcast was hauntingly familiar to Hutchman, with its mottled background suggestive of foliage, but he could not remember where it had been taken or who had held the camera. No doubt all his friends and acquaintances had been questioned by the police and possibly by men from some nameless branch of the security machine. Was it possible? Hutchman counted the hours — this was Tuesday evening and the Britain-bound envelopes had not been posted until Monday.