All alone with these three (I had sent Mdlle.
Zara on to Paris to secure apartments), of course I resolved in my mind whom I liked best.
With returning health my thoughts were getting more practical and business like. The black though handsome was repulsive to me, on the other hand the two Frenchmen were handsome, vigorous looking fellows, just such as would take a wanton woman's fancy.
My supposed ignorance of French was an advantage I resolved to make the most of.
At every stopping place I had three obsequious cavaliers, the Frenchmen could speak a little English, and pressed me to go with them to the Grand Hotel at Paris, and they would pay all expenses, assuring me they were independent gentlemen, which on arrival at the South Eastern terminus I agreed to do, declining a similar invitation from the Indian, and wishing him "Au revoir" just to air my little French.
At the table d'hote, and in the evening to the theatre, my new friends were all compliments, and little double entendres in broken English, and when I finally parted with them for the night it was with great hopes of seducing me on their side, which I had carefully fanned all the while they were with me.
Bolting the door carefully, as I fancied they might be bold enough to take the liberty of intruding on my privacy, I proceeded to undress and have a bath, which I had ordered to be prepared in the room. Once or twice I fancied I heard a suppressed sigh or some one breathing in the room, and thought that whoever they were, the sight would do them good, and it tickled my fancy to think what a rampagious state the sight of my naked figure might drive them into.
A deeper sigh than usual drew my attention to the bed, certainly there was a person in it, and moving too. Quick as thought and naked as I was, I rushed across the room, and pulling off the bedclothes, there lay my Indian in the very act of emission, I had caught him with his hands upon himself, enjoying the sight of my bathing and his masturbation at the same time.
"Dear lady, forgive me, your charms made me desperate and when you preferred those two canaille of Frenchmen to me, an Indian prince, I resolved to have you in spite of all. I can do anything here, as I pay for my rooms in the hotel all the year round. Jump into bed as you are, don't put on your envious night chemise!"
"Not with a black man, no money shall tempt me; be off, or I'll ring for help!" I exclaimed.
"Every woman has her price, and yours shall be diamonds," he laughed. "See, I will place this necklet around my standing Priapus, and your own hand must remove it; and then anything else you may wish for shall be yours."
Too good to be refused and resolved to make the most of such a Croesus, I got into bed by his side, and taking my handkerchief wiped and kissed his affair as I took possession of the guerdon of love, then kneeling over his face I presented my longing gap to his lips for him to kiss, and shall never forget how he sucked and thrust in his tongue, it was the longest I ever knew a man to have, the warm bath had so warmed and prepared me for pleasurable excitement, that I fell back in extasy almost in a moment after feeling the lascivious touches of that electric tongue, this made him furious with lust, he sprang up and threw himself upon me with all the impetuosity of his nature. His love dart entered, it 611ed and continued to swell up inside my vagina in such an extraordinary manner, that I had never felt anything like it before. If his arms had not encircled me like a vice, I could not have got away from him, he could neither push further or withdraw. He kissed me, and thrust his tongue into my mouth, till I could scarcely get my breath, while both our bodies trembled with emotion, and I could feel a constantly recurring emission from him every few minutes.
How long this lasted it is impossible to say, for I fainted, and when I came to myself should have been sure it was only some frightful nightmare, but for the casket and diamond necklet, besides a rouleau of notes which I found on the dressing-table.
At dejeuner I was joined by my two Frenchmen, and heard one tell the other that the only way to get me was to make me drunk, so they invited me to take wine in their apartments, but they little reckoned they would meet their match, as I slyly emptied every glass under the table, and joining them in every toast, at last had the satisfaction of seeing both of them under the table, where I left my lovers who had got through one hundred and fifty francs worth of wine to no purpose.
The night I spent with my Indian prince, and experienced the same delightfully awful sensations, and again met my Frenchmen at dejeuner in the morning. One now plainly told the other that money was my object, observing,
"give her one thousand francs of our notes," with a sly laugh, which made me at once suspect they were escrocs or card sharpers. After the repast one of them escorted me to the drawing room, and finding ourselves alone, threw himself on a sofa by my side, and coolly taking out his John Thomas in a standing state, told me it was the yesterday's champagne had so heated him he must have me.
"What a joke, Monsieur, but perhaps I might for the one thousand francs your friend told you to offer me; that is, if they are genuine!" I replied laughingly in French.
"Ma foi, and you understood all we have talked about, but look, my notes are genuine!" as he handed me a five hundred franc note;
"Look, I have more like it as soon as I've enjoyed you," he said, holding the case open for me to put it back with its companions; but instead of doing so I abstracted another, which I saw in a moment was a flash one.
"Ha! that's how you would serve me, is it, you cheat; begone this instant, or I will inform the hotel people of your character. Go quietly and I shall only retain the genuine five hundred francs to pay my hotel bill. But for decency's sake put away that shame-faced affair of yours; see his drooping head, you might walk out with it proudly, but like that no woman would see it without disgust."
That was the end of them, they sneaked away from the hotel without settling their bill, but my Indian Nabob paid it for them, and kept so close to me during my stay in Paris that I didn't have a chance of another adventure. He wanted me, as a travelling companion, but being enriched to the extent of over?60,000 and my jewellery, I thought of returning to London and persuaded him to take Mdlle. Zara, having first made a bargain with that mercenary young lady to share all profits as long as he kept her, which has brought me in quite?5,000 a year ever since.
In spite of all my good fortune my aversion to the tyranny of a husband, and my naturally wanton nature impelled me to continue a gay life.
On the journey to London I picked up a handsome officer of the Guards, who, when we started from Dover, secured a first class compartment to ourselves in the mail express to Victoria, and compensated himself by a good old-fashioned English f-k on the seat of our carriage, declaring the French whores were damnable in comparison to a modest English girl, which I passed myself off for. I pleased him so, and allowed him to kiss everything, and so cast my glamoured spell around him, that ere we reached town I had the promise of an establishment at Kenningston to be furnished at his expense, while we stayed at the Grand Hotel. In a week it was ready, and I took up my abode here, but my guardsman was too hot even for my wanton constitution, there was hardly a bed, table, couch, or chair but he would have me upon it; go where he would the f-g mania was upon him, especially if he saw a fresh piece of furniture to have me upon.
Pianos were his especial delight, to mount my posteriors up on the keys, and either suck or f-k me in that position, was the greatest pleasure he could have; in fact, it was a standing joke amongst the officers of his corps about "pianos getting out of time so soon, where Capt. Somerville had his strum upon them."
Besides this he was so awfully jealous my life began to be miserable, so that at last when one day, furiously complaining of my flirtation, he asked me if I was tired of him. "Yes, certainly," I replied, "and the sooner you give me up the better!"