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"That she died thinking I was a jerk."

More tears followed, then Jardine asked, "Where were you, around twelve-thirty, one o'clock?"

"Back at Hickam."

"What time did you argue with Pearl?"

"Midnight-right after the band got finished."

"Where did you go, after the argument?"

"I told you-Hickam. I took a cab. I was in my rack by twelve-thirty, or damn close."

"You were in the barracks?"


Jardine was jotting this down in his little notebook. Hully realized these assertions would be easily

checked: the cab could be tracked; and whether or not Stanton had been in the barracks at the time of the girl's death. Pearl had been alive at twelve-fifteen, when she'd taken her leave of Hully's father, at their bungalow. And Hickam Field was twenty minutes from Waikiki.

If he was telling the truth, Stanton couldn't have been Pearl Harada's murderer.

"I want you at Central Police Station at ten o'clock Monday morning," Jardine said to the corporal. "For a formal statement. If you need to have your commanding officer call me, I work out of the Prosecutor's Office at City Hall."

And Jardine handed Stanton a business card. Stanton held it between thumb and middle finger and stared at it like a chimp trying to figure out a math problem.

Stanton's expression was one of astonishment. "You don't really think I… listen, I didn't… Do I need an attorney?"

"That's up to you, Corporal. If you were a prime suspect in my mind, I'd be taking you in right now."

He was shaking his head, his eyes as intense as they were red. "I wouldn't have hurt her. I would never have hurt her. I'd sooner kill myself. Do you have any idea what I'm going through? What it feels like inside my head right now? Inside my gut? My heart?"

"Monday. Ten o'clock."

"I thought Harry Kamana did it. Didn't you arrest him?"

“Ten o'clock. Monday."

Jardine rose and Hully followed suit.

"What about Fielder?" Stanton asked, still seated. "Where was he when Pearl was …?"

"We're going to find that out," Jardine said. He touched the brim of his fedora, in a tip-of-the-hat manner, and headed for the door, Hully trailing after.

Just as they were going out, Hully saw Stanton heading back out to the dance floor with the Japanese girl, the combo playing, "I Got It Bad and That Ain't Good."

The Black Cat was a long, open-faced cafE that benefited from its proximity to the YMCA across the street, where buses and cabs had brought-and would later pick up-sailors and soldiers … anyway, those who weren't sleeping it off in a room in the big, rambling, palm-surrounded Y.

Sam Fujimoto was at a table right on the street with two sailors-one of whom was Bill Fielder. The other was Dan Pressman. The Black Cat served liquor, but all three were drinking coffee.

"Nice work," Jardine said to Sam, pulling up a chair, Hully doing the same.

Bill sat slumped in his chair, his expression dour, his handsome features puffy, his dark hair uncombed. Blond, blue-eyed Dan Pressman seemed more alert, and was watching Bill the way a parent watches a child. Hully's hunch was that Bill had been tying one on, and Dan had laid off the booze, to keep an eye on his friend's safety and welfare.

"Found Bill and Dan down at the Tradewinds," Sam said.

"Rough joint," Jardine said, and showed his badge to the two sailors. "I'm Detective Jardine. How are you doing, Bill?"

"My fiancee was murdered," he said, just slightly slurring his words. "How the hell you think I am?"

"When did you see Pearl Harada last, Ensign?"

Dan said, "Detective, if you want to question Bill, don't you think it'd be more appropriate if you waited till he's-"

"I'll talk to him now," Bill said sharply. "Right now. I'm sober-sober enough. And I don't have a goddamn thing to hide."

"You should have a lawyer," Dan said. "This is a murder case."

Bill batted the air. "They already caught the guy. Didn't you catch the guy?"

"Harry Kamana is in custody," Jardine said. "When did you see Pearl last, Ensign?"

"At the Niumalu. I left about a quarter to midnight. … The Harbor Lights were still playing."

Jardine gazed out from under the shadow of the fedora brim. "She was your girl, wasn't she? Why didn't you hang around to spend some time with her, after?"

"I wanted to talk to my father. I was spending the weekend with my folks-and I knew I'd have the chance to talk to Dad about… about Pearl and me. About us getting married."

"Did you talk to him?"

"Yes." He shook his head, rolled his eyes. "Oh yes indeed."

"It did not go well?"

He grunted a humorless laugh. "It did not go well."

"What happened?"

Bill leaned forward, weaving slightly; his words remained slurred but coherent. "Just a shouting match. My mother tried to calm both of us down, but… I went to the guest room, slammed the door. That was the end of it."

"What time was this?"

"I got home just after midnight. We must have argued till one o'clock, one-fifteen."

Jardine glanced at Hully: this would seem to be an alibi for both Bill and his father. . unless one was covering for the other.

"Ensign Fielder," the detective said, "I mean no disrespect … but you were not the only man in Pearl's life."

Bill slapped the metal table and the coffee cups jumped, spilling a little. "You're wrong! I was the only man in her life."

Jardine's voice was a persistent near monotone. "What about Jack Stanton? Harry Kamana?"

Bill gestured with an awkward hand. "They were old boyfriends. I didn't say she was a… a nun. But we were engaged-she wasn't dating anybody else, wasn't seeing anybody else. Just me."

"How would you have felt if you found her in the arms of another man?"

The ensign bobbed forward. "Would it make me want to kill somebody? Is that what you want to know? Sure, Detective …"

Touching his friend's arm, Dan said, "Bill-easy, now … watch what you're saying…."

"I'd have wanted to kill the son of a bitch who was with her… not Pearl. Never Pearl. But that didn't happen, Detective, and it wouldn't happen, couldn't happen. She loved me, I loved her. We were engaged. She was going to be … my wife."

"What if you found her in the arms of Terry Mi-zuha?"

Bill blinked. "Why would she be in that queer's arms? What the hell kind of stupid question is that?"

Jardine handed Bill a business card. "That's my office number at City Hall. But I want you down at Central Police Station at eleven o'clock Monday morning. Can you remember that?"

"Yeah." Bill was looking at the business card, trying to make his eyes focus. "Why do you wanna talk to me again?"

"I want your formal statement. I don't think you did this thing, Ensign Fielder, but you are a suspect. You may wish to bring an attorney along."

Bill's head was rocking, slightly. "I don't understand this-Harry Kamana did it! He had goddamn blood all over himself! Somebody saw him do it, right? Why…"

"We can discuss this Monday. Show up sober, Ensign."

Then Bill was on his feet, raving, ranting. "You let that bastard Kamana out, I'll kill his ass! You understand? You wanna arrest me for a murder, you'll get your chance…."

Dan also got to his feet, latching onto Bill's arm. "Take it easy, Bill. Just stop talking, goddamnit."

A male voice chimed in: "Did you kill her, Fielder? Did you murder my girl?"

As if he'd materialized, Corporal Jack Stanton was standing next to the table. Now Hully and Jardine were getting to their feet, as Stanton grabbed the startled Bill Fielder by his khaki blouse, with both hands.

"Why did you do it, Fielder?" Stanton demanded, his eyes crazed. "Was she throwing you over? Coming back to me?"