No. of the Case: 1035
[Nos. of the Corpus-Nos. of the Vladimir Prison cell, date of the transfer]
3–34; November 14, 1954
Convicted by: Special Council [OSO] under the MGB of the USSR
Date: July 3, 1948
Paragraphs of the UK [Criminal Code]: Decree from April 19, 1943
Term: 25 TZ [years of imprisonment]
Beginning of the term: June 24, 1945
End of the term: June 24, 1970
Valuables found on the arrest should be confiscated
[The prisoner] arrived from Lefortovo Prison of the MGB in Moscow on July 30, 1948
On August 13, 1955 [the prisoner] left for Inner [Lubyanka] Prison of the KGB in Moscow. The reason: Decision of the 1st Department of the KGB Investigation Directorate from August 2, 1955.
[On the top, to the right] German spy
1. Last Name: Zeiss
2. Name: Heinrich
3. Patronymic Name: Ludwigovich18
4. Year of birth: 1888
5. Place of birth: the city of Frankfurt-on-Main
6. Address: Berlin, Sigmundstrasse 5
7. Profession (speciality): medical microbiologist
8. Place of work, position: former Chief of the Military-Hygiene Institute of the [German] Naval Academy in Berlin
9. Party membership: not a member of the party
10. Nationality: a German
11. Citizenship: Germany
12. Date of the arrest: September 14, 1945
13. Type of crime:—
14. Paragraphs of the UK [Criminal Code]: 58–6 pt. I [espionage], 58–9 [a wrecker], and 58–11 [membership in an anti-Soviet organization]
15. Place of the fulfillment of the card (mention the prison, KPZ [police station], camp, colony): Special Prison No. 2 of the UMVD of the Vladimir Region
July 30, 1948
Person who filled out the card: V. Danilova
Organ (in charge of the arrest): 2nd Main Directorate of the MGB of the USSR
No. of the Case: 1032 [Nos. of the Corpus-Nos. of the Vladimir Prison cell, date of the transfer]
2–26; July 30, 1948
Convicted by: Special Council [OSO] under the MGB of the USSR
Date: July 10, 1948
Paragraphs of the UK [Criminal Code]: 58–6 pt. I, 58–9, and 58–11
Term: 25 years of TZ [imprisonment]
Beginning of the term: September 14, 1945
End of the term: September 14, 1970
[The prisoner] died on March 31, 1949
[There are coded letters in the middle of the top of the card: T/K]
1. Last Name: Sudoplatov
2. Name: Pavel
3. Patronymic Name: Anatolievich
4. Year of birth: 1907
5. Place of birth: the city of Melitopl, the Ukrainian SSR
6. Address: Moscow, Markhlevskogo Str., 9, ap. 3
7. Profession (speciality): a worker of the MVD organs
8. Place of work, position: Head of the 9th Department of the 2nd Main Directorate
9. Party membership: former member of the USSR Communist Party
10. Nationality: a Ukrainian
11. Citizenship: USSR
12. Date of the arrest: August 8, 1953
13. Type of crime: treason of the Motherland
14. Paragraphs of the UK [Criminal Code]: 17–58–1b
15. Place of the fulfillment of the card (mention the prison, KPZ [police station], camp, colony): Prison No. 2
September 9, 1958
Person who filled out the card:
Organ [in charge of the case]: General Prosecutor of the USSR
No. of the Case: 493
[Nos. of the Corpus-Nos. of the Vladimir Prison cell; date of the transfer]
2–7; September 19, 1958
2–32; August 4, 1959
2–42; March 23, 1960
2–32 [written by a pencil]
1–76; January 12, 1963 [together with Eitingon]
1–70 [written by a pencil]
2–56; May 22, 1963 [transferred to Eitingon, who had been in this cell from February 22]
2–32; June 26, 1963 [together with Eitingon; on September 17, 1963 Eitingon was taken away from this cell and put back on November 2, 1963; finally Eitingon was released on March 20, 1964]
2–43; August 26, 1965
2–22; December 17, 1965
Convicted by: Military Collegium of the USSR Supreme Court
Date: September 12, 1958
Paragraphs of the UK [Criminal Code]: 17–58–1b [treason of the Motherland] along with 51–9k
Term: 15 years of imprisonment and 3 years of disfranchisement of political rights
Beginning of the term: August 21, 1953
End of the term: August 21, 1968
[The prisoner] arrived from Inner [Lubyanka] Prison of the KGB under the USSR Council of Ministers, Moscow, on September 19, 1958.
On June 7, 1953 [the prisoner] was released after serving his term of punishment and went to the place of residence in the town of Pokrov, Vladimir Region (the address of his relatives is: Moscow, Koroleva Str., 9, ap. 239)
[On the top, to the right] scientific worker
Last Name: Parin
Name: Vasilii
Patronymic Name: Vasilievich
Year of birth: 1903
Place of birth: the city of Kazan
Address: Moscow, Serafimovicha Str., 2, ap. 148
Place of work: the USSR Medical Academy of Sciences, Secretary Academician
Nationality: a Russian
Citizenship: USSR
Convicted by: Special Board of the MGB (OSO)
Date: April 8, 1948
Paragraphs of the UK [Criminal Code]: 58–1a (treason of the Motherland) with confiscation of the personal property
Term: 25 years of imprisonment
Date of the arrival in Vladimir Prison: July 30, 1948
On October 29, 1953 [the prisoner] was transferred to Inner [Lubyanka] Prison of the MVD in Moscow
Note: American spy
Abarinov, Vladimir. The Murders of Katyn, with a foreword and chronology by C. Pogonowski. New York: Hippocrene Books, 1993.
Adler, Nanci. Victims of Soviet Terror: The Story of the Memorial Movement. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1993.
Albats, Yevgenia. The State Within a State: The KGB and Its Hold on Russia—Past, Present, and Future. Translated by C. A. Fitzpatrick. New York: Farrar, 1994.
Aleksandrov, Vladimir Ya. Trudnye Gody Sovetskoi Biologii: Vospominaniya Sovremennika [The Hard Years of Soviet Biology: Memoirs of a Contemporary]. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1993 (in Russian).
Alibek, Ken, with S. Handelman. Biohazard: The Chilling True Story of the Largest Covert Biological Weapons Program in the World—Told from the Inside by the Man Who Ran It. New York: Random House, 1999.
Andrew, Christopher, and Oleg Gordievsky. KGB: The Inside Story. New York: Harper Perennial, 1991.
Andrew, Christopher, and Vasilii Mitrokhin. The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB. New York: Basic Books, 1999.